Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Hedge's 11-14 Worlds Report


New Member
Paris’ Worlds ’05 Report

Anyone I didn’t meet, or anyone that wants to keep in touch, go for it. Cell is

312-636-4066 .

AIM is cello1126

BTW eeveeryone (HAHA pokemon humor. ;/) Sorry for posting this a bajillion years late, I'm a LAZY PROCRASTINATOR, loaded down with family and school stuff to do.


Mum and I got on at O’Hare, took a 4 hour flight to San Diego, got off, realized San Diego was 2 hours earlier than Chicago, laughed a little, then went out in a car we rented and checked out San Diego. I quickly found 98.9 was San Diego’s hip hop station (west coast rap *cringe*), so we blasted that, cracked some jokes, noticed no one really spoke English around town, finally found some bar, got some chicken wings and shot some pool for dinner.


I got up late, went down to the open gaming area on the hotel compound, saw a few people, toyed around w/ notions about Blastoise and Ludicargo, eventually went back to the hotel room, grabbed Mum and went to Walmart. We got a soccer ball there, took it back to the open gaming area, and Pablo, Mikey Fouchet (Magnechu), LugiasRealm, Dave Coleman, Adam Vernola, and Freddy K. played a little. I was horrible at everything except for one move which only worked because I had sandals on =(. Soon enough, a guard came over and told us to stop, in the meantime tipping us off to a large dirt field a little ways off, which would be the eventual soccer field. After all this, I tested in the open gaming area a little more, headed back to the hotel room, and chilled out w/ some Jalapeno potato chips.


I get up early and hit the beach w/ Mum. Pacific beach had a parking spot open for us because someone got towed, so we took that, got out and walked around for a good 2 hours. I swam a little in the ocean, took some pictures, and we rescued various barnacles, jellyfish, and other assortments of sea life. I stopped in a shop and got a Boogie Board and a San Diego T-Shirt (=D), and after that, we headed back to the hotel room, dropped off the junk, and I hit the open gaming area again. The Grinder started at 5 or something like that, and the reception party started around 6, so I got on a cool shirt for those and headed off. The party was a lot worse than last year, so Dan, Vernola and I rounded up some people for a soccer game in the dirt field, ditching reception. Teams were something like:

John Wetz (YJ), Me, Dan Richards, Pablo M., Sammy, and a few Randoms,


Sebastian Crema (GrandmaJoner), Mikey Fouchet (Magnechu), Tom D., Jeffrey Vernola, Jake (Steven’s cousin), and a few Randoms.

Our team lost at about 5-2, mainly because John couldn’t play on dirt, Sebastian was godly, and because hey, all our goalie did was make our goal smaller.

Annnyway, after soccer, we all split. I went back to the grinder to find out that Matt G, Tracy, and Justin didn’t do too well… and that sucked…but ahh, I hit the pool w/ Steven, Vernola, Brandon & Jake, and Austin, and we roughhoused a little, stirred up complaints, eventually calmed down and talked to Chelsea Ballard and her new cousins, tried to go in the hot tub, got thrown out, talked to Chelsea some more and learned she needed us to beat someone up, but then the soon-to-be victim left the pool, Jake tried to drown me, and I concluded it was time for bed, lmao. I went back to the hotel room, called a few people on my cell phone, got a hold of John Wetz, we talked, and I went up to his room to test Blastoise. We came up with a list, decided to play it for tomorrow, and split for sleep.


I get up around (insert forgotten time here), get a call from John explaining in vague detail how bad the blasty list is, swear a few times, take a loooooooong shower, iron my jungle wear (rofl “watch that tree, john”), whip everything together and head out to the open gaming PLACE. I meet John there, we fix the Blasty list super quick, fish out all the cards Steven Davis needs for the same deck, run over at 10 to 9 to register, etc etc etc. Meganium45 (Vince) checked my deck, and I could TELL BY THE POKEBALL DO-RAG HE WAS READY FOR THE EVILS OF THE DAY (go Vince =D). Anyway, I walk outside to relax for a few good seconds, notice that Steven is still trying to find a 3rd Blastoise for his deck, and I tell him to go register pronto because he’s late. Ugh, regardless, Steven registered, and eventually play started.

My memory is terrible, so if I butcher or blatantly forget anything, feel free to PM me on filling it in.

ROUND 1: vs. Mikkel J. (Denmark 2nd place Nats champ ;/)

We start round 1 after Big Daddy Snorlax does a bunch of announcements. I’m at a table with three foreigners, so I don’t get to talk for a half hour basically. However, I DID manage to communicate to my Dutch opponent that the coordinators are crazy for the repairing that happened RIGHT AWAY… if that gives you any idea on how mutually understood the disorganization was. I ended up playing the same person after the repairing, so after some more BDS commentary, we finally started the game. He opened w/ Aqua’s Elektrike and attached a couple energy. I SARS’ed on Sparce, with nothing in my hand to back it up except a psychic energy (pulled Deoxys on the SAR). He plays Moltres ex and I’m literally looking like -_- . I do 60 to it w/ Normal Deoxys ex, he confuses and does 60 back. I get a catty, energy draw, get nothing, and try to attack through confusion… heads. KO, and that was basically game changing for me. He came in w/ a DR Quaza and KO’d deoxys, but next turn I energy drawed, got a stoise, RC, and TVR. TVR’ed, got magneton , water, and retriever. I put in squirtle, play HPS, play retriever for sparce, retreat, attach, and SF. Heads. He passes, I energy draw again, get a ton of good stuff etc, get the stoise and magneton, play 4 energy on catty, retreat and KO quaza. From there he basically loses while I set up more and more each turn.


ROUND 2: vs. Michael C. w/ Medicham

I don’t remember this game very well, but I know he got Medi out quickly, and I eventually outdid him with Deoxys…


Lunch break in here somewhere? Maybe? Not sure? Idk.

ROUND 3: vs. Tatiana Miller (she might’ve been round 4 actually, not sure)

Anywho, she had zappy, and this was at table 1… lots of spectators lol. She got out a quick zapdos, I stalled with dunsparces and squirtles, and honestly thought I’d lost. Buuuuuut I eventually did 60 with a random 3 energy magneton, next turn got a blasty I think, and sort of came back with that. Mid game Tatiana got the one-energy-short symptom thingy that happens to zappy a lot if the game lasts past 8 turns, and I sorta won =(.


ROUND 4: vs. James V. w/ slowking (might not have been round 4, not sure)

Oh ho ho, what a half hour wasted from my life -_-. First of all, I got so fried at my opponent and SD Pokemom in the middle of this round that I barely remember anything from the actual game; I know I won, and that’s about it. =/

So somewhere mid-game, he has an active slowking with an EXP. all attached to it. I KO the slowking w/ blastoise, and he tries to move a psychic energy on the slowking to his jirachi, which is becoming his new active. I stop him saying “no, that’s not how the card works.” He calls over SD Pokemom, who sits down and asks what the situation is. I explain it; she seems a little lost, so I explain it again. After she re-reads EXP. All and finally understands what happened, she has the AUDACITY to ask me “Now, why did you let him play this?” I told her it was NOT a dual-player responsibility situation, she called over Pokepop, and he straightened everything out. Meanwhile, this SIMPLE ruling took 2 minutes against an opponent who was already ahead and stalling, and SD Pokemom says she’ll add on time at the end of the match; what great pressure to play under! Anyway, nothing personal to all these people, but I guess this is reason #526553254589676754 why I’m quitting :/. I have other things to rant over… (btw Celio, couldn’t quit thinking about the slowking strategy for the whole game ;x)


BTW, sorry again Mr. Meches for goin’ off on ya after that round.

SOMEWHERE around this time, I get news that Steven Davis was DQ’ed. Now I’m already worked up about the last match, so I’m ready to KILL now. I ask around, and I gather a mixed story of cards falling in a non-visible-by-both-players place, and an accusation of cheating. How CLASSIC. Well I can personally say RIGHT off, NONE of it is true. Steven isn’t one who cheats, and guess why guys… Because he doesn’t need to! Omgbbq liek amaxzing right?! And I can tell, after I saw the opponent he faced in which this situation occurred, I knew Steven didn’t do anything. Common sense I guess. He was pathetic looking, and quite frankly, I bet it was something HE would do. What a skunk =/.

Steven ended up being reinstated, but with a game loss.

ROUND 5: vs. Miranda C. w/ T2 Steelix

This was a fairly easy-going, fun match… She got out a quick Steelix and I stalled with Magneton (resistance; it was REALLY helpful). I eventually got out Deoxys (the attack ex one) and killed it… things just went downhill for her from there.


ROUND 6: vs. Stuart B. w/ Medicham

He got out a medi quickly, I got a squirtle, RC, blastoise, stones project, and deoxys. Since that’s all my deck really needs to beat any sort of medicham, I had a good advantage… But Stu was a good player and hung in there for a while, until one point where he had a medi active, I evolved to delcatty, discarded a water energy, and started to draw 2 cards when stuart raised his hand for a judge… I told him it was a dual player responsibility, but the judge came anyway and gave us both cautions. After that, Stu kept asking various judges whether I could flip a coin or not, which sorta got on my nerves… He also just randomly asked for a judge to watch our game, which obviously implied that he was suspicious of my gameplay…and then he made a comment towards the end of the game, “I like how your play speed changes” in a real whiney, smart*** voice. I honestly don’t know Stuart very well, so I won’t say more. A lot of people think he’s an OK guy, and he’s obviously a fairly good player, so w/e. But PLEASE, of all things to b**ch at me for, leave stalling out of it -_-. I don’t stall. GG anyway Stuart.


ROUND 7: vs. Steven Davis w/ Blasty, same deck as me, card for card.

I honestly went into this match like it was a fun game, which it really was. Steven and I laughed and dissed each other the whole game, caught each other’s misplays, and played with hands face up. And hey, we even DROPPED A FEW CARDS, and we BOTH saw it! Omgzz!!!1!11!!! I ended up sort of outplaying Steven with some Deoxys tricks mid game, which gave me a 1-up prize advantage. I forced it into a 1-1 prize tradeoff a turn after that, and I eventually won. After the match I realized I should’ve given Steven the win, because then both our records would be guaranteed at least 6-2, which is an automatic make-it to T32… but Steven won his next game, which took a ton of weight off my shoulders.


ROUND 8: vs. Mikey! (Magnechu, do y'all know this by now?)

I went into this with another fun match mindset… Mikey had ZRE, and I basically knew his list by heart… We literally tested the matchup online about 15 times, and we determined that Blasty gave ZRE an auto-loss… Buuuut not at Worlds, rofl. I got nothing for about 10 turns, while he just built up and killed me, lol. I think my only prizes were the two from electrode blowing itself up ;x. Everyone would laugh when my Japanese coin kept getting heads. On the turn he won, my TD would’ve been a TVR, which would’ve been a gym, energy, and RC. That would’ve let me get rid of the nasty frontier that stopped my catty for the whole game (and really won it for him), which might’ve let me come back… ah well, lol, gg Mike. Mikey likes it! =(

7-1 (ridded myself of the undefeated curse; tough luck Mikey, donked by Vileplume in T32 XD)

They announce T32 is going to be Sunday morning, thank GOD. I go out for a swim, wish everyone goodnight, and hit the hay early for Sunday.

****T32: vs. Kyle S. w/ Metagross

Game 1: He mentions early on that he’s a new-ish player, starting from Hidden Legends.

He takes nice, long, 4 minute turns in the middle of the game; about 3 or 4 of them. I don’t complain, because I DON’T have a problem with it, because I can SEE he is thinking hard on the moves. I eventually win; this game took around 40 minutes.


Game 2: We setup quickly, and he gets a quick Meta ex. I chip it down, and after a few turns, ko it. This goes on for a bit, until a judge comes into the middle of the game and sits down. We continue playing, and when time is getting low, Kyle started bugging me to play faster. I don’t say anything, because I’m fairly even tempered before anything truly gets me ticked off.

So I’m sitting there, truly thinking on what to do, and the judge that has recently started watching our game flashes his index finger casually, to signify an extra minute time extension. I’m unaware of this, and when time is called on my turn, I go to shake my opponents hand after double checking the game stats. This is when I discover we have a time extension, and also when I knew I was in for a fight! *twirls finger in air stupidly* I said to the judge, after he told us, “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Annnnnnd why is this?”

“You were making no legitimate moves towards the end of the game.”

“Haha yeah whatever buddy.”

“Are you going to argue with me or make some legitimate moves?”

*stares w/ smart*** look on face*

So, with all my HARD THINKING, I finally figured out that he couldn’t OHKO magneton w/ metagross if I put more than 2 energy on it, and I eventually win, even with our retarded judge’s unnecessary time extension. My opponent seemed disappointed of me, but I didn’t care; he killed his own time in game 1! As far as I’m concerned, time is time. It isn’t more valuable in game 2. If a player needs to think, the player should be able to take time to think. Yes, TAKE TIME to think. I talked to the judge after the match was over, and told him about my opponent taking long turns, and that the time situation was not my fault, or at least, a dual player fault. He said that if I had a problem with it, I should’ve said something. I was getting angry and told him I DIDN’T have a problem with it, because being a good player I could TELL my opponent was THINKING on those long turns, and I don’t have a problem with a player thinking out his moves. He began to ignore my argument and asked for my deck to check, and I inquired why he didn’t ask for my opponent’s also. He gave no response, which I expected since I was now actually TRYING to be a pain in the *** to him, so I asked him sweetly if he wanted it organized or not, didn’t wait for a reply, dropped my deck on the table, walked off, and eventually passed the whole shindig off in five minutes as another encounter with an idiot.

2-0, total 9-1, made T16 cut.

T16: vs. Jeffrey Vernola w/ Rocklock, woop de doo.

Ahh, well I knew this match was soon to be my downfall, because Jeffrey was using Rocklock, and Blasty beats everything BUT that, which, in fact, it horribly loses to. So I played game 1, making it nice and long on purpose, just to rustle his feathers. By Game 2 we were both red with laughter at how stupid it all was, and I eventually killed 3 of my own pokes w/ raindance to let him win.

And so I went to get a big bag of junk, a few slaps on the back, then ran back to my hotel room and CRIED (jk ;D) I actually ran back to get my camera, then went back to film T8, T4, and finally T2 of 11-14 and 15+.

In retrospect I concluded that T16 for 11-14 was all matchups. All the players were of equal skill. The two blastoise players got paired against the only two rocklock players, and the other decks were medicham, ludicargo, steelix, and slowking. Regardless, Stu ended up winning, with Andrew in 2nd, and Dan in 3rd. Or maybe that little Japanese kid got 2nd, and Andrew got 4th, not sure. Either way, I knew 3 of the Top 4, and I was proud of all of them.

That night I hung around the open gaming area, watched the Yamato marathon a little, went for a swim, watched the hold ‘em tourney (#2 I think), went up to some friend’s rooms, picked roses, etc etc. Eventually, Mossy casually asked to borrow my phone for a call, and whilst I was waiting, a majority of NEO snuck up behind me and threw me in the pool. Lmaoo -_- So I ended up walking around in soaking wet cargo shorts and a wet tank top, drying my hands on table cloths of the hold ‘em/draft tourneys… ehh lol but it was all good. I hung around for a looong time, finally considered it a night, said goodbye to a lot of people, and slooooowly marched back to my room.


I sat outside and stargazed for a looong time, eventually heard “Pooka” shouted somewhere far off in the distance, chuckled and went inside to sleep.


All in all it was a great time. I really want to come back next year, but idk if I’ve mentioned it or not, but I quit the game... High school, sports, big city, peer pressure, the works. Lol. No hard feelings guys, y'all PLEASE keep in touch online and stuff.

~Props and Slops~


-Everyone, it was a great time.

-Judges, pop, PUI all that jazz

-John Wetz.

-Mikey Fouchet.

-Steven Davis.

-Team Monkey… better luck next year guys. I’ll always remember you.

-All of NEO; besides being female dogs in gym terms, you’re all AWESOME.

-Foreign players for being foreign and cool.

- Everyone who chose San Diego as the location for Worlds.

-Mum for hanging in there during the TORTURE

-Mum for chugging Jalapeno potato chips w/ me in the grocery store to impress the locals

-Props, for being more Props than Slops.

-Anyone/Anything I forgot, aim/call/PM me.


-Anyone who cheated. IDK if anyone did, but this catches ‘em

-The few certain people who KNOW you’re on my blacklist

-Mikey for going 8-0 and donking to Vileplume in T32, -___- lol sorry buddy.

-John for nearly making me wet myself with laughter

-Anyone who did various pool tricks on me, including shoving me in, trying to drown me, spitting water on me, Picking me up and Dropping me into the pool whilst I was least expecting it, from behind, on mass, after stealing my cell phone, etc etc. JK errbody I love ya all.

-High School for making me quit

-Steven for not getting his lazy *** in to register quick enough =P

-Reception. Food was LAME this year. Next year, we need some meat, chips, more CHEESE, not uncool dogs ‘n’ burgers. Rap DJ > Interesting Local Band, too. =(

-Can’t think of any more, cool. Ohh yeah, my memory for being useless. Hrhrhrhr.



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I've had you on my pokemon section of my AIM buddy list for a while, I saw your swiss match 'chu... making a lot of comments and being loud and such with patrick =X

Sad to hear you retired.
thanks guys =}

yeah ryanvergel, the matches w/ Steven and Chu were really casual lol

Truk. I might. :x
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Nice report. Wish I had caught you there, you seem like a cool kid.
Nice report. I wish I met you so we can chat. You did good though. Good luck in everything you want to do in the future.

I sat outside and stargazed for a looong time, eventually heard “Pooka” shouted somewhere far off in the distance, chuckled and went inside to sleep.

That was me and Hot Mustid from our balcony. ;D

Our game was awesome, I'll never forget that. And I figured out how to beat Blasty AFTER Worlds. OOOPS.

So I'll see ya at Nats, k? =D

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You'll be back...

I sucessfully juggled being the most popular kid in school, High School sports, a social life and pokemon for 4 YEARS of High School, you can do it too;D

Cya at Cities Paris, you know you'll be there.
NJ man. Congrats on all your accomplishments throughout the years. Hope to see agian sometime. As much as i made fun of you and stuff i never really did hate u that much. LOL. BUt yea good luck with high school. Its really not that bad.

Dave III

BTW i have 10 dollars that says your back by Cities.
thanks everybody,

lol jermy, mikey, AJ, and axe... Ima stay away just b/c I CAN'T juggle, and I want axe to lose 10 bucks ;P jk

but mike, that was YOU? rofl that was a loud scream, I dont beleive it. ;x

also AJ, Young Buck has a new rap called DPG-Unit XD
Wish you could've played longer... Sorry to hear about so many being asses to you while inthose matches. Is it typically like this in a game of Pokemon having more whiny players?
Nice report Hedgie, I'm glad you made Blastoise/Magneton work. I played that deck and that deck alone from about September to February lol. I'm quite curious about your list, any chance of you posting it? Hope you come back and with some great rogue again.
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Hey paris
Its andrew (thanks for the compliment)

congrats on getting T16 =)

come back pokemon needs someone with a muk powered up by a bunch of powers =) (man i still cant believe how crazy that deck was)

bye for now and
may the Brooks be with you =)