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Do I have a VERY rare missprint?


New Member
I have a japanese base set chancey with no rarity symbol (it's not a fake) and would like to know how much it is worth. Couldn't find any information in the web yet. I've also posted in this same forum another post about this around 4 years ago, and nobody knew about this. I neither had a camera to take pics, now I do, I have the pics but can't post them here... :confused:
It is from the '1st edition' release of the Japanese Base set. We believe these cards were just printed before they thought of the idea to have rarity symbols and then changed them in later print runs. I haven't seen too many of them but there is a fair few of them around. They are definitly not fakes and not a misprint/error as every (I think only the holos but not too sure) card from that print run doesn't have them.
I have a japanese base set chancey with no rarity symbol (it's not a fake) and would like to know how much it is worth. Couldn't find any information in the web yet. I've also posted in this same forum another post about this around 4 years ago, and nobody knew about this. I neither had a camera to take pics, now I do, I have the pics but can't post them here... :confused:

Pics can be uploaded into the gallery. Then you can post the link in this topic.
I don't believe all the holo cards were released in starter/theme decks were they? Take Charizard for example, this card as far as I'm aware wasn't released this way in any deck. Also if this was true wouldn't there be loads of them flying about the place? There was a complete set, no rarity symbol, on Yahoo!Japan on the 7th July 2012.

No rarity symbol Charizard

No rarity symbol Nidoking

No rarity symbol complete set
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Jason K ran a draft at Nationals a year or two ago using the Japanese Base starter packs, and they all have rarity symbols.
That should be the 1st edition print run like others have said. I plan on having that information available in the foreign card database soon. :)
Well, I hope I've uploeaded the pics in the right place. Ive searched for the correct place but, since every single gallery belongs to a determined set or category and I don't know how to clasiffy this chancey, I've put the two pics in the errors museum.

Since I can't see any button for adding images through links, I'm pasting these links here:

EDIT: Well, can't find the second link. I think these must wait for aproval. (Why is so complicated to post pictures in this forums? ... :/ )

In case the chansey is part of that first printing of the japanese base set, how much would it be worth?

Also, I find it very curious the fact that in that complete rarityless set posted in japan yahoo, there's missing the chancey... could it be possible that this chansey came directly from japan to Argentina from that very set? lol?
From what i remember the first printing did not have rarity symbols and were packaged in a gift set.
Please, would any of you mind to tell me the price of the chansey, in case it is the very first impresion? Also, would any of you could confrim that's the case or not?

Thanks a lot.
From what i remember the first printing did not have rarity symbols and were packaged in a gift set.

I think you are correct, the first Pocket Monsters gift set came with random base set cards, thus explaining why all of the cards could have this variety:

The first gift set is incredibly hard to come by and only appeared to have two holos per box according to the link. Therefore the cards are very rare if found in the set.

This being said, there is little demand for them and an accurate price would be impossible to gage. The last time they hit eBay there was little interest in them and they did not sell well.
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Just to clear things up, the cards in the two decks of the first Gift Set DO HAVE rarity symbols. A friend
opened one deck to finally confirm this. It´s a false rumor. The Gift Set was released on December 12th, 1996 while the base set was already released on October 20, 1996.

The first run of the cards (those without rarity symbols) were probably sold out already by then, so there´s no way any could´ve made their way into the gift set.
Just to clear things up, the cards in the two decks of the first Gift Set DO HAVE rarity symbols. A friend
opened one deck to finally confirm this. It´s a false rumor. The Gift Set was released on December 12th, 1996 while the base set was already released on October 20, 1996.

The first run of the cards (those without rarity symbols) were probably sold out already by then, so there´s no way any could´ve made their way into the gift set.

If you are referring to Sandman, I thought his deck was already opened when he took a look so it's not 100% that the cards inside were original. Although the date of release makes for a compelling reason why the cards would likely have rarity symbols.

I simply assumed they were from the first quick starter deck since starter deck cards frequently lack the rarity symbol and we didn't have much else to go on. Hope this mystery gets solved once and for all:)
Yeah, the outer box wasn´t sealed but the decks still were.
So it makes sense that those are the actual cards that originally came with the quick starter gift set.

It was my first thought as well, that was the reason to open one to check.
Well the inner decks don't have a seal so it's impossible to know for sure that the cards weren't replaced. I'm not arguing or anything, you've already made a good point as to why the cards lacking rarity symbols wouldn't be in the original gift set. Plus I assume the cards were printing press fresh inside that inner deck when Sandman looked inside which says it all right there.

Do we have anything concrete to confirm the first run of base set had no rarity symbols or is that a best guess rumour passed from person to person? Also does anyone know whether or not these 1st run packs would be labelled any differently?
Actually they do, they´re shrink wrapped ($T2eC16JHJGoE9nuQeW31BP+4S109jQ~~60_57.JPG).

They´re the exact same as these random decks that were released alongside with the booster packs.

Nope we don´t , we just have to speculate, but it makes sense when you think about it: Have you ever seen any completely Mint ones without symbols? I have yet to see one in perfect condition.
That could be explained by most kids instantly playing with their cards (they didn´t really have sleeves back then) instead of collecting them. There are a lot more Mint ones with symbols out there because there were at least 2 print runs of those (Can be told by small pack differences,there´s one with 291yen and one with 300yen as the price, the price was changed after Gym2,so there must´ve been some kind of last print run around that time before the Neo sets were released).
Same one was inside the 1st quick starter deck? That's cool! I based my assumption off opening my sealed vending quick starter set which had two decks inside which were not sealed. I assumed the convention would spread across all the quick starter sets however I didn't even realize it was the original base starter deck that was included.

I hope one day we get something concrete about these, I personally find them to be very cool but it is not everyone's cup of tea.
Same one was inside the 1st quick starter deck? That's cool! I based my assumption off opening my sealed vending quick starter set which had two decks inside which were not sealed. I assumed the convention would spread across all the quick starter sets however I didn't even realize it was the original base starter deck that was included.

I hope one day we get something concrete about these, I personally find them to be very cool but it is not everyone's cup of tea.

Hello, i know this is a very old thread but i thought i should clarify this. These cards are part of the Japanese Starter Deck. About the value of the card itself i have no clue but on ebay a single Sealed Starter deck ranges from 900$ to 1500$. I also have a Chansey just like yours and i would like to know it's price. Also if anyone knows where i can find a cheaper deck of these i would appreciate. I rather have a sealed one, if possible.

Thank you.