Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Happy Meals illegal?

This is just plain wrong. I am not a supporter of our current government system. There is way to much controversy for any one to agree on something. The government is getting WAY to involved in our personal lives. Seriously, Happy Meals! It's food! (Maybe not good food, but still!)

From The Declaration Of Independence:That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

That, is what the founding fathers believed, and they were right. Everyone has forgotten all about those words. Instead, they spend days arguing in Congress without reaching a decision. One of my ancestors was a Founding Father, and a signer of the Constitution. They believed in freedom, liberty, and what-not. But the government is getting way to controlling, and it needs to stop. (Seriously! HAppy Meals!)
I love how people make such a big thing about people being too fat and bring up health care, but smoking is perfectly fine. :/
1. Parent's are the one's who should be held responsible for their children's diet, it's their child, no one makes them buy their child junk food to the degree that it makes them obese. McD's may be large, as well as few kids, but it doesn't have the omnipotent power to make you buy their product, at the end of the day, no matter what McD's does, it was your decision and you have nobody but yourself to blame.

The thing is that, while most parents should act responsible most of them dont. If all people would act rational there would be no need for forbidding happy meals, for public health care. But people are dumb, people will let their children grow fat, people will... etc And in the end who will be either blamed for all of this or will have to pay?
The thing is that, while most parents should act responsible most of them dont. If all people would act rational there would be no need for forbidding happy meals, for public health care. But people are dumb, people will let their children grow fat, people will... etc And in the end who will be either blamed for all of this or will have to pay?
So the government should take control because we have stupid parents? This doesn't solve the problem, this just creates a dependency on the system. Like I said, if the government should be doing anything at all, it should be to influence people, not control them.
There is no way to fix the problem of people being stupid, just a way to limit the impact of people being stupid :/