Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

First Place Fort Mill, SC BR


New Member
So, I have 1 First Place with Machamp, and 2 Third Place with Jumpluff this season, but I'm pretty sure I made some mistakes for those Third Place's, so I decide to try Jumpluff again.

ROUND 1 vs Steffan D with Kingdra. I donked him on T1. Sorry.

ROUND 2 vs Tommy with Jumplux. I took 2 prizes before he got set up, so it was kind of a foregone conclusion.

ROUND 3 vs Tyler with Gyarados. First time playing against it this season. I think I took a couple of prizes before he was close to setting up. I Judge'd his good hand away, too, for the disruption.

ROUND 4 vs Ryan G with LuxChomp. My bud is playing a great deck, and it shows. I Judge his hand at a crucial time, but he gets DCE, Garchomp Lv.X, and Roseanne in the draw, then topdecks Cyrus (he told me later), so it was a slaughter for him. At one point I thought I might get back in it with Uxie and SSU for more Uxie, but it was dead draw, and he merely took my Hoppip with Bright Look/Bite.

ROUND 5 vs. Patrick C with DialgaChomp. This was harder than I thought. I took three early prizes, and he came back to tie at 5 prizes each. Luckily, I was able to get my last Crobat out and get enough on Dialga to KO it for the win.

TOP 4 vs. Vanderbilt Grad with Tyranitar. Another bud. I donk T1 for game 1. Game 2 goes the way it should - I take 3 early prizes. He comes back with multiple prizes. I have Jumpluff with Expert Belt on it, but I need to SSU probably for the game. I can't get it, and he wins. Game 3 is a bit similar except this time I put a Grass Energy on Claydol and wait for Tyranitar. After hitting Belted T-Tar with Jumpluff, I get KO'd, but I bring up Claydol, and search for tech Fighting Energy for the 2 prizes. It comes down again to the last prize, but he can't score T-Tar, and he brings up a big tech for stall, but I have Expert Belt in hand and that is game. Whew!

TOP 2 vs. Patrick C with DialgaChomp. Game 1 I started with Chatot G and went for Rare Candy. He did Deafen. I picked up Uxie and several other things. He KO'd my Active but I was able to kill the Dialga in return. I played Cyrus' Initiative to steal his hand, so he had nothing, and I took his Honchkrow G next turn. Game 2 was a little better for him, but he can't stop me from building Jumpluffs, so after we traded prizes, I kinda rolled.

Mike Reynolds was goofing around at the end and said to me, "I'm very disappointed in you, Tom." I said, "Will you still be disappointed when I pull 2 Legend cards from my four packs?" He's like, "Uhhh... yeah." So I pull 2 Legend out of four packs! THAT was unusual.

Jeff and Toni for some great Battle Roads this entire season.
Above Board Games for a great venue.
Pokemon players, for being the best gamers in the world - I LOVE THIS GAME!

AT&T, for having the worst coverage in Western North Carolina.
Fantastic job Tom, you've really taken the Spring Battle Roads by the throat. Try to go easy on me tomorrow.
Tom it was great seeing you at the BR's.
Great job at each one with some interesting decks.
Good luck at Nats!!!