Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Jacob's NW Top16 report (X-0 in swiss yall)


New Member
I came into this event feelings very unprepared for any of the possible random matchups I could get paired against. I tried to get in as many mirror match games as I could so I could at least be prepared for that. (BTW I'm playing super vanilla luxchomp, so I consider mirror match to be SP deck that runs garchomp C and garchomp C counters, since that's what it boils down to at some point in the game)

alright now onto the report. I guess I'll put a list at the end. w/e

166 ish masters which meant 8 rounds. (also, according to the head judges it was the biggest regionals in either North America or the US this year)

Round 1: vs Armando w/ Gatr Prime, Blastoise, Floatzel GL
I start garchomp, DCE, premier ball, cyrus, uxie and some other cards to his active totodile and benched floatzel. I attach dce, flash bite, set up into a luxray and some stuff. cyrus for e gain to ko totodile. I pretty much just focus on never letting him get a blastoise in play or keep floatzel gl in play long enough to get anything back through its pokebody. GG


Round 2: vs Matt w/ Magnezone Prime/Gatr Prime
I start smeargle with cyrus collector call in hand. portrait JUDGE. cool story bro. get nothin good off the judge, but I judged away his donk with candy/gatr 4 energy, belt. cool. I dont remember exactly how the whole game went, but I do remember that I took 2 prizes through poison koing his pokemon going into my turn, 1 on promocroak poison on his magnezone prime, the other on roserade stalling his 30 hp elekid. I was a bit worried how it would go at first, but once I got a substantial lead I wasn't so worried.


lunch, but that's not what's important here. :p

Round 3: vs Barbara w/ Donphan/kingdra
so I start uxie no supporters going 2nd to her phanpy w/ pokebody that makes me do less damage if it has an energy on it. I draw another energy and psychic restore for 20, she collectors for horsea, phanpy and uxie, benches, attaches to active phanpy, and sets up for like 5. then she evolves to HG/SS DONPHAN AND PASSES OMG i dont get donked. aww yeah. so I get cyrus for energy, collector and sp radar to get luxray, then junk arm to use the sp radar again in an attempt to avoid any seeker shenanigans. then psychic restore for 20, lol. she hits for 50 and no ko, I start getting set up and put uxie away w/ psychic restore. I start sniping things. I get down to 2 prizes and for some reason she belts her kingdra prime, uses SSU on her active donphan prime, sends up kingdra and passes. I roserade her since I have poketurn into flash impact for game in hand. she then tries to spray splash, im like lolwut. so then she benches donphan, attaches to the donphan, belts it and passes. I poketurn roserade, send up luxray, level it up and flash impact for game. GG


Round 4: vs Matthew D w/ Loxchomp (luxchomp with sabelock stuff, if you dont already know that)
I start crobat going 2nd to his sableye. He judges me into lightning, smeargle, DCE, luxray. I retreat to smeargle to portrait and he sprays. it is pretty one sided in his favor for a bit until he flash impacts a crobat, but forgets to bench a 3rd SP pokemon, allowing me to portait the cyrus chain he had going. which then gave me a promocroak response, plus some set up. I dont think I actually bench a garchomp or 2nd luxray until I have 3 prizes taken (1 from dragonite, 1 from promocroak and another from uxie lv x) eventually he conceded when I had 1 prize left to his 3 IIRC. GG


I start wondering how I managed to get to be 4-0, and think about how I was 4-0 at regionals last year with luxchomp, and how this was when I started losing again :(

Round 5: vs Erik D jr. w/ AbsolChomp
So this is erik's first season of playing pokemon, and he's 4-0 at the biggest tournament he's ever been to. also we go to the same league. I was pretty proud of him for doing so well. he starts garchomp C to my ambipom (no DCE) he attaches DCE, flash bites and hits me for 30. I attach call, bench something and call for garchomp smeargle. he snipes to garchomp so I revenge it with ambi. I'm on the losing end of the prize trade until we are tied at 3-3. I bright looked a crobat and koed it, with the only response he had available being the dragonite FB he had out since he whiffed on promocroak. so I poketurn it, set some other prizes up on my bench, and pass. he cant do much (i think he broke his cyrus chain for an aarons) and hits me for 20 with draggy. I take the leading end of the prize trade from there, and it gets to me having 1 prize left, him 2, and I have dragonite, DCE, gain in hand to ko anything he can take a prize with. he attaches DCE to a benched garchomp c, and grabs an energy and garchomp c lv x out of the discard with aarons, then koes my garchomp c. so then i bench dragonite, attach dce and gain for game.

apparently he had a lookers investigation in his hand, so he could have used it on me, destroying the godly hand of like 24 I had (also no cyrus left, but I did have ways to maybe get the ko back) so if he had done that and I couldnt respond, he could have used aarons the next turn for game instead. but hey, it was still one of the best games I played that day, which was amazing. great job erik :D


Round 6: vs Andrew J w/ VileGar with prime tech
Every single time andrew and I play each other at a tournament, I get a stupid start and he basically t3-5's me with poltergeist stuff. this time is quite the opposite. I get t1 ko on an unown q, t2 zen blade on an oddish, t3 flash impact on his other oddish, securing my ability to play trainers that game, while also keeping lv x's out of my hand since he went for a fast lostgar. It wasn't a hard game for me in comparison to some of the other games I've played against him. we had a good laugh about it later though. I'm expecting a good long game from you next time we play andrew! :)


at this point all I'm thinking is that I make top 32 no matter what happens, so I focus on trying to not let myself get too worked up in the next couple games.

Round 7: vs DJ w/ Luxchomp
DJ is a great player and going into this I just hope it's a good game. I dont remember the majority of this game, but I avoid using smeargle because I forget if he still played roserade lol. so I go for counters and trying to get a decent set up going. the prize trade begins, and it gets down to the point where I have dragon rush for game in hand, and last turn he got a lookers investigation w/ cyrus :O he doesnt play it for some reason and when he realizes that he did it a turn to late he scoops. GG man.


I'm telling my friends that I won and I'm really excited. I can't wait for the next round to begin.

Round 8: vs Amelia B. w/ DialgaChomp
I didn't think about it but I guess dialga chomp was the play today, since it counters a lot of the things that were being hyped in our area like vilechamp and scizor prime. Amelia is another great player, and she has a really good attitude when playing, which was cool, since it helped to take a lot of the stress out of it. :) she started dragonite/call to my something or other. I dont remember the beginning of it :\ a prize trade ensues and she trys to deafen stall me after I had ambipom koed a garchomp c lv x. I dont have much else to do since I'm deafen stalled so I tail code the energy to uxie. she deafens and I tail code again. this happens 1 more time then she stopped trying to deafen me (im thinking it was because she didnt have a way to get another energy) she poketurns the dialga and koes the ambipom with EQ from garchomp c lv x IIRC. I switch an energy to a dragonite, attach DCE praying she doesnt have another lost remover (she used it on me twice earlier) so that I can ko the garchomp, then I bench a basic garchomp c since I have a dragon rush available in hand. she sends up uxie and psychic restores, leaving it active since I could ko her bench with mach blow. I MANUALLY RETREAT DRAGONITE FB like a boss and then attach DCE to zen blade her uxie for game. GG amelia :)


I've gone X-0 in swiss at only 2 other tournaments, each of them being relatively small battle roads. so this was a great day for me. but now I have top 32 to look forward to. I went to get dinner during the deck check break and my sister got us lost so I ended up being like a minute or 2 late for top, when I got there I pile shuffled faster than I ever had before.

Top 32: vs Jerin (it might have been jared, I can't remember) w/ scizor prime
This is the guy who won oregon states, and he has a great matchup against straight luxchomp decks like mine, so I knew I had to stay on my toes. also I lost to him in swiss at WA states so I wanted REVENGE.

Game 1: I really wish I remembered more about this game, but I do remember some strategies that I kept for when I was playing against him

- dont attach dce and then not use it because he's just going to lost remover it away.
- dont belt unless its for game, because he's just gonna attach more energy, black belt and then probably expert belt as well.
- hold power sprays for set up or let loose.
- spiritomb start means roserade is your bro.
- roserade also helps in stacking damage onto a scizor prime.

I basically had to make sure I kept all of that in mind while playing. I used to think that poisoning w/ crobat g was what you should do, but he can just retreat out of it :(. I ended up winning this game by taking cheap prizes off bench sitters and tombs. then I get dragon rush for game 1. GG

Game 2: going 1st I call for some set up things with collector in hand. this game went basically like game 1, but at one point, he was 20 damage off koing my luxray x, so I junk arm for poketurn, switch the lightning to bronzong g, pokturn the luxray, attach DCE and gain to my garchomp C lv x and dragon rush to put me at 1 prize left. he koes my garchomp, I bright look his uxie, switch the energy back to luxray, attach call energy and flash bite, then flash impact for game! GG

I found out I'm playing against Eleki R in top 16, the writer of a couple articles here on pokegym. the newest one is his article on KGL.


Top 16: vs Eleki R. w/ Abomasnow+mewtwo tech
Game 1: I didn't know he played teched mewtwo until we started playing, and he already knew I didn't play a counter, so I had to try to keep a dragon rush available. it didn't work. Ultimately he was able to get mewtwo X out before I could take my prizes, and then he just didnt bench anything. I refused to scoop until I didn't have an option.

Game 2: he starts snover and bad energy + black belt going 2nd, to my luxray, unown q, collector + belt and energy in hand. he topdecks call for not getting donked. It goes kinda downhill from there, me taking cheap prizes while trying to be able to keep mewtwo from being in play. I have crobat/dragon rush for it available, but he belts it. dang. he topdecks twins IIRC and gets energy to retreat and mewtwo lv x. I refuse to scoop cuz I'm not gonna just give up the time I have to play in top cut. so I continue to take a few prizes from benched stuff he still has, until its just draw pass while he koes my stuff. GG eleki

9-1, and I get 9 packs for t16.

I can't even complain about not being able to donk him though, since I somehow managed to go 8-0 in swiss and then 2-0 what is arguably one of my decks toughest match ups in t32. so I'm just happy I get a poop ton of points out of this.

here's my list in case any of you are interested in playing a pretty plain luxchomp deck

2-2 luxray
2-2 garchomp
2-1 uxie
2 crobat g
1 azelf
1 unown q
1 promocroak G
1 dragonite fb
1 ambipom g
1 smeargle
1 roserade gl
1 bronzong g
1 lucario gl

4 cyrus conspiracy
4 poketurn
3 energy gain
3 power spray
3 sp radar
2 pokemon collector
2 bebes search
1 aarons collection
1 vs seeker
1 junk arm
1 expert belt
1 premier ball

4 Double Colorless energy
3 call energy
3 lightning
2 psychic

there ya go!

all my friends cheering me on to go X-0 <3
the excellent judges putting together ANOTHER awesome tournament
X-0 in swiss
Olliver (gallade) won seniors :D
3:30 am dennys
marvin not playing for a year then coming in and getting top 32, stealing points from everybody lol.
Playing crazy missionary Uno with the gang and Biggie from the gym! that was pretty rad.

would have been really cool to win since I can't afford nationals otherwise lol
3:30 am dennys meant getting home at 4:30 am
olliver for being annoying during round 8 :p haha jk

thanks for reading :)
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haha yeah. you said something about top decking twins in one of the games, but I couldn't remember which one. I know you VS seekered to get one back :p
Congratz, and thanks for props, im surprised i didn't get slops for commentary of the game with amelia :p
Good job man =F Arriving late was so stressed xD And yes, we will eventually have to have a good long skillful game between us at some point.