Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Get well soon , Sniper

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Hope the best to you and your dad. I may not have known him, but reading these posts, I can get a feeling of how he was.
I've met your dad at a few of Feraligatr's events. I've always been impressed with his enthusiasm, his gusto. I am so sorry that this has happened. We will keep you in our prayers.
I may have met him @ worlds but I pretty sure I did. I hope he gets back to health really soon, he's a strong guy he'll make it for sure. I will pray for him.
Hey Steve,

I hope the best for your dad on such a difficult situation. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family and I hope your dad recovers soon!!

John is one of the best people I've ever met. He's very strong and I know he'll get through this. My prayers go out to you and your dad, Steve.
Steve, try to get some rest/sleep while your dad is in surgery, you are needed when he gets out of the operation.
Give him my best wishes.

John, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Get well soon my friend.

Vince Krekeler

Steve, realize your support means the world to your Dad.

'Sending a Grass Energy Your Way...Nurture and Heal Does Work'.... Meganium45
Let your mom, sister, and of course John know that the McKinney family is also praying for a speedy recovery. It just wouldn't be Pokemon in Florida without the Silvestros.
Hey Steve... Let John know The Fish Family sends much Love to your Family!

Tell the Big Boy to get Better... who will I have to push around at Regionals if he doesn't come!

Much Love!
Hey guys , just got back to my house after a long night.

The surgeon ended up coming in late , and they decided to not to the operation tonight. They are going to try and controll the seepage with the medicine and see if they cant controll the infection. The surgery is not out of the question however , if this fails they will be going in tomorrow or anytime during the week.

The surgeon clearly expressed his concern about only doing one operation , thus the reason he wants to wait for 4-6 weeks for the infection to go down so that he can operate without resulting in a colostomy bag and thus a colostomy reversal.

We are not out of the woods yet , however tonight he has made tremendous improvement. But this could relapse at any time , GOD FORBID!

Anyways , it means alot that everyone offered their support. I will be taking my laptop to the hospital tomorrow so he should be able to read it all.
I might not have always been on the same page as him, but I think the game would be at a large loss without him. Get better soon John, many people are looking forward to seeing you again!
John & Steve - Our prayers and thoughts are with you both and that you have a speedy recovery. Hope to see u guys at Nats.
Steven, you know that Rose, Caitlin, and I will have your dad in our prayers. You too. Hang in there. I know how hard it can be to see someone you love go through this kind of thing. Your being there by his side is probably the best thing for him. I'm certain of that.

Tell John that I wish him the best. I feel like I should call rather than write this, but it's probably best that he get as much rest as he can and not have people disturb him.

If there's anything we can do to help, just let us know. Friends (and overall good folks) like yourselves are hard to come by.

davechri (just for you stevie!)
man even though i've only spoken to your dad a couple of times.... once at worlds 05 and last year at southern regionals(hopefully ya'll will make it this year).... Patriarch is right the Texas players sincerely send their prayers/support.... get well soon ! :thumb: :biggrin:
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