Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How did you get interested in Pokemon?


New Member
I was around 7 and I saw it on TV, I didn't get into the cards until later on, around age 9 or so.

How did you?
Aah, to this very day I remember how I got into Pokemon. I was in 2nd grade, so I was 6 or 7(young for my grade, I was 4 when I started kindergarden =/). I think it was january or feburary or something, so 7. Anyways, here was the dialouge roughly.

Background: A school playground. It is winter time.

Me: What are you guys playing?
Girl 1: Pokemon!
Me: What's Pokemon?
Boy: It's a game where you battle with monsters and stuff!
Me: COOL! I wanna play!
Boy: Ok! I'm Pikachu, She's Clefairy(Girl 2), and she's a trainer(Girl 1).
Me: Who can I be?
Boy: Let's see...there's Pikachu, Clefairy, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Oddish, and Rattata!
Me: Oddish sounds cool! I wanna be Oddish!
Boy: Ok! Let's go.
Girl 1: Hey, I wanna do that thing you were talking about.
Boy: Evolving?
Girl 1: Yeah!
Boy: Ok, you need a Moon Stone to evolve! (Girl 2, name will not be disclosed), you have to give it to her!
Girl 2: Ok! *gives chunk of snow to Girl 1*
Boy: Ok, you evolved into Clefable!
Me: I wanna evolve! And why can't (Girl 2) evolve?
Boy: Because she's a trainer! And you evolve into Gloom.
Me: Ok! I use the Moon Stone to evolve into Gloom! *picks up snow*
Boy: Ok, let's go.

Ah, those were the good old days. Oddish could evolve with a Moon Stone, and we thought Mew was called Myu(pronounced Me-you) because of a badly spelled strategy guide. *Sigh*
This tends to come up every six months or so. Well, here's the Long and Overly-Complicated Dunjohn Version. It sorta reads like an animé.

At the end of the Twentieth Century, the planet Earth underwent an Animé Rennaisance. Dunjohn, a mild-mannered high school kid, had a younger brother who, like thousands of unsuspecting children, began to take an interest in Japan, first it's media output, and later it's culture and society. At the cusp of this eastern tremor was a regular television broadcast made by the Nintendo Corporation.

It's name was Pokémon.

It's influence was insideous. As the countdown to the new millennium reached it's echoing finale, kids the world over would sit mesmerised for half-an-hour every day. Parents began to worry. Dunjohn's brother, too, was caught up in this phenomenon, and Dunjohn became concerned. Dunjohn's brother would sometimes ask him to record the show, when he himself would be unavailable. Dunjohn dutifully did so, recording programme after programme on a special marked tape. Then, one day, Dunjohn decided to watch an episode as he was recorded. The next day, he did the same.

Slowly, this pervasive presence crept it's way into Dunjohn's mind. He found himself remembering different character names. He noticed that Pokémon was gradually becoming more and more omnipresent on magazine covers and... other magazine covers as the phenomenon spread out to envelop the globe. There were stories. That Pokémon's parent company owed it's life to Pokémon, which was why that company was allowing it to spread unchecked. That the Far East was already heaving under the Tide which was just trickling overseas. That that trickle would soon become a torrent, with the release of a special product.

A game of cards...

Honestly, guys, this has gone too far. The rest is history.
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Dunjohn, thats a very interesting way of explaining it... :lol:

Here is how i got into Pokemon...

As some know, I subscribe to Nintendo Power. I've been subscribing to it ever since December of '94, so I would obviously know about Red and Blue. When I was camping with my family, i was reading the little booklets about the game that came with several issues of Nintendo Power. I was so compeled into the strategy booklets that i said to my parents that i wanted to buy this game. Turns out i got Red version for my birthday and Blue version on Christmas.

And then...it was only a matter of time when i heard about the Pokemon TCG. As soon as i heard about it, i got the theme deck and some booster packs. A few months later, i was surprised when i got Blastoise, Chansey, and Charizard...

Sadly, I quit because of how foolish i was to let other people's opinions choose my life for me. But then, my parents told me that i should do what i want to do without fear of what others think. I got back in when Aquapolis came out, but instead, i bought a few boosters of Neo Destiny. Lets just say i guess i was rewarded when i came back because in one of those boosters, i got Shining Charizard.
I was subscribing to Nintendo Power (Which I now hate, and don't subscribe to anymore.) in 4th grade which was about 6 years ago. They had a preview of Pokemon R/B. I wasn't impressed at first, but I got Blue the day it came out at KB Toys. I was hooked! Then the TV show came out. Those were the gold old days! I woke up at 7 in the morning to see a new episode every morning! Then I went to school. I came home, and played the game with my friends for hours!

The TCG came out in January. They were advertising it in Nintendo power. I remember I went to my My local Mom and Pop video game store near me, as a friend told me they sold them there. I had left over $$$ from Christmas, so I bought a starter deck, and 2 boosters. My first rare that I pulled was a 1st Edition Pidgeotto. My first holo came in the pack after that which was a Poliwrath.

Then mall tours came, I attended the STSs, and even won a trip to San Diego in 2001 for the WCSTS. I miss the old days now, where there were 100s of people at Pokemon events and when stores overpriced boosters at $6 and still always ran out of them! (Well I don't miss that part! :p) I just hope Pokemon won't die anytime soon...
I got into the gameboy games right after they were released. I got into the TCG and bought my first starter while I was attending Summer Training Tour '99. I went there to play the gameboy game but ended up buying the Power Reserve deck and started playing.
another school story. More or less, it went *BOOM* in my area for about 6 months, then become the "loser" thing to do. I joined during the *BOOM* era, and never really looked back.
bullados said:
another school story. More or less, it went *BOOM* in my area for about 6 months, then become the "loser" thing to do. I joined during the *BOOM* era, and never really looked back.

I joined at the end of the boom thing (around Base2), then it became (and still supposedly is) the loser thing. Well, I still find it fun.
I found out about the show from a friend, which i used to watch all the time.
then my friend down the street let me borrow his red version and i got hooked and had to buy it. Then I saw the cards and thought, hey its pokemon must be cool. and thats how I got hooked
My story? Hmm.. let's see.. I actually wrote it out one time, let's see if I can find it

*opens up his wordperfect fanfic folder*

When I first heard of pokemon, I didn’t like it because it became a fad hit with little children(I was 12-13 at the time, my brother was 3-4), much like the days of POGs. However, my best friend (The Fish King), not knowing that I didn’t like it, gave me a sheet of ‘codes’ for the game, and that got me hooked. Reading that code page, I realized that the Pokémon games were Role Playing Games, and not some kiddy game. I had been a fan of RPG’s, and so decided to try it out. Instantly, I was hooked.

*closes wordperfect*

Cardgame wise, I started buying cards when Fossil and Base Set 2 was out, but never really did have anyone to play against. The first time I actually played against anyone besides my friend or myself was the Utah STS in 2001, in which I played in the 15+ division with a deck I had The Fish King build for me (because he had the cards, but I told him what to build). Let's see, there were I think 25-30 people in that 15+ tournament that day, and I tied with my friend for 10th place. Not bad for my first time playing against other people :p
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You gotta laugh.

I was into Red/Blue that day it came out.
I had to try to get everything so fast.
I was six, and I heard that if I had gotten every Pokemon, I coud design my own iside the game with my face.

I woke up a litle early on a school day, seven.
I turned on the TV, and it was on channel13 (my father watched TV late at night)
I watched the last half of it and didn't like it.
(This episode was the one where Ash had beaten Erika and was on the cliff sighing to himself.)
I thought it was something like DBZ, and my mom didn't want me to watch that at my age, so I didn't watch it for a while.
A little later in the year, I had gotten to the Elite four in Red.
That day, I saw another episode in the morning.
I watched the whole thing this time, and I saw a Gloom and Pikachu inside it.
I was thinking to myself 'copycats!' (so naive).
It wasn't too long when I realized that it was Pokemon.
It soon became my favorite show in the world (I expecially liked the Pokerap).
I watched it every morning before school, even on the day of my surgery.

I never found out about the cards until I was eight.
Fossil had just came out.
My mother had a friend since she was in Kindergarten.
Her kids collected Pokemon and had masses of them.
They were selfish at that time, and didn't give me any.
I got interested, but not into it.
This was way back when McDonalds gave away the inspector Gadget toys.
I had double of every toy, and didn't need the extras.
My grandmother works in a hospital appointment center, so she can get connections.
Once a boy came in with his mother (I forgot what she had, and her son's name).
While she was in another room, the boy stayed with my grandmother.
My grandmother asked him if he really wanted something, like a toy, and she told him about me and the McDonalds toys.
He said he would give me a booster pack (Jungle) for the belt, the body, and a hat.
We made a deal without ever seeing each other.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I was watching The Three Stooges at my grandmother's (that episode was the riveter one).
I finally got the pack.
I got a holo Vileploom, an Oddish, a Pikachu, Nidoran (m), a Pokeball, and a whole bunch of other cards.
I was so happy, i wanted to make my little collection grow.
It did, into a thousand dollars worth.
I was the master mind in my neighborhood of seling trading, and buying.
Until, my friend got a Charizard.
I eventually got one, and Pokemon went out of style.
The first Neo came out, and my friend sold all of his cards for a good price.
I, on the other hand, waieted till the last minute and sold my lone Charizard for seventy-five cents.
I had stopped collecting because I was so dissapointed.
Until, that is, Dragon EX came out.
And to this day, I still have the blessed Vileploom.
Saw the first show, played the first set, and 0wn3d the first game and continue to do so with all the future releases.
I when I first saw it, I was like "lame" but that changed. I was I think 9, woah is that right! anyways I saw the cards one time and played the demo they had at the store, thats what hooked me. Then I got a GameBoyColor for christmas and Yellow. and it's kept going like that.

But then I meat The Anaconda, and The Fish King. And I found it more fun with friends.

But I like to thank Pokemon, because it got me hooked on Anime and Manga, and Japan it's self.
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I was in a Sonic-based chat room in April of 1998... Someone came in with the chat handle "Pikachu". First thing that came to mind was "peek-a-boo". Thought nothing more of it until...

...Several days later, another person was in the same chat room, and he had a picture of a little blue turtle (Squirtle) as his chat avatar. At one point he exclaimed "Oh, no! It's evolving into a WARTORTLE!!!" after which he changed his avatar to that of a bigger, meaner-looking blue turtle (Wartortle). I first learned what a Pokemon was and from that experience began to wonder if pokemon could evolve into "bad" versions as well as "good" versions, seeing as how that person didn't seem pleased that his RP creature had evolved. This sat in my mind for a good long time...

...And then I caught an episode of the anime on TV. It was "The Song of Jigglypuff". I learned that people who owned pokemon usually travelled around, and that pokemon could talk, although they could only say what they were called. Plus, the pokemon world had bad guys. That episode's fragment of the Pokerap (which began with "Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine..." and ended with "Pidgeot, Arbok, that's all, folks!") seemed to add evidence of "bad" evolutions... From the way it was presented, I thought that all the pokemon they showed up to Gloom were unfavorable evolutions that trainers must avoid their pokemon from turning into.

Another chat conversation where someone off the computer was trying to catch a Psyduck but was failing at it made me wonder if pokemon just ran past you in the game, and you had to throw a pokeball at them before they escaped from throwing range. Another person said they had too many Seel. Yet another person was wondering if getting two Mew together got you a Mewtwo.

One time during my pre-trainer period, I encountered a promotional stand at the local Media Play that was set up to explain and promote the Pokemon video games and anime. I learned a lot about the game just by watching the video they had set up.

And finally, one chat conversation I had on mIRC led to my acquiring an emulator and a Blue version ROM. And so I became a Pokemon Trainer, playing and beating the game with no guide or manual. I eventually moved on to an actual GBC and the first three versions, completing my Yellow dex.

Before I got the actual games, but after I had downloaded the ROM, I learned to play the TCG and started collecting cards from Base and Jungle, the only sets available at that time. In time I became a certified coach at the local TCG league and collected four badges and two TM stickers before the league sputtered out. Just before it disappeared completely I was given six more badges as a reward for service to the gym leader and the local players.

And now here I am.
umm, friends wanted me to watch it, so i finnaly watch it at the end where Ash is on the SS. Anne, so, i was in San Fran and i called my friend and he was like duude, i got pokemon cards rofl, and like i got a machamp, so when i get back, he shows me, which is pretty cool, so i go off looking and im started ;x
I remember when I was in fourth grade a few of my friends were sitting together with cards (not in sleeves back then) and playing what would be considered a ridiculous game of pokemon now-a-days. It was like gambling. One guy had 3 pokemon lined up face down, and the other had 3 face down also. They each had large piles of cards with them. The flipped the cards over one by one and the person with the best cards won. Of course you could search through the piles of cards and find the cards you wanted, so one person always won. Once someone won, the would get the three "prizes" that the other person set up. I asked what they were doing and they said "playing pokemon, duh" and then took pity on my and gave me a metapod, dewgong, and charmander. Iwent home and after three months found a new friend who new how to play the game properly and I bought over 600 cards in one month. I even got my grandma excited about the game. The I sadly gave up my cards to my friend who now laughs at me about it because 3 years later (after magic, and yu-gi-oh) i got back into it, during ruby/sapphire.
The End
I got into pokemon when i was 10, in the 4th grade. My (at the time) Stepdad got me an issue of nintendo power, and it was the one with Pokemon Power issue 6 in it. I pulled it out and started reading it. I remember everything about it.

I didn't get cards untill summer that year. I got 11 cards from my cousin.

Squirtle (i was so happy)
Full Heal
Grass energy
Lightning energy
(4 other i can't remember, but they were base)

Then i went to visit my grandmother (where i now live, Oregon, i lived in Alaska when i got into pokemon) and she bought me 6 jungle packs, and the ZAP! theme deck.

the first holos i ever pulled were Flareon and Vileplume. I didn't realized they were holo at first, because i wasn't to knowladgeable at seeing that kinda stuff yet.

I was the first person in fairbanks AK to get fossil packs. I don't remember how, but i remember my (at the time) step dad saying something about it. My first Fossil holo was a Ditto. 1st edition.

Then i got some more packs, when Neo came out i kinda got out of the card game.

My first tournament was the Super Battle Zone at Parkrose elementary in Portland OR. I did TERRIBLE... but i had fun. lol i went in with a terrible deck, and people were so nice to me. One of the judges lent me a bunch of cards to play with. that was January 29th, 2003.

Now it's July 2004, almost 5 years exactly since i started collecting cards. I'm a much stronger player, and much older. Wee it feels good to recap all that.
Hmmm, a long, intricate Patriarch biography:

I was, one day, flipping, when I saw the Cerulean City gym episode of Pokey. I was interested, but knocked it off for a while. Then, about a month later, I got a weird sample video of the show. Naturally, I was all like, "SCORE!!!" However...the darrn thing did not work...must have been melted by the heat of Texas or somethin' =/

So, this convinced me to take a big Birthday gamble, and ask for Pokemon Blue. This was the FIRST time I had ever wanted to buy a game before renting it (I'm a wise consumer). What I got was an amazing RPG that kept me playing for a LONG time.

Then, my friend Sean brought some cards to Elementary one day (Currently 3rd grade at the time). I was so like, "WOW!!!" So I rushed to the nearby game store, Texas Game Company. I bought a starter and two packs, and me/my sis split them. I know there must be some sort of like, foreshadowing or something involved with this (lol =P), but our two packs held Hitmonchan, and Lass. I gave the Machamp to my sis, and I kept the 'Chan and Lass.

Then, from there, I got disillusioned with the anime BIG TIME (Pokemons' tears bringing Ash back to life is NOT the ending I wanted to see. Mewtwo's the Sephiroth of Pokemon...you just don't do that, darnzit!).

With my Anime fun devastated, and my interest in the RPG's fleeting, I focused all of my attention to the TCG, and worked my way up the Pokemon echelons.

That's the story of my life, 'cause this game's my only life =P
I remember. My brother and his friend used to watch it at his house after school. I would sometimes go over with my brother and I didn't pay any attention to the 3:30pm cartoon on UPN, following Sailor Moon, if memory serves.

Eventually I decided to just watch this new show that everyone was talking about. And then I found myself watching it whenever I could. I was in fourth or fifth grade way back then.

I even remember when I got into the card game. After gaining fandom for the show, I saw two base set preconstructed decks at Target. It was the Blackout deck with the Hitmonchan, and the Kangaskahn deck.

I trotted over to my mom to ask her to buy them for me, but before I got to her, this other kid asked me if what I held were Pokémon decks. I told him they were. He told me he was eager to try the card game too, so we decided that I would keep the Blackout deck and he would take the Kangas deck. That was the last time I ever saw base set decks in stock in that Target.

My mom agreed to get me the deck, and I was hooked. Cards were nearly impossible to obtain afterward, since they would sell out insanely fast...
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I was in a Sun Coast store with my family. We were checking out and my son (10 at the time) saw the Base set boosters behind the counter and he said he wanted them. I asked what they were. He said "collectable cards". I found out they were $4.00/ pack and freeked. I remember buying baseball cards for $.50/ pack. After he explained that it was also a game I gave in and let him get them. A couple of days later I was driving and saw a binder on the road. I stopped to pick it up and it was full of Pokemon cards. It had been run over but only a few cards were damaged and just a little at that. I could not find the owner so I took them home and told my son "O.K. so explain how this works". I've been hooked every since.