Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

BW-on Deck Idea for Cities

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New Member
Hi all,

I recently got back into the game and I created this deck idea for cities. It's mostly a Dusknoir deck.
Here's how it's setup...

x4 Duskull BCR
x2 Dusclops BCR
x3 Dusknoir BCR
x2 Nincada DRX
x2 Shedinja DRX
x2 Druddigon NVI
x1 Darkrai EX Promo

Trainers, Supporters, etc.
x4 Rare Candy, DEX-100
x2 Super Rod, DRV-20
x2 Heavy Ball, NEX-88
x2 Level Ball, NEX-89
x2 Pokemon Catcher, EPO-95
x2 Switch, HS-102
x2 Rescue Scarf, DRX-115
x3 Rocky Helmet, NVI-94
x3 N, NVI-92
x3 Cheren, DEX-91
x3 Hugh, BCR-130

x4 Double Colorless Energy
x6 :psychic:
x6 :dark:

The objective of this deck is that I want to try to either start with nincada or drudiggon (rough skin ver.).
I mostly have the rescue scarfs for shedninja and the rocky helmet to gather damage and using Dusknoir to move the damage to my opponent. Darkai EX is use to for Dusknoir's high retreat cost. I'd like to call this deck, the DamageSpreader.

However, I'd tested this deck today and I found it to be slow to get the Pokemon out that I need. Also, I somewhat figured the Hughs don't help me out as well because I already have more than 5 cards in hand...

If anyone has any ideas on what I should change/keep, I would appriciate it.
Try a 2-0-2 line of...

2 trapinch
2 flygon
2 professor juniper
2 ninjask
1 nincada
4 blend :psychic::dark::grass::fire:
Get rid of
2 rocky helm
3 Hugh
5 :dark: energy
2 :psychic: energy
1 druddigon
But these are some ideas I got from the top cut so I have not tested this
Why not focus on a Darkrai EX/Dusknoir build? Night Spear essentially puts 120 damage on your opponents field which you can then proceed to manipulate anyway you want. So something like:

3 Darkrai EX
2-0-2 Dusknoir
3 Sablele

4 Dark Patch
3 Energy Switch

At most, you would only need 12 energy. You're definately going to want to include 4 Professor Juniper and 2 Skyla. You can drop Hugh as it isn't very good. Replace Heavy Ball with Ultra Ball as it searches for Dusknoir and Darkrai EX and puts dark energy in the discard pile.
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