Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Gallade, Gardevoir, and Island Hermit


New Member
1) If decide to use Gallade's Psychic Cut do I need to declare how many prizes I am going to flip over, or may I flip over one at a time and decide after each flip whether or not I want to flip over another one?

2) If I use Gardevoir's Telepass to use my opponents Island Hermit am I allowed to choose 0 prizes to flip over, as the text reads "...up to 2...", or do I have to flip over at least 1?

1) You must decide and let your opponent know how many prizes you are going to flip, then flip them. That is what the card says.

2) If you choose to use Island Hermit you must flip at least 1 prize. The only exception to this would be if all your prizes are already flipped over.
