Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Im starting to play again......


New Member
...and I was wondering what are some good
decks that use cards from the earlier DP
sets? cuz thats all I have.:frown:
Any help would be greatly apreciated.:biggrin:
Your best bet, is writing us up a list of what you have. Then we could steer you in a direction. For the time being, your best bet would be buying the Magmortar deck from Secret Wonders.
You can make quite a few great decks using your cards as a base. To be competitive, you will have to trade/buy some cards from recent sets. I'd suggest looking through the Deck Help and Strategy section and look for decks that have cards you already have.

Here are some decks to look at,
GG/PLOX (Look at recent versions since Double Rainbow Energy is rotated out, these are harder to play now)
Togekiss and X (Togekiss works with many different cards, frequently Garchomp and/or Eeveeloutions)

Good luck,
I dunno, at this point if you're just getting back in, I'd recommend only buying MD and up, since you have to keep in mind, DP-GE are likely to be rotated if they keep up the usual 4 sets a rotation goal. Leafeon can be made from those sets, and I guess you can invest in some Magmotar SW if you want to run Magleaf, they should be cheap.