Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

EXCITING NEW LEAGUE!! In Arlington, tx


:biggrin: i finally got a spot for all you ppl who can't make the drive out in either direction of fort worth or dallas, come check out our location at

Lone Star comics
1215 S.Cooper
right next to UTA
(682)234-9022, this is my number call or text if you need further directions
Saturdays 6-8

last saturday was our first day and only had three people show up, please give us your support and come enjoy pokemon TCG with us :smile:
If this was earlier my brother, sister, and I could probably make it there often. But we go out for dinner every saturday at 6. D=

Good luck with your new league. =3

Edit: Or is it 6-8 AM?
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I'll see when and if we can, driving to Hulen every week isn't something my dad enjoys. This is 10 minutes away, compared to the 40 for Hulen. ;]

Hopefully I can make it at some point, and I hope this goes over well. The last league 10 minutes from us was cancelled when I started playing. =l
it should stay for good barring some terrible mishap, i started the league for this very reason, to give players in this area a place really close to play. so hopefully ya'll can make it our every once in a while. it sure saves gas :)
you should give away free sandwhiches or somethin man!! that'll definitely get people to come out and play.......or eat, whichever you prefer.

and we're still waitin on that announcement of yours. maybe things will pick up once battle road autumn comes around that way you can have a tourny there and then people will know about it.

nya nya nya nya nya!!!!
i'll pas on the sandwiches but i'm pretty sure we'll see attendance rise once we get a spring BR in there.

"fake out!! there's nothing in any of them!" haha classic
If this was earlier my brother, sister, and I could probably make it there often. But we go out for dinner every saturday at 6. D=

Good luck with your new league. =3

Edit: Or is it 6-8 AM?

Around the corner is a quick Chinese and a good Mexican Resturant if you need to eat well. There are also junk food places in the area if you need some of that.
yup, i've never been but always wanted to, is it good?

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

my apologies to my league leader and regular atendees, i haven't been able to make it the last two weeks due to difficulties. there is no league these two saturdays, i will be judging this saturday in oklahoma and playing at texas states.
see ya'll there!!! :D
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finally! i was able to place an order. and the way it looks, league is on for this Saturday. lookin forward to holding BR's and maybe even a pre-release. :) here's lookin at you MPB :D
:biggrin: i finally got a spot for all you ppl who can't make the drive out in either direction of fort worth or dallas, come check out our location at

Lone Star comics
1215 S.Cooper
right next to UTA
(682)234-9022, this is my number call or text if you need further directions
Saturdays 6-8

last saturday was our first day and only had three people show up, please give us your support and come enjoy pokemon TCG with us :smile:

Sorry to necro a VERY old thread, however, I figured it would be better than starting a whole new one.

I am thinking about maybe getting back into the whole Pokemon TCG thing, and was wondering if there is still a group that meets at this location, or in Arlington anywhere? I remember all the fun I used to have playing in the old store in Hulen Mall (the name escapes me at the moment)

Also, most of my cards are OLD (Base Set through what I believe used to be called Neo). Am I going to get smashed with these cards? I'm not wanting to put a whole lot of money into this hobby as it will be just a fun thing for when I need a distraction from classes a few Saturdays out of the month.

Thanks for any help!