Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

DonChamp Article-Please DO NOT POST

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His deck is his deck. Blitzer you say about powerful decklists if the lis isnt yours card for card?
Does this make sense to anyone or is it just me? Come on dude why in the world would you make a decklist, post and it not even be your deck because you dont have the cards.
Based on the responses from Dragon Strife, and the way the article is written, I'd guess he is a Junior. If not, then I deeply apologize. If he is a Junior, then I commend him on an article he took the time to research, write about, and expand his knowledge by trying to get POSITIVE input from other members of the Gym. It's sad that so many elitists feel it's their responsibility to constantly post negative comments and make sure we all know how awesome he/she is. THIS IS A GAME/HOBBY!! Let's all chill out out a little bit, and allow people to express and expand their knowledge through these threads, not get blasted and feel like they don't belong in the same tournament with anybody.

Thank You
I like sudowoodo also but you have to many machamp prime in here i would take out one machamp prime and put in one storm front machamp in.
Ehhh, we need better front page article examiners.
Although the author probably did put a good amount of effort into this, and I applaud him for that.
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Based on the responses from Dragon Strife, and the way the article is written, I'd guess he is a Junior. If not, then I deeply apologize. If he is a Junior, then I commend him on an article he took the time to research, write about, and expand his knowledge by trying to get POSITIVE input from other members of the Gym. It's sad that so many elitists feel it's their responsibility to constantly post negative comments and make sure we all know how awesome he/she is. THIS IS A GAME/HOBBY!! Let's all chill out out a little bit, and allow people to express and expand their knowledge through these threads, not get blasted and feel like they don't belong in the same tournament with anybody.

Thank You

Totally agree!

by the way...in the card by card explanation... Machamp does 100 + 10 for each damaged BENCHED pokemon, so it's maximum would be 150 / 170 belted (not 160)

I would change some things in the decklist but that's another story. Nice article
I'm going to just say it straight: this is a bad list, and in truth, I don't feel the article as a whole is of the quality that should be required to be on the front page.

In order to be constructive rather than just critical, let me offer suggestions as well, along with reasoning behind each suggestion.

First, I'll focus on the Machamp line. I can think of two good options here: Either run a 3-2-3 (1 SF Champ and 2 Primes, or other way around depending on meta), or run a 4-2-4 line, with 2 SF Champs and 2 Primes. The SF champs are very important; they donk well, takes less energy than the Prime, and most importantly, they runs through SP, which is prevalent in almost every metagame in the world. Also, don't run more than 2 Machoke, as we are also adding Rare Candy here. We'll get to that later.

Now, for the Donphan line. A 3-2 line is ok. I'm a fan of an even line, so a 2-2 or 3-3, depending on how much you focus on using Donphan, is what I'd do, but 3-2 isn't bad.

Sudowudo is a waste of space. You already have 2 major attackers; there is absolutely no need for more attackers.

I'd also suggest running a few Smeargles from UD, and an Unown Q to retreat Azelf/Uxie/Smeargle.

Now, I'll just jump ahead to energy since it's an easy fix. You need 2 or 3 Double Colorless. I personally wouldn't run Rescue energy. Your line's are thick enough it's not needed, as another Pokemon can be set up fairly easily. Energy lines shouldn't go over 14-16 MAX, and you can run lower than that. Make decisions through testing. As a base line, run 10 Fighting and 3 Double colorless.

Now for Trainers/Supporter. First, replace Elm's with Bebe's Search. It gives you a similar effect while be more versatile. Don't run more than 2 Expert Belt; it's not needed, as Expert Belt needs to be used with great care, not just thrown around willy-nilly. Don't run Department Store girl, as tools aren't important enough to waste a supporter turn on. Poke-Radar also needs to go; you already have 4 Pokemon Collectors.

Now, you need to add 3 or 4 Rare Candy. With Stage 2's being one of the main attackers, this HAS to be here to speed's sake. Also, 3 BTS might be a better choice for consistencies sake. When it comes to Junk Arm, either run 2 or 3, or don't run any. 1 is FAR too inconsistent. You also need 1 Luxury Ball; it's always useful, great with Junk Arm, and a staple in basically every deck. I'd also recommend trying 2 Seeker, and probably 2 Twins instead of 1, for consistency.

Ok, that's all for my suggestions. There's plenty of other options, and I didn't count the amount of cards, but I expect there's more space for a few more additions (like Warp Point, or something like that).

alright. I see where your getting at. Also, it doesn't say it on the deck list but I do have 3 BTS in there. I'll try rare candies again but they didn't really work for me last time.

I took out the sudowoodo, twins, department store girl and 2 :fighting: for flygon mostly for kfree reatreat but i can take out the line for other stuff if needed. I also took out both radars and junk arm for 3 seeker. I'll probably take out a few cards for bebe's search and lux ball. I will also have a ton of space after taking out rescue and 4 :fighting: . I can definetly see where you are coming from where machamp and donphan, and unlike a lot of the comments i have seen where they just say the deck sucks and no reason, I thank you for the comment and I will definetly take it to use.
I think you'll find that the rare candies will work great when you have enough search, I mean, if you go second and you have a rare candy and a Bebe's in hand with a Machop on the field, it's basicly going to be A machamp from SF in about 3 seconds =P. But yea, Defeintly put in the Luxury ball, try and fit in 3-4 bebe's and 3-4 pokemon Communication. That way you can get maximum search. Also, depending on how your metagame is Do the 2 Machamp SF and the 2 Machamp prime, that way you can take out the SP decks a little better. The BTS's are great, if/when you get a 4th you can put it in, since I know you only have 3.

Seekers are a great choice, with Machamp prime they are hilarious, but just be careful about what the opponent brings back, as Luxchomp players will gladly return somthing nasty. Always be careful of Umbreon prime, though the SF Machamp should take care of that with little to no problem.

Overall, its a good deck, just needs a few fine-tuning.

Dear Moderators,

Do you mind move this thread out of the Feature Articles forum?

This article, is embarrasing the community in general and on behalf of the community, we rather NOT want to waste our time reading poorly explained artile which lacks alot of key information, as well as seeing an absymal decklist.

Thank you.
Please bear in mind I am not trying to be cruel in any way with what I'm posting here. I'm just being 100% honest.

This article shouldn't be on the front page.

Your deck list

This is a poorly constructed deck list. 3-2 Donphan Prime? Sudowoodo? 4 Expert Belt? 4 Prof. Elm's and no Bebe's/Poke Comm./Lux Ball? PokeRadar? 16 fighting energy?

Your deck list needs tightening up - at the moment it's clunky and not consistent. And some of the card choices are just mediocre. Why would you possibly play Prof. Elm when you can run Bebe's which can also net you a basic? You miss out basic things like Bebe's, Lux Ball, Poke Comm., Rare Candy, Palmer's (you run NO recovery) etc. Why do you need 4 Expert Belt? Why run Radar when you can run more effective search?

Poke-Radar-Legends Awakened

This card is mostly a filler but it can be useful because you can look at the top 5 cards of your deck and choose any pokemon you find there and put them into your hand.

You should not be running any "filler" cards. Every card in your deck should have a purpose.


This card is in this deck because not only is it brutal because of its push over, that does 20x tthe number of energy attached to it, but also since it has 90 HP, it's a great card for taking hits on your bench, without it being knocked out so easily.

I don't see your reasoning for Sudowoodo. It has 90 HP? Great. Now watch me 1-shot it with a Dragon Rush + Flash Bite. "...it's a great card for taking hits on your bench, without it being knocked out so easily.". I don't see your reasoning here at all.


This phanpy is very useful not only for the fact that it evolves into Donphan Prime, but its flail is extremely fun when you have an expert belt attached to it and have damage counters on it. With flail and having an expert belt on it you can do up to 100 damage . . . with a phanpy!

How often are you going to use Flail? What is the use of saying that? If your opponent sees a Phanpy with an Expert Belt attached, they're most likely just going to 1-shot it and grab 2 prizes very easily (only 90 damage needed for 2 prizes?)

Expert Belt(=D)-Arceus

This is one of the mmooossstttt important cards in this deck out of all the T:S:S! This card allows you to do 20 more damage and get +20 HP to your pokemon that you attach it to. Now, this only disadvantage to this card is that when that pokemon is knocked out, your opponent takes one more prize card. this card works with every pokemon in this deck so well.

Explain why you run 4. It's not that important that you need to waste 4 deck spaces + a DSG. It's not like you're going to be using Belt to donk.

There are a lot of other things I could pick out in the decklist, but the biggest one has to be the 16 fighting energy.

16 fighting energy?


Explain exactly why you need 16 fighting energy.


Biggest 3 decks atm:

- LuxChomp
- VileGar
- Gyarados

...so why aren't these listed in the matchup section? Ok, you have GyaraPlume (which seems like a very much inferior version of SpeedDos, PloxDos, straight dos or dos w/DGX - how are you planning on playing any of the trainers which are crucial in Gyara (Junk Arm, Pokemon Rescue etc.).

Charizard Deck:

This match is quite interesting. When I was battling this deck, it really depends on the set-up that your opponent gets, and also what you get. Like, an example would be that when I was playing this deck, the person playing the charizard deck got a really good hand, but only a vulpix as his basic. Now on my side, I was able to phanpy-Broken Time Space-donphan-e-belt- energy all in one tur and donk him. But, another game with him, he pulled a great set-up and was able to donk me even when I got a really good hand. So, against a charizard deck, it really depends on the set-up on each side.

Okay, so you've explained that in the Charizard matchup it depends on the set-up on each side but you haven't gone into any detail about how to win the matchup? The only way to win you've described here is a straight donk. And he donked you straight back. You've given us virtually no information on how to play the matchup. And also, Charizard is barely played any more because of Gyarados.


This deck. . .oh this deck. When I was playing against this deck, it was brutal. I got an amazing set-up and everything. But, this deck just kept on swiping my pokemon! I couldn't belt at all because of the Plume, he got out the Plume super fast using a spiritomb, and did up to 90 damage every turn with his gyrados. So, in the end, against this deck. . . you would need a REALLY good set-up and them a bad set-up in order to win.

I've already talked about this.


This is a deck that my mom made herself(yes my mom plays pokemon) and so against this deck, I would say I won brutally. I always got fantastic set-ups, she would take a few prizes here andd there, but mostly it was an utter donk.

What kind of experience does your mum have with playing the game? Is she a competent player? Has she top cut in a tournament before? Have YOU top cut in a tournament before? I don't like basing things on credentials, but from what I can see based on this deck list you aren't a competent player and should not be posting a front page article. If a new player comes on here, he/she expects to see front page articles with quality lists, written by quality players, with quality explanations and quality matchups. So far you've provided none of that. And you do know what "donk" means don't you?

Punch, Kick, Knock-out:(Fighting deck)

So, about a month or two ago, I got my best friend into pokemon and this was the second deck he made, and if I do say so myself, it is pretty awesome. He went away 2-3 at cities, which is pretty awesome for a dude only playing for 2 months or so. This deck against that deck, I would say same outcome like KingGatr. He would get out awesome cards, but that donphan and Machamp would just knock em' down.

What the hell is "Punch, Kick, Knock-out:(Fighting deck)"? Is that even a deck? A deck that your beginner friend came up with and placed 2-3 with at a CC should NOT be listed under matchups. We don't even know what's in the deck, for Christ sake.


This one s a real toughy. CurseGar being an all deck and your Machamps being X2 weak makes it extremely difficult. Since I was playing my CurseGar against this deck, I could tell that they can mostly just snipe your pixies and everything for easy knock-outs. So I would say this could be a little un-favorable.

Why do you have CurseGar but not VileGar (which atm is the superior deck?) And you playtested against YOURSELF? You mean you haven't even playtested against someone else with this deck, you've just played solitaire?

I think I've said most of what I wanted to say. I'm not trying to offend the writer, but I really agree with Jason - this should definitely not be on the front page. I hope I've managed to convey the feelings I and probably a lot of others have towards the article.


I'd probably have to write an essay in terms of whats wrong with the deck and how it can be improved, but I will say I run 7 fighting energy, a 4-3-4 line with one of them being Machamp SF and 2-2 Donphan.
Thank you for the move mods. Please keep the front page for polished deck. Rogue is fine, but it needs to still be a solid list.
I agree, and I'm glad to see it moved as well. I'm not mad at the guy for making a subpar article (it's not his fault he'a just starting to play the game: we were all in his shoes before), but I am mad that the mods would accidentally mislead their community my deeming this front-page worthy.
To be honest though I think its kind of a slap in the face to the kid to move it here. I think persoanlly it should be his choice

-Have it come down
-Move it back to the submission page for revision
-Move it to the deck help section

Mods should not just make the decesion for them.
^ Agreed.

Exactly the same thing happened with the Vilegar article (and the Darkrai one IIRC).

It's pretty hurtful to the OP (who deserves better) and doesn't exactly encourage new writers.

The sad thing is, it could all have been avoided if the mods had helped Dragon Strife get his decklist up to standard when it was submitted. Stuff like obvious poor choices (Elm over Bebe), filler cards (Radar), and not listing cards because the OP doesn't own them . . . come on guys, that's basic! Very limited playtesting against his mum? You are just setting him up to get shot down.

Things need to change because they way it is now is bad for the writers, the readers, and the reputation of the Gym.
Also, Drop 1 Soodowoodo for 1 regirock LA, it can help you dump trainer for the Vilgar match up, Plus if it gets pulled up you can Fighting Tag it back
haters gonna hate...

Honestly, I liked how you put images on everything though.
I hate reading articles about cards that make me search to see what the card does and such :p
What has transpired here tonight simply destroys everything that this game represents.

The Pokemon TCG is about fun, having a good time and making new friends, not about how many expert belts a player runs. If he wants to play 4 Expert Belt, let him play 4 Expert belt, it's his deck. This article was posted on the front page, so it was meant to be applauded, not flooded with deck changes; if he wanted to alter his deck, surely he would have posted it in the Deck Help and Strategy section. As Sam stated earlier, it is likely this player is now stained with humiliation, for all we know, he could only be 11 years old, and what have we done? He could have now quit the game, or taken apart the deck he took all his pride into perfecting.

If you feel a deck needs an improvement, tell him nicely, recommend a change, don't simply shove it down his throat, and don't rip his deck to shreds, when it's apparent he is very proud of his list.

The Sudowoodo actually makes sense. As a starter, you can mount 20, 40 then 60 damage onto a pokemon, then fighting tag into a Machamp, meaning you have been able to attack and set-up at the same time. Whilst you could all argue that Power Spray is the glaring threat, who are we to automatically assume that there even is SP in his area?

I always thought it was only yugioh, that stooped this low, with Pokemon boasting a friendly and helpful community. I'm appalled, and surprised that nobody has apologized to this member, unless of course he had already closed his account by time you had chance to.
What has transpired here tonight simply destroys everything that this game represents.

Agree, but for different reasons.

The Pokemon TCG is about fun, having a good time and making new friends, not about how many expert belts a player runs. If he wants to play 4 Expert Belt, let him play 4 Expert belt, it's his deck.

Yep absolutely.

This article was posted on the front page, so it was meant to be applauded, not flooded with deck changes; if he wanted to alter his deck, surely he would have posted it in the Deck Help and Strategy section.

This is where we disagree. An article shouldn't be applauded just because it is on the front page, it should be on the front page because it deserves to be applauded. See the difference?

As Sam stated earlier, it is likely this player is now stained with humiliation, for all we know, he could only be 11 years old, and what have we done? He could have now quit the game, or taken apart the deck he took all his pride into perfecting.

Agree and the mods SHOULD HAVE PROTECTED HIM FROM THAT. They KNEW what was going to happen . . . and they stood by and let it happen.

If you feel a deck needs an improvement, tell him nicely, recommend a change, don't simply shove it down his throat, and don't rip his deck to shreds, when it's apparent he is very proud of his list.

Almost no-one blames the OP for this. The criticism has been constructive mostly.

The Sudowoodo actually makes sense . . .

No it doesn't.

I always thought it was only yugioh, that stooped this low, with Pokemon boasting a friendly and helpful community. I'm appalled, and surprised that nobody has apologized to this member, unless of course he had already closed his account by time you had chance to.

Like I said, no-one blames the OP at all.
The organised play needs to take more interest in the actual game they own, maybe then they would know not to print lost world etc
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