Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How is PUI Doing So Far

League Leader Terry said:
Above wholesale? How much did the TOs have to pay to get the pre-release and how many packs did it come with for each deck?

The TO's didn't have to pay to get the pre-release, but they did have to buy the booster packs from PUI for the tournament. As for how many packs did it come with, that was left upto the TO on how many they wanted to order. Hope that helps you understand it a little better. :)
I've still never seen any R/S product anywhere here, but to be fair I haven't been in many stores since mid-August (heh, when Smith's toy store had PILES of Skyridge EVERYWHERE, so there's definitely players in Belfast if nothing else. Begs the question of why Replay don't run the league anymore, but meh)
I know Forbidden Planet will probably have cards, and other card stores, but if Nintendo want to get the game mainstream again they need to make an effort to sell cards to other stores, like Woolworths. I haven't seen cards in Woolies since Feb/March 2001...

"Point #5: Organized Play: From here it is USA okay and rest of the world... What OP?"
For this point, I loved the comment in Phil's GenCon report. I'd quote it, but the pojo site's blocked by this server...

loads of Ruby and Sapphire at the SE Challenge see me for cracking deals on multiple buys .. ;)

Oh and if you need some singles we got them too... now all I need is for Sandstorm to arrive ontime next week and we'll have that too :)
SD PokéMom said:
The newer theme decks seem to be retailing for $11-$12 now. Considering that 6 boosters @ $3.29 each = $19.74...$20 seemed fair to me for the prerelease...


I'm right with you. Especially, considering that the folks contacted for this are largely professional TO who make their LIVING from running these events, the cost is not out of line with the expense (well maybe its not enough cost for the expense of those with low turnout).

Now, the cost may be out of line with many players available cash. That I can understand as well. MAYBE, if PUI gets us non-professional TO involved the cost of more local events can drop. Of course, some of us have the ego to think we could run regional premiere stuff, too. Having volunteer TO run premiere events isn't important unless there aren't enough professional TO to run them in enough locations. We'll see if things can ramp up. Our TO for SSPR said that the short notice kept him from offering in L.A. and S.D. With the next PR, PUI has to hit more than just SD in a state of 30 Million or they won't be making progress...yah, even the NoCals need an event location or two!

As to the grading? Progress is what I'm expecting and what I see (here in US and a little in Europe...ah-ah! Yes, none I know of in Australia, Mexico, SAmerica, Africa. At least some of the Europeans have heard there are plans. Absolutely, it stinks, relatively, its moving, albeit at snails pace, quickening).

Remember what a fiasco the first STS was for some (not me) who couldn't get in, could have been trampled to death, etc.? Well, WOTC learned and those events got better and better 'til they kicked 15+ out. PUI is not starting over, but it _is_ going to take some time for them to come up to speed.
That price may be fair to charge the players, but I think the question is, is what the TO's are charged for the product fair in that it enables them to make a fair profit.

After all, it's nice that many people do all this out of the goodness of their heart, but being compensated for ones sweat and work and risk is the way this capatalist society works.

The TOs should get a good, wholesale price on their product. After all, they have to pay out a lot of costs for these things.