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EmpoleLOCK--- WITH 2 strategies

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New Member
Empoleon Lock


4x Piplup DP
3x Prinplup DP
3x Empoleon MD
1x Empoleon DP
4x Absol SW
1x Zapdos MD
1x Baltoy GE
1x Claydol GE
1x Onanyte
1x Omastar


4x Celio’s
1x Helix Fossil
3x Castaway
1x Bebe’s
4x Rare Candy
2x Crystal Beach
3x Steven’s
3x TGW
3x Cessation Crystal
2x Warp Point
1x Night Maint.


4x Call Energy
8x Water
1x Multi

Strategy: Ideal start is starting with Absol and attach call energy and use the effect. For the nxt turns use baleful wind while setting up ur empoleons and cess. crystals. After Absol is KOed. Send out the Emp. MD to start spreading damage and set up for the Omastar finsish.


Possible add in Zapdos or 1-1 Bronzong

Help/Suggestions wanted

Thnx Riq
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That's...a lot of pokemon, don't you think? I don't think the glaceon line is neaded, and maybe take out the claydol for more gyarados. More energy and rosan's reserch or pachirisu is neaded. I know you've got call energy, but you should use pachi insted. If you significantly lower the number of pokemon you should use quick ball and max candy. From what I've heared empoleon Lv.x is not very good. Also add scrambles, so after your pachi has gotten your pokemon, been K.O.ed, and phione evolved your pokemon, then been K.O.ed, you're 2 prizes behind and scramble can work wonders.
yea i was thinking about the TOO MANY POKEMON when i was typing up the list. i just REALLLLLY like the Glacion LV.X and Empoleon/cess. crystal Combo to lock my opponent of powers/bodies. im still testing different cards out in the deck which i may take out the Empoleon Lv.X, i only played it to do some bench hitting for the last KO or something and his power can be useful at times also.
why would you run cessation crystal and empoleon lv. x? the only reason miyazakis cessation empoleon worked is because he didnt use poke powers or bodies. what good will glaceon, empoleon lv. x, and claydol do you if you lock yourself out of them? also, you cant use flail if you have cessation in play. i would take out glaceon lv. x personally.
"As long as Cessation Crystal is attached to an Active Pokemon, each player's Pokemon, can't use Poke-powers or Poke-Bodies.

So i CAN play cessation crystal with gyarados as long as its not attached to gyarados.
why use MD prinpulp,use the dp its quicker and all around better attacks. Take out Gyarados as u have 2 many pokemon.

4-4-2-2 empoleon md/empoleon dp
a support line

lvx isnt even that neccessary since u snipe so many times during the game already.
this is what i'd do:
-2x Eevee MD
-2x Glaceon MD
-2x Glaceon Lv.X
-2x Magikarp MT
-2x Gyarados MT
-3x Cessation Crystal
-1x NM
-3x DRE
-2x Warp Point
-2x Call Energy
3x helix fossil
2x omanyte
3x omastar
3x TGM
2x holon wp
3x water energy
3x roseanne's
1x dawn stadium
2x fossil excavator

ok so now with this you focus you deck down to 2 lines, empoleon and omastar. these two bad boys will cause major major disruption to your opponent
main strategy:
empoleon is used to spread damage using dual splash. surf together is tempting but only use it as a finishing move. so just spread damage around the bench. then lay down omastar. if you spread enough damage, when your opponent deevolves, the previous stages might get knocked out. sucks for your opponent if tjey candied some of their basics. then lay down TGW to send those evolutions back to the deck. bye bye!
now you play empo lv x so you can combo TGM with supreme command the turn after TGW to totally shrink your opponent's hand and limit his options. castaway+roseanne's makes sure you never have a shortage of water energy or basics and you can get TGW out right before using primal swirl.
thnx for everyones suggestions i will have the bew list posted by tomorrow!!!!!
i still say play some TGW and instead of DRE i'd play holon energy WP. DRE does NOT go well in sniping decks. why would you want to decrease the damage you do to your opponent's bench (dual splash for 20 to 2 pokemon? not good)? teching in one is ok but 3 is unnecessary. that 10 damage could mean the difference between winning and losing. holon energy WP will prevent GG from using sonic blade on you which is so annoying in my opinion. also WP prevents status effects (ie paralysis and sleep) from stalling for your opponent.
if you have great ball and you have baltoy and you have bebe's and you have steven's do you really need master ball? if you really want to fish for basics i'd either play holon mentor or roseanne's. i'd play these 2 over call energy actually. i'm just saying you have A LOT of cards that serve one purpose: search for basics.
also you dont need to run 2 night maintenance. one is enough for any deck. you could put in something more useful.
finally i'd say run the DP prinplup as its aquashower is a better damage spreading attack than MD prinplup's attacks.
and it seems like your strategy is kind of linear. i mean you HOPE for a call energy start but what if you dont have it? with only 2 in your deck you probably shouldnt revolve your setup on that card. i feel call energy wastes a turn anyway. i run an empoleon deck as well and when i see starters or call energy i think to myself "yay more targets." keep that in mind when fighting other sniping decks.

just my opinion on your deck trying to shore up some weaknesses that i feel are pretty significant. i also dont play claydol because i really dont think it's as amazing as most people say it is so i could use that 4 spots for good draw supporters. anyway i feel claydol is just asking to get sniped as it's very possible you could be playing against a sniping deck seeing how everyone loves MD empoleon.
why use MD prinpulp,use the dp its quicker and all around better attacks.

I think MD prinplup has better attacks. At first I didn't, but my daughter who has been playing the DP Prinplup convinced me by playing it in her empocario deck against me, so much more brutal in the long run.
Thnx so far for the help pplz. I am defiantly switching the Piplups i use cuz then on my nxt turn i can evolve to the DP Prinplup to KO the basic i put 10 damage on.

Clra im tryin some of the suggestions u made also.

Thnx again ppl
yay someone's listening to me! ok jk. but really. i think empostar decks will become so disruptive if played correctly. deevolution is annoying, sniping is annoying, hand control is annoying. the deck will be annoying as ****.

I think MD prinplup has better attacks. At first I didn't, but my daughter who has been playing the DP Prinplup convinced me by playing it in her empocario deck against me, so much more brutal in the long run.

i agree that the MD prinplup has better attacks. i think it's a mini version of DP empoleon. it can go head to head against most pokemon in terms of damage. just in terms of damage spread ability however, DP wins and damage spread is what empoleon decks are all about. i use prinplup to use aquashower as many times as i possibly can (probably around 2-3 times usually) and then evolve it to an empoleon/build up another empoleon and clean up from there. i run 2 DP and 2 MD empoleons at the moment. i try and get MD out early game to use dual splash and try and get DP out late game for aqua jet as it has no backlash and 70 + possible 20 by that time should beat up most pokemon.

also i thought about running some dawn stadiums to heal your benched basics after surf together's backlash.

also i went to prereleases on sunday and tried to get an omastar but failed to draw one and the bratty little kids wouldnt trade...:frown:
LOL the kids here are bratty too, but they r so easy to trade with i could probly get 2empoleons and an omastar from them if i trade them some of my horrible ex's lol
i managed to draw 2 empoleon (one reverse holo!) but no omastars unfortunately. i offered to trade anything to this one girl but she was like "no i have the entire line so i'm not trading" and i was like "darn." i'm gonna have to wait a week to get those for my deck. i'm thinking about running aerodactyl to deal damage to people who rely on pokepowers. that should be interesting but may slow the deck down. dont know though.
ok so now im running a 2-1-2 line of omastar and the MD Splatter Piplup and DP Plinplup
it works to me.
i use the DP piplup because of the no energy attack. but i guess the piplups are all basically the same. depends on personal preference. splatter spreads damage from the get go as long as you have a water energy. i would use the berry piplup but it's hp is 10 less than the other piplups and any basic with hp less than 60 worries me as it's easy picking against sniper decks. it's funny how i run the deck i'm most scared of playing.
yea i'd run 2-1-2 omastar line too. omanyte is a good damage spreader too actually. plus you can get omanyte out turn two with helix fossil's power, as long as it's not prized.
I prefer the DP Piplup ATM, as well.

BTW, here's what my NRG count looks like:

10 Water
4 Call
4 Scramble

Plus, I use Phione, but I might try Chatot. lol

Edit: A few more things:

1. Don't use Steven's. No point in letting Garde have a free draw four whenever she wants. Use Oak's Visit instead.

2. Try Aerodactyl. Should help with spreading, especially against GG. Doing this might allow for Steven's.

3. Celio > Bebe. Also, Celio + Bebe > Bebe

4. Take out the Pluspowers. You can avoid the need for them by spreading appropriately.

5. Add at least three Wagers They're just too good with Claydol
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