Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Gatr-EX: NEW Power House Champ?

kiyuto-faze 1

New Member
From what I read of the spoiler for Gatr-EX I was seriously impressed, so I got to thinkin about it and its possibilities for when it comes out. I then saw that Gatr-EX alone can counter just about all decks that are power / body based like gardy decks, BAR decks, dark amphy, monarchy, and many more. The only decks I saw that could stand a bit of a chance are Zappy ex and muk ex ( Muk ex depends how you play gatr )! Also I saw that it is just like a gardy ex, same attack cost ( course cept gardy takes P and Gatr W ) only thing is that Gatr is damage counters on the defending while gardy is energy on all pokemon. So basicely my question to all you is, is Gatr-EX gonna be the next deck that beats out all others with an iron fist ? Let this discussion begin.
Yeah, Gatr ex's nice, big, fat, juicy weakness to lightning is DEFINITELY going to stop Dark Ampharos DEAD IN ITS TRACKS. =/

The answer is no. Wait until the set comes out to speculate about what's what. You can only really make threads like these if you understand the current metagame, and there's really no clear understanding right now, since EX: Deoxys raised a big cloud of dust that hasn't completely settled.
Heh but what would we be if we didn't speculate before it happens. Besides thinking about its weakness to lightning as the weakness gatr can't deal with ( wether you were imlplying that or not) is being absent minded. Also as far as deoxys set, the dust it made wasn't all that big when you think about it. Before the last rotation there some cards that deoxys came out with.
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So far Gatr stops all powers besides ex, meaning you can't use Pidgeot yourself because Gatr shuts it off. Meaning it is much much harder to get out a Kingdra. And chances are, ATM Rock (if you candied) or Weakness will have already slaughtered you by the timeyou manage to get one out.
PenguinMaster said:
So far Gatr stops all powers besides ex, meaning you can't use Pidgeot yourself because Gatr shuts it off. Meaning it is much much harder to get out a Kingdra. And chances are, ATM Rock (if you candied) or Weakness will have already slaughtered you by the timeyou manage to get one out.

Why bother getting out a Kingdra?

Gatr ex shuts Kingdra's body down.
I think a long, long time ago, in a set far, far away. A company called Wizards printed a card called Switch. It holds even greater power today.
Aha, true, how did I miss that X_X

So you use switch, the Kingdra is active. Gatr doesn't do much good on the bench, now does it X_X
Hi Penguinmaster,

I assume Professor Aspen wanted to point out that one could have Pidgeot on the bench and use switch to send Ferigatr Ex to the bench to enable one to search the deck for a needed card such as Ancient TM Rock or Boost. Now retreat the bird and attach Boost to Feraligatr Ex to knock out their active. One could also attach one basic Energy to Pidgeot and use the Ancient TM Rock it searched for to benefit from his previous bench damage attacks.

Feraligatr Ex is nice but has issues with fast electric decks like the new Zapdos Ex decks or Dark Circuit. Also note that there are some red face paint decks which run decent electric lines too. In sum he seems decent but not broken at all.
Considering the environment right now. Feraligatr ex may not be as good as the "hype" says it is. If Zapdos and Dark Amphy lasts until it is released then Gatr ex is done for. Right now, I see Blasty slowing down just a bit since the creation of Dark Amphy/ATM Rock. But for the most part, Gatr ex doesn't seem all that great.
milotic ex will slow down stupid rock lock and it goes really well in gatr ex decks. I play it with parasect for a quick set up. turn 3 gatr doing 70+ a turn hurts bad when you can't use powers.
Gatr EX is pretty good. Its got the choppyness, to say the least. It can flaunt it's hustle pretty well if played right. Why not speculate? Its a card, we know what it does, we know what else is released so far, yes I just mean based on what we know so far - of course there is still a degree of uncertainty.

But stop with the Dark Amphy..... that deck plain sucks.
You know whats really weird? Totadile is printed in hidden legends...only a totadile...no crocanaw or feralitgator!
Its a sign!!!
HIDDEN legends!