Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Guitar Hero for DS


New Member
Just saw the trailer on Yahoo. It looks pretty intense, I'll probaly be pre-ordering one since I'm no good at regualr GH <.<

This would be interesting, were it not for the fact that there is no whammy bar. And I refuse to play GH without the ability to spam my whammy bar. Still, interesting concept although on DS it's bound to be more of a party game *looks pointedly at flaming guitar bit*
I hope they include Nintendo WiFi in this game, as well as the ability to co-op or competitive with more than 2 players. I mean, it's MUCH easier than on the console games, cuz each person has their own screen, while the consoles need to make good use of the limited space on a TV screen.

I'm Xcited...
Sure it looks amazing, but the peripheral device looks like it was designed for the DS Lite. Any word on whether it will be compatible with the classic DS for us "old-timers"?

More than likely, it'll just change orientation on the screen, and reverse the colors for you.
I hope they include Nintendo WiFi in this game, as well as the ability to co-op or competitive with more than 2 players. I mean, it's MUCH easier than on the console games, cuz each person has their own screen, while the consoles need to make good use of the limited space on a TV screen.

I'm Xcited...

See, that's what I love about having a big screen television. That's never really an issue.

Wow. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out. Now we just need Rockband for the DS...

That's going a bit too far, don't you think. First let's see if they an successfully port Karaoke Revolution onto it, because I have a feeling the microphone is going to cause some issues.

Then you go to the hospital and get your left hand replaced with your right hand.

... I only have one thing to say to that. lol.
See, that's what I love about having a big screen television. That's never really an issue.

Even with a big screen, you probably can't fit more than 3 or 4 players on the screen without it becoming HUGELY distorted. If they implement WiFi correctly, they can literally have HUNDREDS of people co-opting or combating on the same level at the same time.