Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How do YOU organize your prizes after Time Walking?

gash: I do organize them.. face down.

I sort based on if I think I will need them in the match.
Yeah, but then you also need to remember exactly what your deck consists of, and for that, you will either have to be rainman (can't remember) or know your deck pretty well.. :)

I know exactly what my deck consists of, especially if I'm playing it in a tournament. Maybe it's because I look at decklists all the time and play all the time, but to me, if you're gonna play competitively you should try your best to remember exactly what's in your deck, after all, you took the time to make it. :D
I also sort them by importance but I also run through the order they're in a couple times in my head before I put the new prize back. That way if I happen to need one of the cards I didn't think I would I still remember where it is.
I go with how useful they are, but i ususlly end up forgetting because i usually don't take a prize RIGHT after time-walking.
clearly, a mix of both alphabetization and block distribution is the best way to go. my post originally laid out P/T/E, and within those groups alphabetically. starting
where 1 is P and 6 is E

you don't have to memorize the full 6 cards as individual entities- you can remember which block a card is in and more easily remember the 3/2/1 distribution or 2/2/2 over a lump of 6.

anyone who is saying they 'organize cards in the most usefulness'- what does this mean? the game changes with every turn. you can't possibly do that. sometimes you can probably infer a card that won't be played, but to order them in usefulness too? why not just remember them and get exactly what you need or would be most useful at the moment?
I just make it up as I go along. Usually I put the ones with similar effects next to each other so it's easier to organize. Ryan is right though, the game changes so much there isn't a "most useful" card, unless it's a key part of your strategy like the 2nd magikarp in your prizes, there is rarely a most useful card that you'll draw in all situations.
I think you just have to be honest interpretation of ability to remember. I personally would chose the memoryless method. IE assume you won't remember exact spots, other than the order of prizes you will take (bottom to top), then place the prizes in order of importance as the game progresses. If you have already set up, you might need any set up cards. If you run enough energy, that might make sense at the end, but DCE's are probably very important.

I often don't play Azelf, because I think it is very overused card in many decks. Azelf has it's place in certain decks, but many it is just addition that isn't well thought out. With Bench space being at such issue, people dropping azelf's without a reason seems to be the norm. That pokemon drop can lose you the game.
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