Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Fake Card Gallery - Open Jan 17, 2007


Staff member
Trader Feedback Mod
The Member's Fake Card Gallery is now open!

Thanks to our new hardware we have the space to give you guys and gals 10 Megabytes of quota... I look forward to what the artists (and bold non-artists) among you will create.

Images are moderated, so they don't appear instantly... give it a day or so.

You can reply to images, rate and post. Keep it polite, kind & helpful.

Don't forget to send e-cards of your (favorite) images!
Hmm. That's enough space for a nine-card mini set. You know what there are nine of? That's right. Non-legendary fully evolved Pokémon that learn LAND POWAH! *planplan*
Hmm. That's enough space for a nine-card mini set.

Your nine might be 1Mb each in your originals, but they'll be more like 0.25Mb maximum after being processed by the gallery software (see the cards in the Compendium Gallery). So, its more like space for 40 cards at a minimum.

Have fun!
Woah. I completely forgot that cards might be that large. Dang...
But wait! File formats...jpg ftw. The average size of the cards in one of my sets is between 200 and 250 kb. And if the gallery software fourths that like bulbasnore said...=)
Heh. If I wasn't too lazy to connect my old hard drive I might have uploaded some of my 2001-and-older stuff.
Any chance this section could be changed so that any fan-art can be used? A few word changes and this could be a great place to post fake-cards and other art.
I am a little confused on the stuff you need to put in to upload a card and does it have to be a Jpeg or GIF or what?

Any chance this section could be changed so that any fan-art can be used? A few word changes and this could be a great place to post fake-cards and other art.

I don't think we'd have a problem with any site-appropriate art.
(I know you'd put up approriate art. I put that caveat in for others)
The Gallery can be gotten to by clicking the "Picture Gallery" icon on the tool bar at the top right hand of the page. It's the one with Smeargle. Then scroll down to the "Members Fakes" link