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BW-on Cresselia/Serperior Deck - Could it work?

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New Member
So I'll start with the deck list:

3 Cresselia EX
2 Sigilyph (Safeguard)
3 Serperior (Royal Heal)
3 Snivy
2 Virizion EX

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla

1 Gold Potion/Scramble Switch/Dowsing Machine - Haven't decided
3 Eviolite
2 Silver Mirror
3 Switch
4 Potion
4 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod
1 Energy Search

5 Psychic
5 Grass

So the main idea is to attack with Cresselia EX, healing every turn with Cresselia and Serperior. Sigilyph is a staller, and Virizion EX is to attach and prevent LaserBank which is pretty much defying the 30-40 damage you heal each turn.
Energy Search is to get the single psychic energy you need for Cresselia's attack. DCE is to power up faster. Switch is helpuful (may be swaping 2 for Skyarrow Bridge). Tool Scrapper is for the obvious Garbodor.
I have played a few playtests, and these were the match ups.

Blastoise: Black Kyurem was a bit of a problem, as it could KO Cresselia in one hit. I ended up stalling with Sigiylph and just slowly taking it down until my opponent retreated to a Blastoise to attack, before I brought in Virizion EX to power up everything else and get rid of my opponents energy acceleration.

Darkrai: More of a problem, but only really if you don't get Cresselia EX powered up fast enough.

Plasma: Kyurem was a problem, everything else was handled. Lasers were no problem.

Garbodor: I don't want to talk about it.

So that's it. Let me know if you see any problems, or ways to help.
Thanks :)
I play a version of it on PTCGO. The biggest problem with the deck is all of the decking coming out that kill pokes in one hit. However, my matchup with Darkrai is very positive in my favor. I play gardevior in my build. I also use sky arrow bridge, gold potion and 4 potion to keep the healing going. I switch between my cressys to allow on to heal by 60, By the time it comes to attack with the other, I would have healed at least 120 damage. You can see why this is a issue for Darkrai. It's also hard to set up and you need near perfect hands but against decks that cant OHKO you, you win each time if you get setup.

-2 Virizion EX
-2 Silver Mirror
-1 Switch
-1 Energy Switch
-3 DCE

I suggest adding gardevior as a turn 2 Cresselia is awesome. Also add in Skyarrow Bridge. A good gym helps you out and discards virbank. Good luck on it. Its a fun deck.
I know the deck is crowded as it is, but have you considered a thin Damage Swap Reuniclus line so that you can spread your damage and heal off more with Serperior per turn? It won't help with the decks that OHKO's Cresselia but would keep Cresselia alive longer in all the others.
I though about it and I want to put it in but I can't free 5 card spots. Perhaps I can cut the potions and something else and add a 2-1-2 but 3 stage 2? I find having 2 cresselia ex, 2 gardevoir and 3 serperior in play being the sweet spot. I'll go test it.
I'm sorry if I am getting to ahead of myself but the new mega EX's will be good in tank decks like this. They have a lot more HP and are harder to OHKO. This allows you to move the damage off every turn (if you run Reuniclus).
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