Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

HGSS-on Dark Explorers - Dynamotor

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Stuart Hayden

New Member
Pokemon (15)
1 Smeargle
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX
2 Zekrom
2 Thundurus
2 Raikou EX
3-3 Eelekrik

I/T/T (32)
1 Super Rod
1 Max Potion
1 PlusPower
2 Random Receiver
2 Switch
2 Level ball
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 N
2 Eviolite
2 Sky Arrow Bridge
3 Professor Oak's New Thoery
4 Dual ball
4 Junk Arm
4 Professor Juniper

Energy (13)
3 Double Colorless Energy
10 Lightning Energy

My main issue is how there are way too many 2 Counts of a trainer. It doesn't seem consistent enough.

My main wants are +1 N, +1 Skyarrow, +1 Eviolite, +1 Catcher. I have no idea what to drop or change though.
The only real change I can think of is -1 Smeargle, -1 Max Potion for +1 N and +1 Eviolite,
Catcher is fine at two with Junk Arm and Raikou sniping. Everyone plays Eels and CMT so I think Skyarrow should be okay at 2. I'm not sure.

Main goal of the deck is to dump energy into discard, dynamotor it back and sweep with Thundurus and Raikou EX. Zekrom is backup attacker.
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Personally, I'm not a big fan of Ultra Ball, there's plenty of other search options, I'd stick with Level Ball. Why are you playing 1 Max potion?
Hey. How is Ultraball working for you? Do you think it's worth to replace with level ball? How much useful Raikou EX really is so you have 3 in the deck?

I'm also testing something like this and wanted to know your thoughts on those topics.

I think the deck as it is right now is pretty good.
I could probably drop Raikou EX to two and put in +1 Tynamo or +1 Zekrom BW. I'm not entirely sure.
Ultra ball seems fine. It basically replaced Sage's training when it comes to getting rid of Energy.
why no eviolites? work well with zekrom and prevent raikou from being revenge killed y terrakion assuming its at full health

---------- Post added 04/23/2012 at 01:20 PM ----------

and also you might consider playing 40 hp tynamos and up your skyarrow count by 1 or somehing so 1st turn darkrais cant get 2 KOs if you have a tynamo sittin on the bench
Updated in OP. I really don't like the list though. It seems too inconsistent. I put my wants and complaints in the OP along with the new list.
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Ok bud lets see here...if only we were allowed 65 cards per deck :(

You need some more of certain cards in here, so we will be forced to take some things out sorry...

-1 Raikou EX
-1 Lightning Energy
-1 Random Receiver
-1 Eviolite
-1 Thundurus

+1 Switch
+1 N
+1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Free Space
This is what I came up with, more or less.

Pokemon (14)
1 Smeargle
1 Tornadus EX
1 Raikou EX
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Zekrom
3-3 Eelekrik

I/T/T (34)
1 Super Rod
1 PlusPower
1 Eviolite
2 Random Reciever
2 Level ball
2 Sky Arrow Bridge
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 N
3 Switch
4 Professor Oak's New Thoery
4 Dual ball
4 Junk Arm
4 Professor Juniper

Energy (12)
3 Double Colorless Energy
9 Lightning Energy
Well i would take out three dce and put in three psyichich energy in. Because thouse special energys could get discared because of lost remover. And it would be nice to have one differnt type of energy attached to raikou ex.

The reason why i think its best to put psyichch energys here because you can use mewtwo ex second attack.
heres a thought.

-1 potion
-1 duall ball
-1 receiver
-1 raikou ex
-1 lightning

+1 mewtwo ex
+1 pp
+1 catcher
+1 pont
+1 N
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