Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Invite e-mails are going out!

I have received! Now...if only I could get my $218 for the round-trip regionals flight...oi, oi.
When did you recieve?

I want to know if they are going down the list...or if it was a bulk sending.


I wish they would just release the list....

I got a poor 10 year old all in knots waiting at #16....

(Not mine, but from our city)

I just recieved a second one lol, but this pecified Masters, that was the only difference. I got mine at 12:43 pm and 3:16 pm, all Mexico City time, no clue what time zone that is.
double going to hawaii. sis not going. double all the way. so see you guys there. recieved at 454 so double ftw. cant wait i love this game
LOL, out of 32 invites, USA took 30. So much for calling it "North America"
Next year, they should call it: USA+Pablo and an extra Mexico Master

I got I think 3 separate ones. I noticed the first one had 8 recipients listed that I could clearly see were the 8 masters rating invite winners.
I also received the Fed-Ex package in the mail yesterday. It has some real awesome luggage logos with real leather straps!! Worlds was announced as 6 round tournament cutting to Top 16 on Sunday. I cant wait!!