Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

He works so hard

<----August 4th, 2007 (When not in use, sleep mode)

Whats weird is that my comp has 2 512MB RAM Cards in it, yet it only registers as 896. Why is that?

you should have a total of 1 gig of ram. Are you sure that is not your computer processing speed or your ram MHz?
Depending what he's running on, it might not recognize the full amount of RAM. You'd have to be pretty ancient for your cap to be under 1 gigabyte, but he just might be.
Why not just turn off your computer? Seriously, is it difficult to select shut down when you've finished?
I dont turn off my computer often. Why turn it off? lol it just mkaes me wait about a minute the next time i want to use it.
At My grandmas house we have a Windows 2000 Which I don't really like compared to my XP...
So I leave the Windows 200 on most of the time
I turn off my monitor whenever I am not using my computer. My dad and I measured how much power the monitor took compared to the Computer itself, and the actual Computer takes up very little power. The monitor on the other hand took up a ton.
I can leave my computer on for about 2 weeks at a time. After that, it tends to slow down and I'm forced to reboot it.

- Croatian "working too hard, perhaps" Nidoking