Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

I won my first Premier Event...


New Member
And it feels great. ;O

After having made to several topcuts including BRs, Cities, Nationals and even Worlds, I finally won an event. It's simple, I decided to give my Gardy/Gallade deck a shot after having a successful record outside of events. At first I wasn't very confident with the deck, but after reading Omar's Regionals report, I decided, why not? Also, I added in Healers and they helped a whole bunch. ;D

Onto the tournament. I woke up early and hitched a ride with one of my team members (who can already drive) to the venue but didn't even take out my deck to play. I like looking at surprised faces. Instead we did some foolish stuff like stack dice into pyramids. Lol

It's Weavile/Garde/Gallade, Seniors, Top4

Round 1 Vs Ethan w/ Gengar
I took advantage of his bad start and take a few quick prizes with Psychic Lock. He couldn't recover as I didn't break the lock in this game except for once or twice doing Bring Down so I don't risk losing my Gardies. GG


Round 2 Vs Daniel w/ Blastcatty
Another successful early lock meant the downfall of his deck. His deck relied heavily on Powers and since I barely let him use any, I won quite easily at it too.


During lunch, we walked over to McDonald's. The McValue lunch meal saved me a few extra bucks for an ice cream. =D

Round 3 Vs Some guy w/ some fire deck
I got underpaired. And guess what? My start was 2 Unown G and I had dead draws all game. To avoid him beating me easily with burns, I GUARDED MY UNOWN G. After a few turns, I topdecked a Baltoy, and a Claydol right after, I managed to setup eventhough it was 689355 turns into the game, I managed to sweep since he was still new. And his deck didn't run. Lol


Round 4 Vs Jit How w/ Gengar/Cress
I am yet to beat him in an event. I never seem to, and this is where the real test of skill starts. But it didn't though. I had a lone Ralts start for two turns and he donked me with Unown G's Hidden Power. ***, I know.


Uhh, so Topcut looks like zis :
1st seed Jit How w/ Gengar/Cress
2nd seed Malik Hisyam w/ Weavile/Garde/Gallade
3rd seed Ching Teng w/ DialgaPalkia
4th seed Ethan w/ Gengar

Top4 Vs Ching teng w/ DialgaPalkia

Game 1 :
We both open quite good, with me having to charge Gallade up manually, and then a Gardy with Weavile. He took an early 2 prize lead, but Gallade helped me come back, and the locks hurt him too much. The annoying part of this game would HAVE to be him Poketurning an 80/90 Psychic Locked Dialga or Palkia back and then striking back. PokeHealers played a huge part in this game, and eventually it was what won me the game. When I put down those Healers, he would just stare at them. It was a funny sight! I think I Psychic Locked one of his Pokemon and levelled up to do Bring Down on it later on for the game. Oh, and prizes were quite close in this game, 1-0.

Game 2 :
I open with an awesome hand, it didn't matter if I went first or second. I took an early 3 prize lead with Gallade and Psychic Locked with Gardy later on. He managed to come back a bit, with the annoying Poketurns that kept scooping his damaged Pokemon back up. I had my own tricks though, with Pokehealers. Eventually, I remember healing a Pokemon, and using Bring Down later on for the game. GG

I beat him 2-0. I was lucky though, he didn't run Mesprits, or I didn't see them at all. The games took up a lot of time though, our Top4 match was the last to finish.

Top2 Vs Jit How w/ Gengar/Cress
I'm not happy with his donk earlier. Lol. It's time to redeem myself. This game took 2 hours. ;O

Game 1 :
I swear this game was ultra weird. I opened HORRIBLY and he got a 5 prize lead. That's right, I said 6-1. I misplayed calling for Unown G which he Roomed away, him taking out a Gallade and a Gardy and later on he managed to grab two prizes at one point with Cresselia. But then I Dark Palmed his Gengars away, and Psychic Locked his Cresselia to come back into the game. I had only ONE Gardy to fight back at that point, and that was the only soldier I used for the rest of game 1, other than charging up Dusknoir which played a huge role in me bringing that game down to the draw we had. He was left with nothing when I shuffled his Gengars and took out his Cresselia. And to make matters worse, he coudln't do Cosmic Power to return. Eventually, I brought prizes back down to 1-1. I did HArd Feelings for 100 on Gengar, but later on he Unown G'd it so I can't Bring Down or do another Hard Feelings. I had no choice but to Psychic Lock him and gamble on Fainting Spell, as if I didn't, he would've Shadow Roomed my damaged Dusknoir for the first game. He flipped heads, sudden death time.

Game 1 ; Sudden death
I managed to setup, once again, avoiding his KOs by laying two Unown G on Weavile and Claydol. I misplayed once, which could've handed me this game easy. I FORGOT ABOUT DARK ENGAGE. He had an active Haunter against my Gardy, and I didn't kill it with Dark Engage, instead, I did 60 with Psychic Lock. RICHARD WAS GONNA KILL ME for doing that and taking more of everyone's time. Eventually, I won that game by doing Psychic Lock for 90 and then Bring Down for game. 1-0

Game 2 :
This was pretty epic. We both enjoyed good starts, and both started taking turns picking on each other. Prizes were 4-4 and the judge reminded us of the time remaining. 2 mintues. He KO'd my Gallade with UNOWN G. 3-4. During my turn, time was called, so I KO'd his Unown G with Psychic Lock to even the prizes. During his turn, he fooled me with Warp Point, I should've sent out Claydol instead of Weavile as I forgot about it being capable of doing 50 damage. I had no trainers in my hand, and Weavile as well as Claydol was guarded so I thought it was safe. He Hidden Power'd my Weavile for that game. 1-1

Game 3/Sudden Death
This. Took. Ages. The judge was bored of waiting. I had another successful start, laying Unown Gs on my Claydol and Weavile so they were untouchable, and I did a good job limiting my hand from Trainers. PokeHealers played another MAJOR role in this game, which helped me keep Gallade and Dusknoir from being KO'd. Eventually, it came down to another gamble, as I had no choice. If I didn't take out the Gengar with Psychic Cut, he would've taken out my Dusknoir which already had damage on it. Fainting spell for game, TAILS. GG I win. 2-1


Wow it was an unbelievable feeling. I finally managed to beat Jit How after a number of failed attempts. And they were not donks, they were real, strategic-thinking games. I love those. I really do. =D

I'd probably go up two places in APAC from this BR. 10 points or so, would put me at about 11th/12th and Nationals is going to put me higher in place for an invite (Though I'd rather win Nats). ;D

My prize packs, well, I pulled PALKIA G LV.X. That certainly makes up for my stolen English Dialga G Lv.X which I bought for a reasonable price BEFORE the foreign card announcement. Now it's price probably shot up. =S

So uhh, yeah.

+ I won
+ Victory Medal
+ Palkia G Lv.X
+ I got my revenge lol. (Jk) =P
+ Awesome games which REALLY got my mind working in TopCut
- Tired lol
- I got donked. xD
- Dominic for not showing up
were do you go to league at because we have an omar at our league that runs gardy/gallade/weavile and kills me every time with it because he always gets an early psychic lock but after rr comes out i'll get my revenge with my flygon/eeveelution deck :)
were do you go to league at because we have an omar at our league that runs gardy/gallade/weavile and kills me every time with it because he always gets an early psychic lock but after rr comes out i'll get my revenge with my flygon/eeveelution deck :)

Oh no I'm not from North America. Omar's report got my attention as I've been running almost the same deck for a while. I'm from Malaysia. :D

Good job Malik <3
BTW this is Aaron from NTC ;P

Thanks. =D
I hate seeing this deck hit the table. Psychic lock is A BEAST. And weavile setting up the next one like RIGHT AWAY then dark engage for extra damage is also beastly!

Well done man.
I hate seeing this deck hit the table. Psychic lock is A BEAST. And weavile setting up the next one like RIGHT AWAY then dark engage for extra damage is also beastly!

Well done man.

Thank you. I have to admit though, the deck isn't easy to play at all. It can give you headaches sometimes. :O (Joking lol)
guys, he should deserve to win for all the hardwork and time he invested in the game.
keep it going. you will win nationals.