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Dragonball Z REALITY MOVIE!!!!


New Member
WOW I was just surfing IGNs upcoming movie section and I came across this.
Apparently they're making a real life yes thats right REAL LIFE movie of the hit anime/cartoon w/e Dragonball Z. This looks so cool. I cant imagine goku doing a spirit bomb in reality. Im just really shocked cuz im a huge fan of DBZ and a real life movie sounds awsome. I cant wait to hear what other characters will be in it! Words?
i heard they butchered out important details.....


*hair turns blond*

some 10 episodes later

I'm ready to fight!

*hair turns blond*

some 10 episodes later

I'm ready to fight!
this is proably true
Absoltrainer, that's hilarious!!!! That is just what the anime does! But seriously, I think we have always wondered what a Dragonball Z movie in real life would be like. The show is great and hopefully the movie will be great too. I wonder how long the movie will be and what it will be about.
The movie will be filmed in Mexico, a friend wants to do a road trip to the place to see the set and everything, could be cool.
ya, someone posted a while back this same thing but filming location was in Alaska, lol, now it is in Mexico. I think the hard part will be casting the actors, I think the way technology is I feel the movie won't butcher the series but, the actors might!!!
Those guys have no muscle at all! Have you noticed? Christian Bale could've done Goku easily, I mean the two sound alike if you think about it(When Bale drops the British accent). And Vin Diesel could've done Piccolo! He has the muscle AND he can sound like Piccolo. Uggh. I hope the guys do more thought when they are casting for this film.
Those guys have no muscle at all!

Tobey Maguire weighs what 130 pounds? Hes the biggest superhero movie to date. I do agree with Vin Diesel as Piccolo or even Tien. The cast looks decent. I mean even though the casters dont have muscle thats what technology, stunt doubles, and special effects are for! Im pretty sure when Goku hits super sayian there will be some special effects in there.
I'm not sure on Bale as Goku. Considering how well he did a brooding Bruce Wayne, I'd rather want to see him as Vageta than Goku. For Piccolo, Diesel has the hair, but Marsters has the face. Not a bad choice. Chatwin looks SKINNY.

Oh, and about Spidey? He was never Muscles McGee at any point in the storyline. He was pretty much always a scrawny kid with some kewl abilities.
Just what I need, a 13-hour movie of people screaming, plus 5 minutes of fighting.

You forgot the part where around Hour 2 the planet has 5 min. before it blows up. However it does not explode until the end of the movie

They better have the "IT'S OVER 9'000!!!" line in the movie
No, the planet would only blow up at the end of the sequel. The first movie would end with a big message saying, "Only one minute left!"
Diesel doesn't have the voice, though. Tien is a good place for him.

That brings up an interesting question, though. Who plays Frieza? What about the rest of the guys?