Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Dialgachomp; Galactic Domination.


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DialgaChomp: Let's Lock Something, Together

Article By Alex2k (Kevin Kobayashi)
July 18th, 2010
MD-On Format

Starting the '09-'10 season, I had no idea what deck I wanted to take into masters. I was in the senior division last year, and was just starting to learn how to play the game. That year, I brought GeChamp (Gengar SF/Machamp SF) with me everywhere I went. I was a newer player, so I really didn't do well with it at all (although I did beat some highly ranked kids in FL). One of my friends had heard news about a deck that could "take 6 prizes in 6 turns", also known as Luxchomp. I played the deck at a Battle Road. It felt too aggressive, leaving itself open at crucial times. This is where I decided that if I was going to play SP, it was going to use Dialga G. I had seen the card at 2009 FL Regionals, but didn't think anything of it at the time. Garchomp C was the ideal partner for Dialga G, and I quickly took both cards and made my first list.

The list was pretty easy to build originally. I just took a standard SP Toolbox and incorporated 3-1 Dialga G along with 3-1 Garchomp C. The deck did OK, but there were still better ways to run it and I was still learning how to play it well.

There are a couple reasons why I prefer Dialgachomp over Luxchomp:
~Survivability. Luxchomp is constantly sacrificing prizes because both attackers aren't able to take an attack that deals 110 damage. Dialga can utilize special metal energy cards to allow it to take a hit of up to 150 damage without dying (170 with an expert belt).
~Matchups. Dialgachomp's matchups are more often that not at 50/50, where as Luxchomp has an extremely difficult time with decks like Donphan. There aren't many times when a Dialgachomp player has to fold to anything starting the game.
~Locking Aspect. Dialga G can lock both trainers and Poke-Bodies. This causes mayhem to many decks and gives you a huge advantage over decks such as Kingdra, Shuppet, and Machamp, along with many other decks.
~Built in Mewtwo Counter. Many SP variants run a Mewtwo counter. This takes at least 2 spaces in their deck, and doesn't help the consistency at all as the card usually doesn't work well with the deck. In Dialgachomp, Dialga G Lv X shuts down Mewtwo Lv X's Poke-Body. You completely bypass it and don't have to worry at all.

Since i've built it, the deck has become a part of me. I cannot take it apart. I took the deck to FL States '10 and went 4-3, I lost to Regigigas/Machamp (on a game state error, not my fault), Blaziken/Infernape SP, and Luxchomp in a teeth gnashing game to make top cut. I went to one City Championship and I top cut in that. In those tournaments, I would later realize that my list was still inadequate and I could make an even better deck than I had been playing throughout the season.

The List:
This is the list that I use today, and the list that I personally think is the best. SP decks normally come out as "too standard", but there are cards that allow you to add your own personal touch. I went with the cards that I felt were the best in the deck with my experience of playing it. This list is more of a skeleton than anything, it focuses on consistency more than anything.

3 Dialga G
1 Dialga G Lv X

2 Garchomp C
2 Garchomp C Lv X

1 Azelf
2 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv X

1 Ambipom G
1 Toxicroak G "Promo"

1 Toxicroak G
1 Skuntank G
1 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G

4 Cyrus Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection
4 Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn
3 Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain
3 Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray
2 Team Galactic's Invention SP Radar
2 Expert Belt
3 Conductive Quarry/Stadium of your preference

4 Sp. Metal Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
4 Call Energy
1 Metal Energy
1 Psychic Energy
2 Warp Energy​

This is probably the safest build for the MD-on season. There are so many SP cards that you can tech in the list so that it can be changed to fit your metagame/playstyle. Since Unown G is going to be rotated after worlds, I decided to tech in a 1-1 Toxitank along with 3 stadiums. I find that 3 is the perfect amount of stadiums because it allows you to have an early game stadium, and if the stadium ends up being countered you can easily retrieve another one. I've based the list off of my playstyle, and I suggest you to do the same.

Breaking down Dialgachomp:

Dialga G/Dialga G Lv X

Dialga G is the main Pokemon in the deck, the star of the show. First we have Dialga G. Dialga G is a very defensive card, although it can still deal damage when it wants to. For :metal::colorless:, you deal 10 damage and stop your opponent from playing trainer cards and stadium cards. An early game Deafen will surely hurt your opponent badly. Dialga G has excellent HP, sitting at 100, huge for a basic Pokemon, almost assuring that you will not get donked. Second Strike deals 50 damage + 20 if your opponent's active Pokemon has 20 damage on it already, which can easily be added on after 2 deafens, or a couple of bat drops. Dialga G Lv X is another huge part of the deck, locking Poke-Bodies, as well as having an attack that can muscle through many Pokemon, and really change a game extensively. Remove Lost deals 80 damage, and allows you to flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, remove an energy card from the active Pokemon. Dialga G Lv X also locks Poke-bodies. This means that archetype decks such as Donphan, Mewtwo Lv X (more of a tech), and other decks will be severely crippled by Dialga G Lv X.

Garchomp/Garchomp C Lv X

Now let's look at Garchomp C/Garchomp C Lv X. Garchomp C is first up. It's a basic SP Pokemon with 80 HP, an attack that will do 30 damage for one colorless and a Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain, and an attack that will do 50 damage for a DCE and a Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain. One retreat is nifty, but this isn't why Garchomp is so awesome. Now Garchomp C Lv X, that's the reason why the Garchomp C line found its way into the deck. Garchomp C Lv X is a mind numbing card. At 110 HP, he's solid, but his real perk is his attack "Dragon Rush." For one DCE and a Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain, you deal 80 damage to anything on your opponents side of the field. This means that the pixie trio (Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit) all fall to your fearsome Garchomp C Lv X. Many stage 1 Pokemon have 80 HP. Perfect amount to be dominated by Garchomp C Lv X. BUT WAIT!! There's more!! Garchomp C Lv X's Poke-Power "Healing Breath" allows you to remove all the damage counters off of your SP Pokemon! Remember that Dialga G Lv X with 100 damage that you warped to the bench? He's now fully healed! Let's not forget his free retreat, either.

Bronzong G and Crobat G​

Bronzong G and Crobat G are staples of the deck, and I chose to talk about them together because they are both equally important in Dialgachomp. Bronzong G's Poke-Power "Galactic Switch" gives you the ability to move any energy attached to one of your SP Pokemon to another Pokemon on your side of the field, meaning that you can move that energy from Dialga G to Garchomp C, or move that energy from Ambipom G to Uxie Lv X. The downside is dealing 20 damage to Bronzong G, although that can easily be healed off via "Healing Breath". Bronzong also counters as a nifty fire fighter. Bronzong G is resistant to fire, where as Dialga G is weak against it. Instead of using Dialga G to tank, you just do the same thing, but attach to Bronzong G instead. After 2 special metal energy cards are attached, Bronzong G now reduces damage it takes from fire attacks by 40 damage, and that's game changing. On the flip side, Crobat G is a very nice little card. Just by playing it from your hand to your bench, Crobat G's Poke-Power "Flash Bite" gives you the opportunity to drop a single damage counter on any Pokemon that you would like on your opponent's side of the field. Remember that Uxie Lv X with 90 HP that you sniped with Garchomp C lv X, but could not kill because it had 10 HP left? That's where Crobat G comes in. He can also abused by using Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn. Since you run 4 Team Galactic's Inventon Poketurn in the deck and one Crobat G, that's essentially 5 free damage counters at your convenience.

Setting up with Uxie/Uxie Lv X/Unown Q


The Uxie line is the best line of draw-power in the MD-on format. Last format (DP-on) we had a card called Claydol, who was constantly sniped off the bench and "Bright Looked" by Luxray GL Lv X. Uxie is a different Pokemon wholeheartedly. Uxie is a basic psychic type Pokemon. It has 70 HP, one retreat cost, and an attack that deals 20 damage and allows it to either stay active, or go to the bottom of the deck. This is great for avoiding Gengar SF's "Fainting Spell." Uxie also has a retreat cost of :colorless:, which is pretty good as well. Uxie Lv X is the level up of Uxie. It gives Uxie an attack called "Zen Blade" which deals 60 damage for a DCE. This is extremely handy in hitting Machamp for 90 damage, 110 with an Expert Belt, although be wary, if you KO Machamp and there is another one on the bench, you are being KO'd for 1-2 Prizes (2 if you attached an Expert Belt). Trade Off is Uxie Lv X's Poke-Power and it is fantastic. Look at the top two cards of your deck, choose one of them, and the other card is put at the bottom of the deck. This is fantastic against any deck, as it gives you pretty good draw power and lets you have many options. Uxie Lv X also has one retreat, which brings me to the next card I want to mention. Unown Q is mentioned along with Uxie and Uxie Lv X because I feel that the card should only be used in tandem with the Uxie line. When a Pokemon gets Knocked out on your side of the field, you promote Uxie, attach an Unown Q (if not already attached) and Level up. Now you can retreat to the bench without wasting an energy card and bring up something else. Unown Q is an awesome card, and should really only be used for Uxie, unless you are forced to attach it to your active in a desperate situation.


Against Machamp, these two cards can change the matchup from auto-loss, to at least 50/50. Skuntank G's Poke-Power "Poison Structure" poisons both active Pokemon if one of your stadiums is in play, unless they are SP. Since everything barring Uxie/Unown Q/Azelf (all 3 shouldn't be active anyways) are SP Pokemon, you will be dealing loads of poison damage with Skuntank G without damaging yourself. Toxicroak G works as a back up attacker in the deck, and your Machamp counter. For :psychic::colorless:, Toxicroak G deals 20 damage, plus 40 damage if the opposing active Pokemon is poisoned. Toxicroak G also has an awesome Poke-Body "Anticipation" which prevents all effects of attack. This means that your frog cannot be Poisoned, Paralyzed, Confused, put to Sleep, or Taken out. This card is really the ultimate Machamp counter. It deals 90 damage to Machamp, and then with poison in effect, by the turn you attack again, Machamp will already be at 110 damage, leaving it 20 HP off. Expert Belt is perfect on Toxicroak G when playing against a Machamp deck, as you will be able to knock it out in one shot.

Countering Luxchomp/SP:

Ambipom G is your Garchomp C Lv X counter. For a DCE or energy gain and an energy you can KO a Garchomp after they Dragon Rush (at least 80% of the time). Ambipom is also pro at disruption. You can use Tail Code to move energy from Jumpluff and other low energy attackers onto Azelf or Uxie and really hurt their energy lines, as Jumpluff runs 8 energy max. Toxicroak G Promo works in a similar way, as it Knocks out Luxray GL Lv X and really hurts Tyranitar Prime, both are weak to fighting x2. Tyranitar will be left with 20 HP by the time it's your turn, just enough to be bat drop/Team Galactic's Invention poketurn(ed) for the Knock out.


Pokemon Search​

You want a Pokemon Collector in your hand T1, it's an excellent starting card and allows you to start wreaking havoc. Pending on your hand, you want a Dialga G, a Garchomp C, and a Uxie. Bebe's Search is a universal search card that can get any Pokemon in your deck, level x, SP, non sp, etc. It is mainly used to get around Spiritomb. SP Radar is a Bebe's Search for SP Pokemon only, but can still get Level X's, and is extremely valuable. It can also be searched out by Cyrus Conspiracy.

Team Galactic's Inventions​

These Galactic Inventions are incredible cards and you will abuse them, so get familiar with them all! Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray negates Poke-Powers, but you must have 3SP Pokemon in play. If you start with a call energy and a Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray and you go first, you can severely disrupt your opponent into check mate. Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain is another energy attachment basically. It fulfills a :colorless: requirement and is a Pokemon tool, meaning that you can Deafen turn 1 if you go second, which is very valuable. Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn is my favorite Galactic Invention in the deck, and can deny your opponent prizes if you use is smartly. One weakness I see many players do is burn all of their Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn early game. This is a huge mistake that you will want to avoid, as it will cost you the game.

Expert Belt/Stadiums​

Expert Belt is a Pokemon tool that boosts the "belted Pokemon's" HP by 20, and increases damage done by 20. This is game changing when dropped at the right time, and you can catch the opponent off guard as well. Remember that you give up 2 prizes when you attach it and the attached Pokemon gets knocked out, so remember to use your Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn(s) wisely, and you will never give up a KO on an Expert Belted Pokemon. Conductive Quarry is my personal stadium of choice. I decided on this stadium over Galactic HQ, Snowpoint Temple, and Champion's Room because Conductive Quarry allows you to recover Special Metal energy cards, and this is the only card that can do so.


Aaron's Collection is your recovery card, and it is extremely valuable in order to win long drawn out SP mirrors, along with other decks as well. Aaron's Collection allows you to grab any 2 SP Pokemon and energy from your discard pile. This gives you an edge, especially when you are getting sniped by Garchomp C Lv X. If one of your Pokemon goes down unexpectedly, Aaron's Collection is there to save the day. I include VS Seeker in the recovery section because that's really what it is. VS Seeker boosts consistency, and allows you a 5th use of Cyrus Conspiracy, and a 2nd use of Aaron's Collection, both are incredible Supporters. VS Seeker is more of a "tech" card and can be fit in easily.

Cyrus' Conspiracy​

This card gets its own spot because it is the heart of Dialgachomp's engine. This card is a Supporter that gives you so many options. You can take any Supporter card in your deck, any Team Galactic Invention, and any basic energy card. This means that you can setup a T1 Deafen and still have another Supporter for next turn! Starting with this card will boost your chance of winning largely. So what's the big deal?! Are you serious? This card grants you set up to the point that you'll be ready to get anything in your deck by the next turn basically. You can even "chain" Cyrus' Conspiracy, by continually using it and grabbing Cyrus' Conspiracy as your supporter. This is one of the best cards in the deck, if not the best. Use it wisely.

Energy Explanation:

The energy line is probably the hardest to "perfect" in Dialgachomp.

My personal energy line is very unique when compared to many other Dialgachomp players. Instead of running 1 Basic Metal, 1 Psychic, 4 SP. Metal, 4 Call, 4 DCE, 2 Warp, I run a completely different line. The reason for this is consistency.

Possible to run 3 Call? 1 Call energy was one of the cards I had to pull to make room for other cards in the deck. I find that 4 Call really isn't necessary, and Call energy are unsearchable, they are also dead draw besides being good for Garchomp C Lv X's "Dragon Rush." 4 Call is good as well, I have tried both, I prefer 3 Call, although the next guy may prefer 4.

How much basic energy? I am one of those players who is constantly prizing the cards that I need the most, so I like to run more basic energy to almost ensure that I will always take an energy card with Cyrus' Conspiracy. With 4 Cyrus' Conspiracy and 4 basic energy in the deck, I can usually search one out every time I use it.

Detailed Information on deck function

Now that I have singled out every card and explained what they do, let's put the picture together. SP decks in general are super consistent, and Dialgachomp definitely is. With Call energy and Pokemon Collector, tons of Supporters, Trainers, and Inventions, the chances of you drawing a bad hand are quite slim.

So what is the ideal start? The ideal start is 1 Pokemon Collector/Call energy/Cyrus' Conspiracy, 1 Dialga G, and a basic energy. This will let you start your offensive enslaught, while still setting yourself up with Pokemon Collector. Your first Pokemon Collector should grab you 1) Uxie, to set yourself up because you will probably burn all the cards in your hand the first turn. 2) Garchomp C/Dialga G, if you started with Dialga you want a Garchomp, and visa verse. Both are necessary. 3) Unown Q/Bronzong, Unown Q if you plan to set up Uxie Lv X next turn, and Bronzong G is you attached an energy card to a Pokemon that is active that you plan to use Team Galactic's Invention Poketurn because it doesn't belong active.

Now, we start the game plan. This turn, you will want to attach a special metal to a benched Dialga G, and bring up the Dialga G that you attached to earlier. special metals are hard to fetch, so if you cannot, don't worry, you can just attach even if it is a basic metal, as you will have energy requirements for attacks (duh). You are also going to want to obtain both Garchomp C Lv X and Dialga G Lv X, Both cards help the deck extensively.

Next, Deafen with the active Dialga G while setting up a benched Dialga G with special metals. You are also going to want to have a warp energy handy for when your special metal tank Dialga G Lv X is damaged and about to be knocked out. Attach the warp energy, and by now Garchomp should have at least 1 energy on it. Warp into Garchomp C, level up, and use "Healing Breath" to remove all the damage off of your SP Pokemon! Use Bronzong G's Poke-Power "Galactic Switch" to move an energy to Garchomp C Lv X. Now attach, and take a prize!

Turn Structure

1. Draw and observe the playing field. Watch for stage 1 Pokemon that are looking to evolve next turn, you can KO them with Garchomp C Lv X and really hurt your opponent's setup. Also check how many cards are in your opponent's hand, this can usually tell you when to break the Deafen Lock, especially if they are low on cards (3-4 especially)
2. Trade Off with Uxie Lv X
3. Cyrus' Conspiracy for a Team Galactic Invention, a basic energy, and another Cyrus' Conspiracy
4. Deafen (if early into the game), or Remove Lost for a knockout.

Keep a close eye on your discard pile and how many of each Team Galactic's Invention you have used, along with how many Cyrus' Conspiracy you have used.

Your games will never be over quickly unless you donk, which is sorta unlikely for this deck, it normally doesn't donk unless you get super lucky. This deck loves to drag out games, so always be mentally prepared.

The Matchups:

Dialgachomp is very flexible, and it varies pending on the opponent's deck.

Vs Luxchomp - 45/55 - Their Favor:

Luxchomp is probably one of the toughest matchups for the deck, granted that you both get average setups. Normally, the SP mirror is decided when one player gets a stellar hand, while the other player gets a less average one. Both decks play Garchomp C lv X, so if you sort of look at it, it's more like a Dialga G vs Luxray GL battle.

Dialga G can Deafen this game, but you need to hope that you can draw into your special metals earlier than expected, as they will help a ton. Expert Belt is another card that can really sway the matchup, and you need to remember to use your Ambipom G and Promocroak wisely. The prize exchange should look like this: Garchomp C Lv X's Dragon Rush takes a prize. Ambipom G takes a prize. Promocroak takes a prize. Uxie Lv X takes a prize, then the other players Uxie Lv X return's a knockout on the opponent's Uxie Lv X. You need to be careful and make sure that you are ahead on the prize exchange. Luxray GL soaks up Deafen, so the only reason to Deafen is when you are pretty positive that they have a hand full of trainers.

VS Gyarados - 50/50

I honestly hate playing Gyarados. I can and have beaten it, but something about the deck just makes me feel uncomfotable. Really, the matchup can sway in your favor extensively if they do not play Combee SF. If you can Deafen for a knockout and they do not play Combee SF, you win. They cannot recover. Setting this up is the toughest thing to do, and usually takes at least 4 turns of Cyrus' Conspiracy, while still dealing damage. Special metals help here, but not so much as they do in other matchups. To sneakily KO Gyarados, I like to deal a quick 50 with Second Strike, Deafen to make sure they can't Super Scoop Up, and then I drop Crobat G and 4 TGI Poketurns. I have won Gyarados matches like this, and it does work. The alternative is to just prize exchange and snipe things like Regice. MAKE SURE YOU SPRAY THEIR AZELF. This is very important, and can completely win you the matchup granted that you don't give up prizes quickly. They will start with Sableye, who is an easy prize if you can knock him out quickly. After 2 Impersonates, it usually means that they will be set up, AKA bad news for you.

Vs Jumpluff - 55/45 - Your Favor:

First off, out of 6 Jumpluff games, I have lost once. This doesn't mean much, but the matchup isn't a walk in the park. All of my Jumpluff games have been pretty close. Deafen hurts them, but the real concern is when they set up Claydol. If they get up one Jumpluff with no other resources, don't sweat it. TGI Power Spray needs to always find a place in your hand to be sure that they do not use Uxie and "set up" for 5-7 cards, which can surely cost you the game. Garchomp C Lv X can take easy prizes, so be sure to KO benched Jumpluffs with a Crobat G drop and then a Dragon Rush snipe. Manage your bench well, Skuntank G helps a ton in this matchup too. Remove Lost hurts them badly.

VS Sablelock - 50/50 - Even

Sablelock is an interesting deck, and it is always a good matchup for Dialgachomp. You can really tank them to the point of submission, and the only way they can one shot you is if you leave your bench full. Honchkrow SV is really the deciding factor. If you have an Expert Belted Dialga with 2 SP Metals, you sit at a comfortable 140 hp and can take a hit of up to 150 damage without getting knocked out. Honchkrow SV can hit for 150+ special dark energy cards, so it really depends. They can also flash bite through your special metals, and that could hurt, so be sure to check to see how many special dark energy they have attached, your opponents hand size, and also spray flash bites! This matchup is odd but not easy. Pay very close attention to how many Super Scoop Up cards they have used too.

VS Cursegar - 60/40 - Your Favor

This matchup is very interesting and can be difficult if you do not play it right. Play the deck like you normally would setting up a Deafener and then a tank. Garchomp C isn't useless, but Gengar resists Garchomp C, which isn't great. Spiritomb can hurt you very badly, so Bebe's Search for Dialga G Lv X and you will be on your way. Be sure to level up quickly and your chances of victory will be higher. Avoid Fainting Spell as well, because once Dialga G Lv X goes down, it's all downhill from there. Watch your HP and when they try to use Gengar Lv X's Level Down, ue Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray to negate it. You resist the AR Gengar, and Remove Lost hurts very badly against it. Don't forget that Skuntank G can also poison SF Gengar, this gets around Fainting Spell!

Vs Straight Machamp - 60/40 - Your Favor - (Machamp Varients - 40/60 -Their Favor)

Machamp largely depends on what it is. If the deck is teched into something like Flygon RR, you will have quite a bit of trouble. Now if it is straight Machamp, then you are in luck. Toxitank is in the deck for a reason, and that is to beat Machamp decks. A belted Toxicroak G will hit a poisoned Machamp for 120 damage. This is only 10 damage off, and that's where Crobat G comes in. Completely disregard Dialga G and Garchomp C this game. Focus on sacrificing prizes until you can set up a stadium along with Toxicroak G and Skuntank G. Remember that Uxie can hit Machamp for 50 damage with a single energy and go back into the deck, and Uxie Lv X can hit Machamp for 90 damage for a DCE.

VS Palkia Lock - 50/50 - Even

I haven't really tested this matchup well, but I do know that Psychic Bind will hurt you if you don't use Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray to stop it. Keeping the bench thin is more of a perk for you, as you will drop Uxie/Azelf too and need bench space constantly. Be sure to use Garchomp C Lv X extensively. Palkia will target Dialga for Hydro Shot, which deals 80 damage. If you cannot use Team Galactic's Invetion Power Spray to stop their Psychic Bind before they snipe you, then you can't heal, and your tanking Dialga G lv X becomes a shattered time beast.


Cards that are not discussed, but I feel that they deserve an honorable mention because of how universally awesome they are in this deck. Personally if I find that Machamp dies down after all the hype it's recieving at Battle Roads '10, then I will remove 1-1 Toxitank, and the 3 stadiums, as they are mainly a Machamp counter more than anything. You can also remove 1-2 Team Galactic's Invention Power Spray (not recommended), 1 VS Seeker, 1 Psychic energy, and 1 Metal energy(basic). I did not do this because I am trying to have the most consistent list, for newer and older players alike. I have played almost every Dialgachomp tech, and these are my favorite.

Snowpoint Temple​

This stadium boosts every card in your decks HP +20. This is really great because you can avoid knockouts, and you can also tank much easier. The downside of only running 1 is drawing into it, so if you do decide to play it, I suggest at least 2 of them. This card wins games, I can tell you that. Be careful using it in SP mirror matches, because if you misplay with it, Snowpoint Temple could become a double edged sword.

Roserade GL​

This is an excellent stall card that I love using. If an opponent plays Chatot or Spiritomb, or sends up an Azelf that they want to sacrifice, they have just made a huge mistake. For a mere Team Galactic's Invention Energy Gain, Roserade GL comes in, and uses Poison Bind. The opponent is now poisoned and taking 10 damage as the attacks damage does 10. They also cannot retreat. Be sure to setup the KO for after they are done with their turn, so that you can take a prize and deal more damage. One of my favorite tech cards.

Drifblim FB

Another one of my absolute favorite techs ever. Drifblim FB is a great wall card, has a great weakness, and an even better resistance. Although it seems like an energy hog :)psychic::colorless::colorless:) you hit for weakness on the bench. Dealing 40 damage, you are just 10 HP short of knocking out Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit (all popular cards). If you run Drifblim FB in tandem with Lucario GL, you knockout pixies easily. The other way is to drop a Crobat G on a pixie, setting up a late game KO with Drifblim. He is a mid/late game tech more than anything, and should be used to net your last 1-2 prizes.

Lucario GL​

I like this card alot, but it is more metagame dependant, and will not see play in many Dialgachomp decks. Lucario GL is a bench sitter and can turn 2 hit knockouts into 1 hit knockouts. The main drawback is that not many archetype cards are weak to metal, so Dialga G will basically never abuse it. Garchomp C can abuse it though, especially if your area is swarming with Flygon RR, it allows Garchomp C Lv X to Dragon Rush for a KO on an active Flygon.

Chatot MD​

I absolutely love this card. I have it in my deck, and am hoping that I will not have to remove it. This card is a super good starter card, and you can win games by using Chatter on a Spiritomb a billion times if they do not run warp energy. This is called "Chatter Lock". This card beats power lock by giving you a new hand every turn. You draw as many cards as your opponent has. This card is definately game changing and will win you games just by having it in the deck, it's my built in good luck charm, I never play without it.

Bertha's Warmth​

This card is a supporter that heals 5 damage counters off of any SP Pokemon in play. A great card for healing Dialga G Lv X, and definately something to consider if you do have the room. This is a card that can sway any matchup in your favor, and there is no requirement, just play the card and heal!

Interviewer's Question​

Yes, I have tried it once. Yes, I have whiffed on it once. That doesn't mean that it's bad, it just means that I was unlucky. With 16 energy in the deck, the statistics are that for every 10 cards in the deck, you will draw 3.75 energy cards every 10 cards. This means that you have a pretty good chance at hitting at least 1 energy, although you may even hit 3 or 4! Useful for obtaining unsearchable energy cards.


Dialgachomp is easily my favorite deck, and I personally think that it is much more well rounded than Luxchomp ever will be. Dialgachomp has it all! Locking, sniping, dealing massive damage, offense, defense, balanced. That's the word I would use if I had to describe this deck in one word. I am going to continue to use this deck through the '10-'11 season, it will definately stay competitive, and i'm sure it will jump to Tier 1. If you are still unsure about playing Dialgachomp, then this deck is probably not right for you. Patience and witts will keep you winning with Dialgachomp. Remember, practice makes perfect!

People that tested with me
Luxchomp for being "BDIF", sike!
Cetra, I loved your format for your Regigigas article. Hope you don't mind ^.^'
Everyone that said that Dialga was the "thinking mans deck", I 100% agree.
People who did extremely well with Dialgachomp, this is to you
BRADS for being a great place to play and test.
Jeffery B. for taking all the Deafen punishment day in and day out
Dialga and Garchomp, partners forever <3

Thank you for reading this article. I hope that it has helped you understand the time beast.

Yours Truely,

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Hey i played aginst a dilga chomp deck a little while ago i would of beat it if they where useing majestic dawn on like i was but it was a close game but yea i like this deck its a good deck.
Great article man! you really go into a deep discussion about the match-ups and the techs, see you next season, hopefully ill do better than 53rd in North America next year =p


Also, I've been meaning to play this for next format but am waiting for energy circulator or w/e it's called.

Anywho, the list makes a great skeleton. Don't agree with everything but I do agree it's a complex deck that you can easilly tailor to your liking. Love it's other sp matchups too :3

Any who...
Great article, I read all the front page articles and this is one of the best written one Ive seen In awhile. I don't agree with your list very much at all though.(2 sprays, 2 collector, 3 call) but to each his own. Anyways this way great read, worth the few minutes hope to see more.
Very nice article - looks good and reads well.

Energy is always a problem in Dialgachomp. You have to run 15+ and that's scary in an SP deck. It means that you really have to cut back on other stuff, and that is going to hurt. Only running 2 Collector really stands out, especially as it is part of your ideal starting hand and you really need that Uxie to get set up before your opponent can Spray it.

Having to use Toxitank after the rotation (which is right imo) only makes it tougher.
Needs Drifblim FB!

I mentioned Drifblim FB as a tech. I feel that he is more of a luxury than a necessity, although now that I think about it, Uxie really will be everywhere, so he would definastely be worth playing in the deck.

Hey i played aginst a dilga chomp deck a little while ago i would of beat it if they where useing majestic dawn on like i was but it was a close game but yea i like this deck its a good deck.

Did you really? Dialgachomp tends to have close games with almost every deck, and they usually almost always go to time! At states I had 4 matches come down to time, one other match went to overtime.

Great article man! you really go into a deep discussion about the match-ups and the techs, see you next season, hopefully ill do better than 53rd in North America next year =p

Thanks Benji. I really wanted to do an article and if I was going to do one, it had to be quality =P. 53rd in North America is a great job anyways.



Also, I've been meaning to play this for next format but am waiting for energy circulator or w/e it's called.

Anywho, the list makes a great skeleton. Don't agree with everything but I do agree it's a complex deck that you can easilly tailor to your liking. Love it's other sp matchups too :3

Any who...

Yeah, I loved te way you wrote the 'Gigas article. Energy Exchange Unit, hopefully will come out this upcoming set, HS; Undaunted. I tried to think of one of the most consistent lists that I hadplayed, and then added Toxitank.

Great article, I read all the front page articles and this is one of the best written one Ive seen In awhile. I don't agree with your list very much at all though.(2 sprays, 2 collector, 3 call) but to each his own. Anyways this way great read, worth the few minutes hope to see more.

Thank you! Do you really think so? Regarding the list, really, if you wanted, you could remove a VS Seeker and probably the Unown Q, as he really is more of a luxury (and you run Warp Energy anyways). This would give you 2 more slots to boost consistency (adding 1 collector/1 spray), or you could go straight ahead and run some tech cards. If you do the latter, I definately suggest Drifblim FB because like I previously mentioned, Uxie should be in abundance in many decks, as if it wasn't before. Thank you for the feedback!

Very nice article - looks good and reads well.

Energy is always a problem in Dialgachomp. You have to run 15+ and that's scary in an SP deck. It means that you really have to cut back on other stuff, and that is going to hurt. Only running 2 Collector really stands out, especially as it is part of your ideal starting hand and you really need that Uxie to get set up before your opponent can Spray it.

Having to use Toxitank after the rotation (which is right imo) only makes it tougher.

Thank you! I agree that the 3-4 extra slots for energy hurts, but I have played a version without Call Energy, it actually ran pretty swell. You have to double up on Pokemon Collector, and then run 4 of them, but it gives you one more slot if you really need it. I know a few people who have played the deck without TGI Power Spray to great success, how they did it i have no clue though, lol.

I agree that Toxitank isn't useful in all matches and takes up space, i'm really hoping that Machamp just dies after it doesn't do so well at Battle Roads haha.
Drifblim is needed along with a 3-1 dialga for maximum chance of opening w/ one for a t1/2 deafen lock.

Also, I kinda agree w/ having a higher basic energy count for next season seeing that scizor prime is being hyped like crazy.
Drifblim is needed along with a 3-1 dialga for maximum chance of opening w/ one for a t1/2 deafen lock.

Also, I kinda agree w/ having a higher basic energy count for next season seeing that scizor prime is being hyped like crazy.

A good Dialga list will always be really tight, 3-1 Dialga is nice in theory but that spots better devoted to alot of other cards. Dialga G X shuts off Scizor Prime as well.

It's a decent article, it's nice to see that you have alot of experience with the deck. My only question is that, considering 5 space is given to the Toxitank combo, why only 1 Toxicroak G?
First of all, great article! I enjoyed it a lot. I also agree with your Palkia Lock matchup- Psychic Bind or a Spray on Healing Breath can certainly slow you down.

However, Pearl Chomp Lock has the advantage of being able to snipe Garchomp Cs before they level up. If Pearl Chomp Lock for some reason does not have a Spray, they might just target Garchomp C to prevent the healing. But, Dialga is still a tanking beast, so the matchup is still, like you said, 50/50.

One thing you should watch out for is Entei&Raikou LEGEND. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in this article, but Detonation Spin will OHKO a Belted Dialga G Lv. X with 4 Special Metal Energies. Conductive Quarry will help you get those back, but it will still put you in a difficult position.

Again, great article!
It might also be a good idea to reference Pooka's Regionals report, as he gives some amazing analysis in to how the deck is played and the mind of an expert in the deck. Excellent deck report otherwise!

I'm kinda curious. Why use 2 Dialga instead of 3? Especially if it's your preferred starter, having one extra of him will greatly increase your chances of getting him T1.
I enjoyed the article, very well written.

I still like 3-1 Dialga, but I do understand that space is VERY tight in Dialga/Chomp(we need a new name for this), especially with the 5 spaces devoted to Toxitank.

However, I am concerned about only having 2 Powerspray. Would it be better to just drop them, since you only run two? I can see using Cyrus early on to get one in your hand to spray that crucial Uxie. But then you've got 1 left with which to spray a Bright Look/Healing Breath/Galactic Switch (into ERL ownage). It would take a lot of knowledge and a little luck to choose what power to use that last one on.
Drifblim is needed along with a 3-1 dialga for maximum chance of opening w/ one for a t1/2 deafen lock.

Also, I kinda agree w/ having a higher basic energy count for next season seeing that scizor prime is being hyped like crazy.

I know that Drifblim will be much more popular this format, MD-on, but I cannot say that he is 100% necessary. I love using him, and my list will most likely run him, but he's a tech, not exactly a staple...yet anyways. Even though Dialga G Lv X's Poke-Body shuts of Scizor prime's Poke-Body, having more basic energy just boosts consistency, and that's why I run as many as I do.

A good Dialga list will always be really tight, 3-1 Dialga is nice in theory but that spots better devoted to alot of other cards. Dialga G X shuts off Scizor Prime as well.

It's a decent article, it's nice to see that you have alot of experience with the deck. My only question is that, considering 5 space is given to the Toxitank combo, why only 1 Toxicroak G?

I agree. I can say that I played the deck the whole season and at every tournament I attended (not many due to wrestling season, but I never tore the deck apart), barring one Battle Road. In that Battle Road, I did play Regigigas (which is very similar to Dialgachomp). For the Toxitank combo, 2 Toxicroak G would be interesting, and worth a test. I find that since Cyrus' Conspiracy can net you any supporter, you will always be able to recover Toxicroak G with Aaron's Collection and have him setup right after he gets knocked out. I personally think that 2 would be overkill, and you can find better cards to put in the 2nd Toxicroak G's spot.

First of all, great article! I enjoyed it a lot. I also agree with your Palkia Lock matchup- Psychic Bind or a Spray on Healing Breath can certainly slow you down.

However, Pearl Chomp Lock has the advantage of being able to snipe Garchomp Cs before they level up. If Pearl Chomp Lock for some reason does not have a Spray, they might just target Garchomp C to prevent the healing. But, Dialga is still a tanking beast, so the matchup is still, like you said, 50/50.

One thing you should watch out for is Entei&Raikou LEGEND. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in this article, but Detonation Spin will OHKO a Belted Dialga G Lv. X with 4 Special Metal Energies. Conductive Quarry will help you get those back, but it will still put you in a difficult position.

Again, great article!

First, Thank you! I figure that if I was to play the matchup in a tournament I would try to setup 2 Garchomp C on the bench, that way I am guaranteed a level up. Not only this, but if Dialga is also on my bench, I can attempt to tank (really it depends on the Pearl Chomp Lock player's decision on what to snipe. If he snipes Garchomp, I have another. If he snipes Dialga G, I get a snipe with Garchomp C. The matchup really is difficult for both players). I didn't even consider Entei&Raikou LEGEND. The thing is, if Dialga G Lv X with SP. metals goes down, it's almost the epitome of the titanic sinking, you're pretty much done, you need to spray the Galactic Switch lol, because this would be late-game, where you have used up many of your resources. The only way to win would be revenge killing with Toxicroak G promo, but even then, it could be too late.

Nice rate, thanks.

It might also be a good idea to reference Pooka's Regionals report, as he gives some amazing analysis in to how the deck is played and the mind of an expert in the deck. Excellent deck report otherwise!

I'm kinda curious. Why use 2 Dialga instead of 3? Especially if it's your preferred starter, having one extra of him will greatly increase your chances of getting him T1.

Sounds like a good idea, would I have to ask Pooka first? If so, I dunno how I can contact him but I can try. 3 Dialga is great and all, but late game it ends up being dead draw, something that can really hurt this deck. You normally start with a card that allows you to search out Dialga G, whether it be Bebe's Search, Pokemon Collector, SP Radar,or a Cyrus Conpiracy (who can get you an SP Radar). He is the preferred starter for many matchups, it's just that 3 of them is pretty much overkill. Without Toxitank, I still might not play 3-1 Dialga G Lv X. You will only be using 2 at most at all times.

I enjoyed the article, very well written.

I still like 3-1 Dialga, but I do understand that space is VERY tight in Dialga/Chomp(we need a new name for this), especially with the 5 spaces devoted to Toxitank.

However, I am concerned about only having 2 Powerspray. Would it be better to just drop them, since you only run two? I can see using Cyrus early on to get one in your hand to spray that crucial Uxie. But then you've got 1 left with which to spray a Bright Look/Healing Breath/Galactic Switch (into ERL ownage). It would take a lot of knowledge and a little luck to choose what power to use that last one on.

Thank you.

2 Power Spray is very little, and honestly, I run 3 Power Spray without the VS Seeker. The thing is, now with all the Machamp BR hype, I need to make sure that I can guarantee a 2nd and maybe even 3rd Toxicroak G. I personally cut the VS Seeker for another Power Spray though.
Everyone that said that Dialga was the "thinking mans deck", I 100% agree.

I 1000% agree lol,
this deck is a BEAST
"Against Machamp, these two cards can change the matchup from auto-loss, to at least 50/50. Skuntank G's Poke-Power "Poison Structure" poisons both active Pokemon if one of your stadiums is in play, unless they are SP. Since everything barring Uxie/Unown Q/Azelf (all 3 shouldn't be active anyways) are SP Pokemon, you will be dealing loads of poison damage with Skuntank G without damaging yourself. Toxicroak G works as a back up attacker in the deck, and your Machamp counter. For , Toxicroak G deals 20 damage, plus 40 damage if the opposing active Pokemon is poisoned. Toxicroak G also has an awesome Poke-Body "Anticipation" which prevents all effects of attack. This means that your frog cannot be Poisoned, Paralyzed, Confused, put to Sleep, or Taken out. This card is really the ultimate Machamp counter. It deals 90 damage to Machamp, and then with poison in effect, by the turn you attack again, Machamp will already be at 110 damage, leaving it 20 HP off. Expert Belt is perfect on Toxicroak G when playing against a Machamp deck, as you will be able to knock it out in one shot." Ignorant SP players....Champ 2 hit KOs a Toxi G assuming its luck is average. And Champ will just swarm right through you. And this is coming from an SP player.