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How to win despite THREE electabuzz starts

desert eagle

New Member
So, I play Moving TRUK because my brother wanted to play Ramen (he went 5-0, Ramen TRUK is the BDIF for BRs hands down).

Moving TRUK = Blissvire

Round 1 - Curtis C. - Raichu/Manectric
Buzz start. He gets a quick start. I misplay forgetting that manectric hits by type, not name like dirge/scanblast so i let him hit an active vire and 3 elekids (before i could set up) for 20 each. good thing evolving a baby heals, and I eventually set up and win.

Round 2 - Zach L. - Gatr MT
Buzz start. It's close because of the Buzz start and him hitting 5 heads on speed stadium but I win eventually thanks to a pulse barrier on his Glacia's.

Round 3 - Coleman - Ramen TRUK
Uh oh, tough matchup, Buzz start. Idk how I did it but I eventually set up and barely pull out a win.

Round 4 - Troy N. - Pickup TRUK variant (Blisscatty)
Tough matchup again. Chansey start, no mentor, bad start etc. It's down to the wire as I get timely scrambles early to stay alive. I'm in a position where I should probalby lose. Then he plays down Drake's Stadium. /me POINTS TO GOD! Pulse Barrier, for the one turn adn 50 damage I need to squeak this one out.

Finals - Troy N, - Pickup TRUK variant (Blisscatty)
Game 1
Again, down to the wire again and he knows not to play down tools/stadiums against me. I know how to play the matchup better this time, and get vire lv X out ASAP, so he needs to take 20 on his chanseys to attach, putting them in Vire's KO range. He tries to quick ball and doesn't hit the key Blissey, letting me win.
Game 2
This time, he gets a bad setup and I get my first true good start of the day, netting me the quick win after KOing 2 chanseys.

Team HB
Blissey - Best card in format for BRs hands down
Ramen TRUK - BDIF for BRs, no questions asked

Crap in packs again
No lv X
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kant, please explain what is ramen truk or i will get mods on you for not xplaining one of your crreations.
kant, please explain what is ramen truk or i will get mods on you for not xplaining one of your crreations.

Dude do you have to pick a fight with everyone you see playing a truk deck. Leave it alone and go visit creat a card or something else.

Hope you and everyone had fun today playing in Battle Roads.

Moving truk = Blissvire in the report. You must have an awsome list.
*Facepalms* My goodness, consider how the deck has seen play for the last few weeks. Most should have figured it out by now.

Kant: Good work as usual (taking 5 out of 6 BR), tomorrow you better win the Scarborough (home turf) BR so my driving won't be in vain :lol:
lol i had 4/5 Buzz starts in swiss at my BR then another 2 in top cut, it seems Blissvire just wins REGARDLESS ;/
kant, please explain what is ramen truk or i will get mods on you for not xplaining one of your crreations.

He didn't even run it at this tournament, what the frick is your problem?

Congrats again Kant, the land of Canadia bows to you. BTW, I ran moving truk and got 4th again. You can go ahead and sic the mods on me for not even posting a report on it.
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Buzz starts aren't really all that bad, since you can just get your retreat energy back with Happy Chance. It's just having that useless Buzz stuck on your bench later in the game that sucks.
gj. and jason thats going a bit... too far..
if they dont want to tell you.. then just let it be
ok thats it im playing blissey + electivire lol
that way ill always win :D
Rank Name Rating Age Div State Country
1 Kant Shen 1684.72 MA ON CA
2 Andrew Cox 1678.22 MA MA US
3 Paarth Shah 1676.91 MA GA US
4 Trevor Holland 1675.47 MA OR US
5 Victor Pruett 1660.81 MA GA US
6 Erik Nance 1659.40 MA NC US
7 Adam Garcia 1657.74 MA TX US
8 Steve Crawford 1655.05 MA UT US
9 Emmanuel Divens 1654.52 MA MN US
10 Denny Miller 1652.19 MA OH US

hope CANADA would secure a ranking invitation for the first time... :p

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kant, you are indeed the rookie of the year :p
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