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Guitar Hero 3


New Member
is finally out and this is a guitar hero disscusion thread (excuse my spelling)

Also post your friend codes for online play.

First question:

Has anyone been able to beat TTFATF yet. I can't even beat it on medium I stink so much.

Ps. I just beat this game just now and I have to give it 3 thumbs up and a 5 out of 5
I can't get past the battle with the devil on Expert. I've beaten TTFATF on Hard, but I can't even get past 1% on Expert lol.
I got the Wii version. I haven't started playing it on Expert yet, still working on Hard Career.

The online play is great.

Wii Friend Code: 343711997162
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Through the Fire and Flames=Hard for me on Medium. Whatever I do I can't incorporate the orange button into my pinky for Hard. Uggggh.
I guess I'll 5* all of medium and hard today...

Hopefully the last few tierd will be hard =\

I am able to 5* all songs on GH2 (Hard), except for Six.

But in GH3, there are like 8 songs that I can't 5* yet in the main set list on hard. The one that gave me the most problems actually passing was Raining Blood.

I will probably start on Expert tonight or something, after I play all the bonus songs on Hard.

Also to Tagrineth...I added you to my Friend List on the Wii. My name on there is Oraphice (It's the name I use in the Guitar Hero Community)
I pretty much stopped playing medium mode and went straight to expert. Haven't gotten 3* on any yet.

P.S. Did you ever try doing expert 5*? I couldn't =( stupid psycobilly
Through the Fire and Flames=Hard for me on Medium. Whatever I do I can't incorporate the orange button into my pinky for Hard. Uggggh.

Don't try to stretch your pinky down.

Move your index finger to the red fret.

It's psychologically and physiologically easier to stretch your index finger UP than it is to stretch your pinky DOWN.
I pretty much stopped playing medium mode and went straight to expert. Haven't gotten 3* on any yet.

P.S. Did you ever try doing expert 5*? I couldn't =( stupid psycobilly

I tried, and I am currently at 25 out of 40 5* on Expert on GH2. Maybe I will come back to it later.

Finally got to do some Co-op Career on the Wii tonight, got one of my friends come over with his Wii-Tar. We both playing on Hard, but we didn't finish, we only got to the 6th Tier, and failed at One :frown:
I finally beat TTFATF on medium. I don't even want to attempt hard. I also have tried some songs on expert.

PS. How do I get on Wifi, my wifi connection is frigged up
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i beat TTFAF last night on Hard, once I got past the intro part, the rest of it was easy enough to do. So it's not that bad. Now I get to look forward on failing it on Expert at 1%.

As far as the WiFi connection goes: A couple things that you would need, if you are trying to set it up, if going by Wireless, you will need your Router's name, and if you use WEP or WPA Security, you will need to know which one you are using, and your security code (Password if you will) for your router.

Also routers should be able to assign IP Addresses and do DNS for you as well, be sure to pick the appropreate options relating to those.