Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

ExplodingHatter(MD LIST POST 126)

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i know how amazing claydol makes the draw power, but you could always put 1 or 2 cessation to stop g&g setup early game, but im not sure how much faster this can setup than g&g
i always liked exploud and want it to work desperately

I did -1 Charm +1 Mawile(as suggested by afi) and it helped a lot ! they had to flip over 1 prize to ko me AND it resists gardevoir SW which helped.

I made the darks multi in case i felt the need to use mawile's 2nd attack.
play me on appr mag vs. this cuz we don't wanna build it (lazy) but you're making me want to test the matchup. i like exploud. thanks hatter. play me.
lol sure thing, hit me up later.

Does anyone else have suggestions for what i do add/take out for this deck.

Im actually thinking about this for states now...its scary
Pokemon: 20
4/2/4 Exploud GE (Have you tried Loudred/Whismer CG???)
3 Pachirisu GE
2/2 Claydol
1 Absol Ex PK
2 Mawile GE

Trainers: 23
4 Rare Candy
4 Steven's
3 Crystal Beach
1 Scott
1 Roseanne's Research
2 Bebe's Search (works Wonders with Claydol:thumb:)
1 Time-Space Distortion (Can Substitute for Night Maintenance)
1 Night Maintenance
2 Warp

Energy: 17
4 Holon WP (WP could replace FF and then you don't have to play Unown G)
8 Water
2 Psychic
1 Scramble
2 Multi

Hopefully you can try my fixes because I think they will work well but, FF might be the better choice, try it though.
Unown G >>>>>>>>>> No FF. You grab it with Pachi or Roseanne's and it's NM-able. Teching in Psychic w/ WP is a cute trick, but Unown G helps out a lot more IMO.
Gotta play Holon WP, Unown G is terrible as it can be easily Windstormed/Warped around, which GOOD GGs run. They can't get rid of Holon WP. 4 Beach is a must, no on Absol ex (exs are so bad this format). Finally, if GG is playing 3+ Windstorm/Gyms you're going to lose. There's not much you can do about it.....
i think that the absol ex is a good play in here, but youre going to want to be careful with it.
if you play it at a bad time, like against mag, they could easily flame bluster it. or some decks with palkia could suprise you after youve played it and bring it up for an easy ko.

i do really like the deck though.
very tempted to try it out myself.
very nice suggestions all around.. but i mean i dont wanna just have GG be like lake + Gallade ko = /
all they would have to flip over is 2 prizes, but on the other hand... if they did the 50 HP thing theyd flip over 0 prizes..
ill try both out and see how it does.
Pokemon: 23
4/2/4 Exploud GE
4 Pachirisu GE
2/2 Claydol
1 Absol Ex PK
2 Mawile GE
1 Squirtle SW
1 Blastoise d

Trainers: 21
4 Rare Candy
3 Steven's
3 Crystal Beach
1 Scott
2 Bebe's Search
2 Night Maintenance
2 Warp
1 Rose
Energy: 16
4 Holon WP
8 Water
3 Psychic
1 Scramble
Don't know if it will help you or not, but I use Lugia to slow down Galade. Its colorless, has 90HP and is resistant to fighting. 90-hp plus 20 for resistance= Galade plus 3 prize cards to get rid of him or multiple hits.

Multiple hits are a pain for Galade because you are doing 20 damage at a time to it and flipping a coin to return an energy card to the players hand. This can really slow them down on getting energy to the next G & G. I run two in my deck and search for them as soon as I see its a G & G deck.

Hope this helps,

Wat about Rayquaza ex d tech?? I'm playin it in mine and think it's decent in aiding exploud w/ it's spreading. Don know wat u think hatter.

Whoa, who came up w/ the blastoise tech idea. It's awesome. Never thought of that.
lol I came up with Blastoise d tech to compensate for the lack of holon FF in the deck
and interesting idea with the ray ex d... ill think about it
erm... I'm having a little doubt on the gallade matchup.

Even if you attack 2 times with the first attack (2x 50 = 100), they still survive! They could 2HKO us....
Hopefully you will have done 20 or more to a benched Ralts first ... but yeah it is a problem. I usually end up with 4 energy on at least one or two Explouds during the course of a match with G&G though & can do 70 which will 2HKO.
ttar: ya i know
vandy: ya same here unless you can never flip tails lol

What do you people think of the list with Holon WP?
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