Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

empoleon question

4 and no level X with no hesitation..


4 empoleon just gives the deck more consistency and more chance of u drawing into them when u need them..

lvl X does nothing in this deck. extra 10 more dmg but u cant atkk next turn u cant risk ur opponent attking twice while u attk once
3 and lv.x
supreme command is SO USEFUL.
with tgw,make them possibly go down to 3,then supreme command.....GG.
you can night maintinence your empoloens back anyway.
sniping someone on the bench for 80 is sweet, but the drawback is he casn't attack then. just play some switches and warp points and that should be fixed.
Because it really isn\'t, he\'s just saying that.


the answer: it all depends on your deck
if you run a 4-3-4 line of empoleon with 4 cessason crystals, then 0 lv x\'s are the play
if you run like 3-2-3 or 3-3-3 or 4-3-3, then one lv x is the play
What are your grounds for that assupmtion?

The basis of an empoelon deck is more about prinplup and just showering until they have so much damage racked up that empoleon's extra 20 damage gives you 2KO's in one turn. I prefer 4-4-3 no Lv.X. Use the extra card that would be empoleon for a celio's. Fetch anything.
you will never pull out 4 empoleon in a single game
i can guartuntee it (unless you are in seniors or juniors...)
lv x can drop down, take two cards from your opponents hand, and smack their bench for 80 out of no where

\"but then he cant attack next turn\"
so? its called retreating, or dropping it on an empoleon who is about to die and sniping for 80, then empoleon dies
seriously, who cares if he cant attack, there are so many ways out of it its ridiculous