Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


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New Member
3-2-2 flygon d
2 flygon ex d
3-2-3 dragonite ex d
4 holon castform
2 mawile GE
1 mawile CG

4 holon adventurer
4 bebes search
2 night maintenance
3 rosseanes research
1 holon mentor
4 rare candy
2 castaway
2 strength charm

4 D rainbow
5 phychic
5 grass

Flygon is main attacker and flygon hp is energy tech
and dragonite is the secondary attacker
strategy: start with castfrom get deltas out and start drawing and then power up basics on the bench and then get dragonite out and flygons use flygons power to attach a delta rainbow energy. power up dargonite and flygon ex d .attack and win.
mawile is in here for a great g&g tech and g&g is pretty popular in my area
mawile ge said:
Choose: Flip over 1 of your face-down Prize cards or 1 of your opponent’s face-down Prize cards. If the card is a Supporter card, use its effect as an effect of this attack. (The flipped-over Prize card remains face-up for the rest of the game.)
Nice idea. I would run something like this

3-2-2 flygon d
2 flygon ex d
3-2-3 dragonite ex d
4 holon castform
2 mawile GE
1 mawile CG

4 holon adventurer
4 bebes search
2 night maintenance
3 rosseanes research
1 holon mentor
4 rare candy
2 castaway
2 strength charm

4 D rainbow
5 phychic
5 grass
Nice idea. I would run something like this

3-2-2 flygon d
2 flygon ex d
3-2-3 dragonite ex d
4 holon castform
2 mawile GE
1 mawile CG

4 holon adventurer
4 bebes search
2 night maintenance
3 rosseanes research
1 holon mentor
4 rare candy
2 castaway
2 strength charm

4 D rainbow
5 phychic
5 grass
ok if you're not going to help me with my deck , then don't psot at all
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