Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

BW-on Fast & Flexible Competitive deck

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I've been making a lot of deck ideas lately, this deck is one that I've made with no inspiration from other decks. I've never seen a deck like this before, so I thought it was a bit unique. Here's my list. Strategy and WIN/Loss ratio below!

Pokemon: 14

3x Darkrai EX (DE 63)
3x Landorus EX (BC 89)
2x Duskull (BC 61)
1x Dusknoir (BC 63)
2x Terrakion (BC 151)
3x Sableye (DE 62)

Trainer/Supporters: 34

3x Ultra Ball
3x Dark Patch
1x Energy Search
1x Energy Retrieval
3x Skyla
3x Energy Switch
3x N
3x Professor Juniper
1x Tool Scrapper
1x Computer Search
1x Super Rod
2x Enhanced Hammer
1x Switch
3x Crushing Hammer
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Rare Candy

Energy: 12

x8 Darkness Energy
x4 Fighting Energy

Note: Yes there is darkrai/dusknoir, but this is not the same deck. Dusknoir is strictly a late game tech and nothing more. It's not even hugely important to win (but helps!).
The deck to me looks kind of strange. This deck is extremely consistent. I try to start my game with a sableye up front and a darkrai on the bench. For eels and early game bench damage I packed 3x Landorus EX. This is a huge threat to your opponent early game. Terrakion and Bouffalant are amazing against those ANTI EX pokemon out there. Everyone has seen an anti meta deck, don't worry about those with this deck.

TECH?! Yeah it's got that too. Dusknoir. A very strange 2-0-1 line is in place with 2 candies. Don't worry about discarding any pieces of this tech. You really don't need/want it until late game when Darkrai/Landorus are hitting the bench and retreated damaged pokemon are sitting on the bench. Drop your Duskull, your opponent will see this coming. Don't worry, your hammers and bench damage will keep your opponent pre-occupied (usually).

So how good is this deck? Not sure, but a 5/0 Win/loss ratio is pretty good. Let me know what you think. I'm always looking for suggestions. PLEASE, if you make a card suggestion let me know what you think should be taken out. Or even why you think the recommended card is an improvement. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the list.

-1 Bouffalant
+1 Terrakion
-1 Random Receiver
+1 N
-1 Level Ball
-2 Heavy Ball
+3 Darkness Energy

I would like to add in another Dusknoir, I just can't find something to remove.

WIN/LOSS as of 1/15/2013.

I ended up losing a game against a HO OH deck.. The problem occurred when I had over 300 damage on their bench, an able attacker and a duskull on my bench. My only Dusknoir was prized... I had to get 4 prizes more to win and just needed dusknoir to set up a double knock out with my Darkrai. It's now time to add in that 2nd dusknoir. Please help? Also any other suggestions are welcome!
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Hmmm. Well I like the idea of teching in Dusknoir with big EXs that spread damage. That concept seems sound to me.

My main concern is how few darkness energies you have. Usually in Darkrai/Fighting decks you play around 8-9 darkness energies. This is so you can be sure to have some in your opening hand to discard with Ultra Ball and later Dark Patch onto benched Pokemon. If you wanted to make room, I would drop the Heavy and Level balls. Between the Ultra balls, Computer search, and good draw support, I don't think you'll miss the other balls. Energy retrieval could also be dropped in favor of just playing more energy. Super Rod should be sufficient to get back lost fighting energies.

I tend not to like Random Receiver in a deck with Skyla. It might be better to swap that for another Supporter.

Bouffalant is a good anti-EX card but it works best in decks with Double Colorless energy to power it quickly. I'd probably swap it for a 2nd Terrakion.

I am always nervous with playing just one of a card in case it gets prized. I'd go for a 2-2 Dusknoir line. I'd likely cut Energy Search or Tool scrapper for that one.

Good luck with it. It is an intriguing idea.
Wow, this is likely the best reply I've ever received on a decklist. Thank you so much RichD!

so from what I am reading (reading, not changes that are being made YET):
+3/4 darkness
+1 Dusknoir
+1 Terrakion
-1 Level Ball
-2 Heavy Ball
-1 Energy retrieval
-1 Random Receiver
-1 Bouffalant
-1 Energy search/Tool scrapper
This seems pretty solid. In 2 of the games I've needed to rely on Skyla -> Energy Search. And in another 2 games Skyla -> Energy Retrieval. (Those hammers really hurt!). I will consider cutting 1, but I'm not sure about getting rid of both. It's just nice to have one for Skyla JUST IN CASE.
I like the idea of cutting Bouffalant for Terrakion. Bouffalant has never seen an energy, an active spot, or even bench spot. Whenever I get him I do not lay him down. So for sure -1 Bouffalant +1 Terrakion.
I like having level ball to get Sableye and duskull, but you're probably right. I don't think I'd miss them if I was drawing into them frequently enough. So I will for sure be cutting the level ball and 2 heavy ball.
I'm not so sure about dumping tool scrapper. There has been a couple games where removing an Eviolite (or 2) has gotten me the KO a turn earlier on the pokemon. I think I'm going to for sure keep 1 tool scrapper for now. Just to be safe.

For now... Here are the changes I will be making from what I've learned from RichD.

-1 Bouffalant
+1 Terrakion
-1 Random Receiver
+1 N
-1 Level Ball
-2 Heavy Ball
+3 Darkness Energy
At this point I'm unsure if I would like to cut Energy Search/Retrieval. They're just so useful when you have a skyla and really need that energy late game.
Hey PokePharos, I like the concept of your deck quite a bit, but I just have a few changes. My main concern is that it seems you have too many techs, and you need to focus more onto the main engine, especially since you have two different energy types going on. Energy Search should defiantly stay, as it can be searched with Skyla and grabs a Darkness or Fightning when you need it. With that being said, here's what I recommend:

-1 Terrakion
-2 Enhanced Hammer
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 Energy Switch

+1 Dusknoir
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+1 N
+1 Juniper
+1 Search / Draw

Honestly, I didn't know what to put in the last spot. I would say another supporter would be best, (Random Receiver would be nice, as Sableye can pick it up from discard) but it's your choice. Dusknoir helps to flesh out your line to a 2-0-2, and maxing out on Catcher, N, and Juniper is necessary. I can see why you wanted to just play 3 Junipers, so you don't discard critical parts of your deck, but with Sableye and a Super Rod it'll be fine, plus it gives Dark Patch a boost as well. As for the cards removed, Landorus EX covers your Dark/Electric matchup already, and against Sigilyph, Sableye can cycle hammers when the situation calls for it, so Terrakion as a non-EX attacker isn't needed. Enhanced Hammer couldn't fit the build, and again, Crushing Hammer checks your bases pretty well. Energy Retrieval seemed unnecessary in the deck, but if you found it helpful in testing, try it out for a couple more games. With 12 energy and Super Rod, I don't believe it's worth it though. Overall, you have a very nice decklist, Dusknoir spread with Darkrai/Landorus is certainly an enjoyable deck to play with.
the tool scrapper actually has a great use was just playing a guy going kyurem garbados. so getting rid of a tool on the garbage monster is a great play, and skyla can let you get it.


Maybe throw in a tool like great cape?
Not sure what to take .
@Eonic sableye is great early game, but you are really hoping to not have it as much late game. Though would make for an amusing rare candy grab to ko with a dusknoir you just got out late game. Love Dusknoir as an alternate play.
anyways maybe drop an energy switch and something else in favor of a tool like eviolite or great cape? Eviolite would definitely fit in better of course :)
Thanks for the reply Eonic! I like how you gave me reasons for your suggested changes. this is great. As far as Terrakion is concerned, I know it seems like it doesn't fit. I have only played 6 games so far (thus the 6/0 record). I've been saved by Terrakion from Sigilyph twice now. I will keep testing with him and see if he deserves a cut or not. I did notice your point of view to cut him, but I also noticed a minor flaw. (please dont get offended). You stated that I could cut him and use sableye + Hammers against Sigilyph, but you recommend removing 2 enhanced hammers. That lowers my odds a ton. A lot of people have been dropping DCE lately. That's just my opinion though.

The other two, energy switch and energy retrieval. The retrieval I'm still testing with, I ran into a Hammertime deck and it saved me in the end. But was the only time I've needed it. The energy switches are VERY useful when I lay a Terrakion down or a Dusknoir and it gets catchered and I need to free retreat on a whim by tossing a darkness over. It also helps when an energy gets discarded from my attacker and I have a benched pokemon with 1 energy.
I do need to play test a lot more with the deck before I can cut these cards. I'm really sorry. Your post was well thought out and I really appreciated it! Thanks for the suggestions!

Kajo thanks for the suggestion of the Tools. I would run them, but I can't see myself cutting Energy Switch for them. It has saved me so much.

On another note! Now that I have added more energies I may be able to cut energy switch/retrieval. I will post my results when I can get more deck testing in. For the games that I've found problems I'll post specific examples of what happened where I found myself out of luck. This will help not only myself, but everyone helping me out (and thank you so much for your help) with this deck. Thanks again! I am keeping all the suggestions in mind while I further test out my deck! I won't forget the suggestions no worries :) ALSO Thanks for the compliments on the use of dusknoir, this means a lot!
So far the deck's win loss record is 12/1. I tried cutting 1 darkness energy for 1 dusknoir. This worked for a game, the next game between the crushing hammers and KOs I was unable to get enough darkness energies, I was saved by a late game energy retrieval for the win.

I would like to add a Sableye and take something else out for Dusknoir because that 1 energy seemed to have impacted my deck quite a bit. Terrakion seemed kind of useless all but 1 game (in the past 4 games). So I'm thinking about cutting 1, I would also like to add in Random Receiver back into the deck. I'm also thinking about adding in 1 more super rod, but I'm not sure. For some reason I'm starting with it in my opening hand and usually have to use Professor Juniper early game, then my hammers are too important not to get and my sableyes are usually knocked out in the end or they're too risky to keep active due to the amount of prizes my opponents take.

Despite these issues the deck is still pulling in wins and performing well. The 1 loss I had was due to a HO-OH and (this was before I was testing with 2 Dusknoir) I couldn't get my Dusknoir out of my prizes... SHOOT!

I would love so more help, thanks for taking the time to read what you could. I know I type a lot... Okay! Thank youuu!
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