Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Exp. Share and multiple KO (Megalo Cannon ; Night Spear)


New Member
Hello ! I have a question for you :)

Situation :
Player A has an active Virizion Ex with a Grass Energy and 7 damage counters on it, a benched Mewtwo Ex with a Psychic Energy and 15 damage counters on it, and a benched Bouffalant with an Exp. Share attached to it.
Player B has an active Genesect Ex with 3 Grass Energy.

The move :
Player B decides to use Megalo Cannon and do 100 on Player A's Active Virizion Ex, and 20 on Player A's benched Mewtwo Ex.
Player A's Virizion Ex receives 100 damages. It is Knocked Out, thus, Player A can move the Grass energy from Virizion Ex to Bouffalant thanks to Exp. Share. As his active Pokémon is KO, he must immediately replace it with another one. Player A decides to promote Mewtwo Ex, which now receives the 20 damages from Megalo Cannon, and gets Knocked Out. As Mewtwo Ex is active and gets KO'd, Player A can move the Psychic Energy from Mewtwo Ex to Bouffalant thanks to Exp. Share.
To sum up, Bouffalant receives 2 Energies from his Exp. Share.

Is it correct ?

What the rulebook stands :
B&W Rulebook said:
For most attacks, the order in which you do things doesn’t really matter. However, for a complicated attack, here are the full steps:
A. Look at your Pokémon and decide which attack to use. Make sure you have the correct Energy attached. Then, announce
you are using that attack.
B. Make any choices the attack requires you to make. For example, if an attack says, “Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched
Pokémon,” you would make that choice now.
C. Do anything the attack requires you to do to use it. For example, you must flip a coin if an attack says “Flip a coin. If tails,
this attack does nothing.”
D. Apply any effects that might alter or cancel the attack. For example, if an attack used against your Pokémon last turn says,
“If the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent’s next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack
does nothing.”
E. If your Attacking Pokémon is Confused, check now to see if the attack fails.
F. Apply any effects that happen before damage, then place damage counters, and then do all other effects.

The answer to this question not only matters for Exp. Share, but also for Rock Guard's effect and application of Weakness and Resistance, which could - if this is correct - lead to amazing and unexpected plays.

Thanks in advance for your answer, go on with the great job !

EDIT : Thanks for the answer. Yes, I was wondering this because of PTCGO.
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Your timing of actions is wrong.
All attack damage is done first. At the same time.
Both to the active and the benched Pokemon.

Then any effects of the attack are done (in this case, none).

THEN KOs are done.

THEN the energy is moved/retrieved by EXP Share.

So Bouffalant would only get the one energy.

EXP Share does not come into the attack section you quote.
It happens after the attack is completed and not until KOs are taken.

I will note that the PTCGO seems to have an odd "glitch" where you can choose a KO'd benched Pokemon to become your active and then that Pokemon is subsequently KO'd, but that is not how it is supposed to happen.