Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

"Flip for burned moss" - Squirtles Worlds Report.


New Member
Lets get straight to the report


My family and the craigs leave for the airport around 3:45am. We meet up with the Hubbs and arrive in Sunny CA around 12pm.I hang out with Ness , basiciclly have a good time. Ohhh , and friday night I go to dennys with the E4 ( Minus seena and ness) + Vernola , Martin and 2 of the LA guys ( Who rocked)


Ok , after getting back around 1AM from dennys and going to the 4th floor untill about 3AM ( I actually fell asleep in the hallway LAWL) I didn't feel to hot. And to top it off my glasses snapped in 2 pieces... I was sooooo mad. SO my dad is playing in the grinder and he starts off 2-0. Has 2 bannettes prized round 3 so gets a loss in r3. He sucks it up to win 2 more and go 5-1. He gets horrible luck and gets t1 blastoise hyper whirlpool against him round 6...His hopes of grindering was over. But to his credit he sucks it up and keeps playing. I am proud of him for that. We head to the room around 3:15am and begin talking decks.


Ugh , I got like no sleep the night before , i felt like sucks crap. Fortunatly I decided to go with a deck I knew so well:

Round 1 vs ??? (Delta)

I win the flip and get an awesom start. Stun poison turn 1 with an eevee and a spinarak on the bench. I take a lead and keep it all game , not much to say this game.


Round 2 vs Matt Moss (Bannette/Medicham)

This game was very short , I went first and hit stun poison again. I had a nice sized bench. I basicially just went off with the flaridos combos. Moss didn't get a very fast set at all so this didn't go in his favor.


Round 3 vs Steffan S ( Turbo Flygon ex)

He gets a whole lot of nothing. I go first and hit stun poison ( Yet again!) on a trapinch.I pop Battlefrontier out. KO his trapinch. next turn he retrievers and retrieved his pidgey. I Use evolutionary flame and then hit a super scoop up and rebench eevee. I ko it. He draws and shakes my hand.


Round 4 vs Jason K. ( Mewtric)

I go first. I start with spinarak , eevee , ariados , flareon ex , battle frontier, grass energy and a battle frontier. I hit stun poison against his Regirock EX. He draws. Uses Scott , plays a dual ball after his scott. gets 1 heads. But he didn't wanna give me spider trap bait if I had it. so based on the fact I had 3 cards in my hand. he attached and passed. Next turn I evoled both guys and KOed him.


Round 5 VS Sebastion Crema ( Bombtarr)

I muligan 3 times , when I start I get absolutly nothing and it was still a rather close game. Sebastion had a great deck and went 8-0 in swiss. I just wish I had gotten more of a draw


Round 6 VS Mikey ( Bombtarr)

I swear this is the same as game 5.... I only muligan twice this time.But my start is still terrible... GG guys


Round 7 vs David Coates ( Ludicargo)

Just like last game... I muligan twice....AGAIN. How do I feel about that? In the words of SDPokemom :nonono::nonono::nonono: So basicially I have a turn 2 win but I miss stun poison. Oh well I figure I can always used the same ludia strategy , go after the red guy. Well this game wasn't like that. he got 2 cargos out and 2 ludis t3. I was so convinced I lost and that I did all this work to not make top cut.I looked around and saw brent sitting back at like table 50something and still playing. and saw my dad watching me over behind the barricade type thing they had set up.Those 2 things right there told me not to scoop.I get set up ariados swarm , I trap out first ludi. He throws tails on sleep. attaches a heal energy and passes.I use flame and hit a scoop "reactive poison" he throws tails on burn. Now hes got 90. He switched to another ludi and attaches a dre to use healing stepped for 20. Repeat last play. and now that ludia had 90. This continued untill all of his ludis ( 3 or 4) had 90 on them. Then it was just a mattetr of time. I trapped up 3 prizes worth of ludis and killed a few trash. I had2 prizes left with less than 5 minutes left. game is tied. I could have stalled him out and won the game based on time. But I hate stalling so much...I brought up my ariados used a marys and KOed his active ludi with an ariados.. a 30 second turn.. MY pace didn't change the whole game.He brings out a plusle and uses positive spark to put 50 on my flareon benched.Note there is about a minute on the clock. if anyone else had been playing this david wouldn't have gotten another turn...I go for the win and spider trap the plusle. He woke up retreated and ATM rocks to tie the game at 1 prize each.I spider trap a naked magcargo in over time and take the game cause he can't get back to the bench.


Round 8 VS ??? ( LBSfrom mexico)

I basicially get a rocking start I hit stun poison again :biggrin: to stop him from using raichi.I have taken 4 prizes by the time he gets out his first stoise and that was it..


My first top cut at worlds :clap: :clap: :clap:

Top 32: VS Ivan or Ian Sry ( LBSfrom Mexico)

Game 1 :

I go first great ball and C4F with eevee.His start is absolutly terrible I go up on turn 2 with flareon to get a prize. I say "Steven's for 4 cards 5 in my hand" - I toss down a rockets admin. Before I can correct myself his hand is in his deck...I take him from 2 cards in his hand to 6 I ko his rachi and next turn he candies up a stoise and KOes my flareon. Luckily he only runs 4 gyms and my BF sticks. I use scott to get a BF , marys and admin. I manage to use the combo again to put 90 on his stoise. He misses burned 110. he throws heads on confusion to KO my ariados.but tailes on burned.. so 130 on the stoise.I throw up the flareon in hopes he will be knocked out going to his turn or he will miss confusion.. He throws heads on both but coming to my turn he misses burned. KO stoise. he is at 1 prize im at 3... I admin to one and take a prize...he uses jirachi , attaches an energy to mew warp point.. He gets my eevee he uses clutch with his mew.. earlier in the game. I use marys and rip 2 scoops. the first one was heads. KO his mew with reactive poison.


Game 2:

Time went very very long that game as his turns were taking forever.But now im up a game and still aggrivated by his long turns. this game basicially goes like the other 1. except I get 4 prizes before I start saccing stuff and admin him to 1. this game finished with 2 minutes left. even if he had won this 1 there is no way blastoise outspeeds flaridos to the first prize.I win this oine same was as last


Top 16:

game 1:

I miss energy drop for the first 3 turns and he has 4 stage 2s out I fold


game 2 :

this game is much closer. I BF admin him to 1 and he rips a castform ftw..


PUI and ALL of worlds staff.
MY dad once again for creating flaridos.
my first top cut at worlds
Ness for winning
anything I missed
Ken Lizzarago cause hes the Freaking BOSS
And of Courrse Big John Spurlock for being LUGIAS REALM!

Seena G for being Seena G
Big Nick for stealing collections and my t16 hat
Some 11-14 or 10- is going to get a flaridos worlds deck and not the CREATOR(John Silvestro) :-(
Myself for posting this under my dad's name

Thanx Guys leave me <3
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Steve: You had a great tourney! T16 @ Worlds to back up T8 at Nats 2 yrs running. I wish the T16 match would have been closer. I hate losing to no energy, horrid set ups 2 hands in a row. Luck of the game though. I know your Dad is awfully proud of ya, as are many other folks, like me!

Take care and I look forward to the next time I get to see you and your Dad.


PS Tell your Dad to work on his pool game a bit more LOL.
Lawman said:
Steve: You had a great tourney! T16 @ Worlds to back up T8 at Nats 2 yrs running. I wish the T16 match would have been closer. I hate losing to no energy, horrid set ups 2 hands in a row. Luck of the game though. I know your Dad is awfully proud of ya, as are many other folks, like me!

Take care and I look forward to the next time I get to see you and your Dad.


PS Tell your Dad to work on his pool game a bit more LOL.

I heard you're a domination station with a poolstick.
GJ! I have met your dad but not you so tell John I said hey and hope to meet you some time. Awesome Job getting Top16!
ryanvergel said:
I heard you're a domination station with a poolstick.

Keith is a stick for sure :) If you play him, keep your wallet in your pocket ! Trust me on this!

And I AM very proud of you Steve. You showed great heart sucking it up when you had to . And thanks for the props :)

I may be able to play a bit with the stick, but the things they called cues at the Hilton were just a tad bit above clubs!

Alright run it by me ONE more time... you Evolutionary Flame... then you Evolutionary Flame again... so then when you Spider Trap they've got to flip twice for burn and twice for confusion, which is like five status conditions so if they're... wait, that doesn't sound right.. ugh, run it by me again pls tks.
moss you evolutionary flame then spidertrap that way the new active has 4 conditions on it and if you stun poisoned T1 liek steve did, you have 6 so you can flame screen and take 20 less. if that doesnt work i think reactive poison MIGHT ko them.
1 can have up to 3 conditions at once. Burn & Poison + either asleep, para. or confused. Remember, if you have to turn a Poke, it changes that status to a new one. Burn and poison place markers on (or next to) the Poke, so they can be added on.
