Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Japan New Cards

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Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know that.

I'm a Japanese player.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate contact me.
International Forums***

Interesting correction.

Yes, thankfully, it's slowly turning more and more international. Since I am a very strong supporter of internationalization and international communication, both Pokémon-wise and personally, I think this new direction the community is taking is a wonderful one.

However, I think there are still some small issues that need to be resolved before this forum is truly international. In the past, American players had separate sub-forums for Cities, States, Nationals, Leagues etc, while the "International" sub-forum covered every single tournament series in every other country than the USA. I'm seeing an interesting change lately, where City Championships results and reports are being posted in the "City Championship" sub-forum by International players, instead of in the "International" forum.

I hope this is a trend that will continue, and will be supported by moderators/staff, so that the Pokégym will turn out to a forum that isn't divied into two parts: USA (normal, minority) and "International" (abnormal, everything that isn't the USA), but instead divided the way OP truly is divided in the World: In over 30 equally important parts. :)

I'm glad more Japanese players are joining us on the boards. Welcome to Junpapa! :D I have lately been spreading the www.pokegym URL to several Japanese players I've met at tournaments, so hopefully we'll see more Japanese members from now on.
I think there aren't many Japanese player who join here.

Japanese that include me are not good at English.
And there are different regulation between Japan and other country.

Why I join here, because my son can go to World Championship 2008.
I’d like to know meta in US.

Let's discuss pokemon card game in worldwide.
Junpapa,: Feel free to post any and all information on what is going on in Japan.
We appreciate getting an "inside" view of what's happening in Japan.
camera man
Is that you and your son? You guys look very happy. Congrats
I'll update English contents for our site.


I'm Otani Ryu who is friend of Junpapa.
And I', Gym Leader for Galura Gym (Gal-Gym). (Galura is Japanese name, English name is Kangaskhan.)
Jun Hasebe who is 2007 world champion belongs to Gal-Gym.
As you know, Kangaskhan is Parent & child Pokemon.
So, Gal-Gym is Gym for Family players for Tokyo, Japan.

Right now, unfortunately, we only prepare Japanese contents.
But for 2008, we aim to World-Class.
At first, we will plan to translate some report to English.
At least, report of world champion, I'll translate to English.
Jun is simply a tremendous and gifted player.

I thank you for any content you can add to this board, from the Japanese leagues and perspectives.

I think there aren't many Japanese player who join here.

Japanese that include me are not good at English.
And there are different regulation between Japan and other country.

Why I join here, because my son can go to World Championship 2008.
I’d like to know meta in US.

Let's discuss pokemon card game in worldwide.

I did not know the Japanese were familiar with the term "metagame", I thought it was an English idiom.
Please wait english translation.

ドータクンLV.44 HP90 超

ポケボディー のろいのごうきん

エネなし ダメージぞうふく

超無無 コーティング 60

弱点 超+20 抵抗力 炎-20 にげる 3

ガーメイルLV.41 HP80 草

ポケボディー かくらんりんぷん

草 ちからをかりる 30×

草無 クイックタッチ 40

弱点 炎+20 抵抗力 闘-20  にげる 0
Cursed stone is back, yess but not as good as it once was.

Mothim is so awesome...Can do up to 90dmg T2 if i got setup right =)

3 Burmy grass
3 Burmy fighting
3 Burmy steel
2 Wormadam G
2 Wormadam F
2 Wormadam S
4 Mothim
4 Pachirisu


Most of the time you want a Pachirsu start....
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