Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Gurren Lagann

There's nothing wrong with the ending. People died left and right in the show and even in the end it didn't stop everyone else from moving forward. Simon stepped down and entrusted everything to the next generation. Sure it was sad, but it's not like the series ended a depressing note.
There's nothing wrong with the ending. People died left and right in the show and even in the end it didn't stop everyone else from moving forward. Simon stepped down and entrusted everything to the next generation. Sure it was sad, but it's not like the series ended a depressing note.
Major spoilers here so if you haven't seen the show don't read my post at all!

I don't know how all of the Team Gurren characters being killed off isn't sad....I understand why Simon did what he did, but all of their deaths are no less depressing in the end. Simon lives to be old and lives out his life as a bum. I really didn't see anything happy about the show's ending besides the fact that the next generation reaped the benefits of everything Team Gurren lived and died for...If that's not ending on a depressing note I have no idea what is.
We clearly have different ideas of what constitutes depressing. I'm not saying it wasn't sad, just that it wasn't depressing. The members of the (Dai) Gurren-dan fought and sacrificed their lives so that those who came after them could have a better life and I see nothing depressing about that.

I think the way Gurren-Lagann deals with death can be summarized by the following speech:


as well as this quote:
Simon said:
Dead people are dead people. If we revive them, they'll just get in the way of the next generation.

I don't really find these to be depressing concepts.
As for the mention of the much rumored & ultra-delayed "Live Action" Evangellion movie. It is still apparently "in the works" (check out Anime News Network from about a month ago).

I really enjoyed Gurren Lagann, it was so very different from most of the other anime shows that were on. IMO I think Cartoon Network really dropped the ball when they let Scy-Fy show it instead (BTW is their anime block still running?)

Another show from Gainax (that IMO is better than FLCL) is Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi.
Also if you are posting in this particular part of the forum (and are over the age of 16) you should check out Otaku No Video (also by Gainax).
Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai was pretty good. As far as Gainax shows aside from Gurren Lagann go, I personally enjoyed KareKano and Diebuster. I also generally enjoyed Shikabane Hime too, but I didn't think it was anything impressive.

I didn't realize until just now that Hamaru Youchien is being animated by Gainax. It's so much different than what I usually think of when I think of Gainax.
I think the way Gurren-Lagann deals with death can be summarized by the following speech:


as well as this quote:

I don't really find these to be depressing concepts.

While those ideas in and of themselves are presented to not be depressing it doesn't change the fact that in order for Simon (in that scene) to push forward Kamina HAD to die.

Isn't the thought of others giving up their lives, without knowing the results of their sacrifices to be depressing? Even if Gurren Lagann presents the idea of death as something to use as a stepping stone in order that others may live better it doesn't change how its depressing that death and sacrifice are necessary to bring about such changes for the betterment of people who never truly understand the true meaning of such a sacrifice?

Simon's speech further engrains the show's view on how the dead should be viewed.....In other words those who come before are ignorant or believe in the wrong ides because they came before and nothing else. In other words those who get in the way are an obstacle. So its saying those who died had to die because they were obstacles? So this all loops back to Simon couldn't progress to be who he became without Kamina dying and that the old exist only as a stepping stone for "progress."

It continues the endless cycle of the drill in its own rationalizations. I find the show's view on death to be rather unrealistic, but it does present humanities view on those before them properly. The youth rebel against the old system. They view the old as an obstacle that's in the way of progress. That's always occurred and it still does to this day. You could say that the whole show is about that if you sit and think about it when you see how the anti spirals and Spiral King are portrayed.
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Just a quick warning about Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, it does have a bit of female nudity in it...