Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Electichutrike for regionals (Eastern)

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New Member
Called : Electichutrike
20 Pokemon

3-3-1 Electivire X (Sw Electivire)
2 Raiku (SW) (To keep or not to keep)
3 Pachi
2-2 Manectric
2-2 Pikachu

19 Trainers (seems like a lot actually)

4 Felicity's Drwing
4 TV Reporter
1 Steven
2 Galactics Wager
3 Roseannes
4 Dusk Ball
1 Master ball


Strategy: Start with Pikachu or Pachi,if Pachi keep a steady setup, then get KO'd,draw 2 cards,, if Pikachu (PK), Use Felicities, get energys discarded, then charge Pikachu, (While Doing this seting up bench) Get a Raichu on Pikachu and power up bench , if Raichu is threatened power it up and explode thunder, then power electivire with discarded energys, and draw 2 cards when Raichu is discarded, Then send out out Electivire, go X retreat, power up Vire go to Manectric, KOd, go to Vire or Vire X Power up another Manectric, Goes on for a long while.
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Huge Gallade weak and vulnerable to Dark Palm from Dusknoir.
Don't use Vire DP without Elekids. It's Poke-Power won't work without 1 underneath.
Also, Scramble and DRE are the way to go since you don't seem to use the 120 damage strategy.
Ampharos would also be a good tech. It let's you put 1 damage counter on each of your opponents pokemon when a Supporter is played.
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