Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Japanese Base Set Draft after U.S. Nats.


Who wants to play a really cool format tournament?

Those of you that are friends with me on Facebook have probably seen the 4 boxes of Japanese Base Set Starter Decks & Booster Packs I managed to obtain.

Picture of boosters & decks: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...593527365125_500305124_18482915_2033594_n.jpg

On Sunday, July 10 (the last day of U.S. Nationals) I'll be hosting a Japanese Base Set Draft for players who played or collected extensively in the original days of the Pokemon TCG. Why only avid players and collectors? Because the cards are in Japanese - and unless you can read Japanese, you'll be expected to recall what most of the cards do only from memory!

The tournament will only be open to exactly 40 players. The cost will be $25 ($20+5 for prizes). I'd also like to point out I am not making money in this, simply selling the cards for what I paid.

If you are interested in playing, simply find me @ U.S. Nats and give me a $5 deposit. I'll save a spot for you. Then, show up for the tournament with $20 and I'll give you your Japanese packs. The 40 players will be divided into pods, and we will be doing Rochester draft. I already have an interest list as I post this so I encourage you to find me ASAP at Nationals if you are interested in playing.

When: Sunday, July 10, about two hours after the Finals.
Where: Exact location to be determined.
Cost: $25
Format: Rochester Draft


Who can play?
Anyone who is familiar with most of the cards in Base Set. Since the cards are in Japanese, you'll be expected to recall what the most common base set cards do simply by seeing their artwork. I also discourage you from playing if you tend to take tournaments too seriously. The main goal of this tournament is to simply enjoy going through old cards and to have fun.

What is Rochester Draft?
Rochester Draft is a format where players take turns opening an entire booster pack and place it face up on the table. Then, each player takes turns choosing one of the cards.

Why Rochester Draft?
For those of us that played during Base Set, it is fun and nostalgic to see the very first Pokemon cards you collected, especially in their very first form.

Where will the tournament be held?
I'll scout the area while at U.S. Nationals and find a place with enough room. I'll let you know when you sign up where we are meeting.

What cards will I receive?
You will receive one Japanese Base Set Starter Pack and two Japanese Base Set Booster packs.

What is a Japanese Base Set Starter Pack?
It is a combination of 30 Pokemon & Trainer cards (and possibly Double Colorless Energy) from base set as well as 30 basic energy cards.

Why not just use 5 Japanese booster packs?
The Starter Decks provide the energy needed so that players can build decks. After removing the energy cards, the remaining 30 cards will serve as the equivalent of 3 booster packs. Keep in mind English energy cards would not be useable because they have different backs than the Japanese cards.

What do I have to do to play?
Simply find me at U.S. Nationals and I'll reserve you a spot. I'll ask for a $5 deposit. Then, show up Sunday night when & where I tell you to be, and we will begin the tournament.

When will I receive my cards?
You will receive your Starter Deck & 2 Booster packs upon showing up for the tournament on Sunday.

Can I get the cards in advance?
I will not issue cards until the tournament is starting. Otherwise, an absent player could cause an odd number of players in a pod.

How will the tournament be structured?
40 players will be divided into 8 pods of 5 players. After drafting is complete, players will have 20 minutes to build a 40-card deck. Then, each player will play one game against each other player in their pod. After all matches are complete, the top record from each pod will advance to a Top 8 Single Elimination playoff.

How will tiebreakers be determined?
If two players are tied for the best record in their pod (3-1), they will play a tiebreaker match. If more than two players are tied for the best record in their pod (2-2), the pod's winner will be chosen randomly from the tied players.

How will Top 8 work?
Players will be seeded randomly and play Best of 1.

What are the prizes?
There will be booster packs given as prizes to anyone who makes Top 8. All boosters are from modified legal sets.

1st: Sealed Black & White Booster Box (36 packs)
2nd: 18 Assorted Booster Packs from Modified Legal Sets
3rd/4th: 9 Assorted Booster Packs from Modified Legal Sets
5th-8th: 4 assorted Booster Packs from Modified Legal Sets

What if I don't remember what a card does?
No big deal. Just ask your opponent or a neighbor. This tournament is for fun!

Are there time limits on matches?

Which rules will be used?
The original base set rules: two extra cards for a mulligan, 20 damage to self for confusion, flip to retreat for confusion, potion removes only two damage counters, endless retreat, etc.

Why Sunday? Won't some people be leaving on Sunday?
Some people may be leaving, but there will be plenty of people remaining who will want to play. I chose Sunday to avoid interfering with time players (including myself) will want to be practicing and preparing their deck for U.S. Nationals.

What if I am late to the tournament?
If you are more than 15 minutes late, your $5 deposit will go towards the "Buy Alex Brosseau new clothes" fund and the first player on the waitlist will get your spot.


Please feel free to ask me any questions! Anyone have any suggestions? I'm trying to keep this tournament as simple as possible not only because of the confusion of Japanese cards, but also because many people are new to Rochester drafting.

So, who's in?
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This sounds like a great idea. If I am available, I would love to do this. Now I need to go find one of my Base set rule books to brush up on, just in case.
I encourage everyone who plans on playing to review scans of base set cards or an old binder to freshen your memory!
Depending what time this is on Sunday I will be there. The sooner the better for me.

P.S. If anyone has the Pokemon Trading Card Game for GB I suggest playing that.
This sounds cool.
I'll definatly try to play depending on time!
I love playing with japanese cards.
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I'm thinking late in the evening. I want to allow enough time for the tournament & award ceremony to finish, and also time for everyone to go out & eat. 8 PM is a rough guess. I don't think I can do it early enough for the players leaving on Sunday without it overlapping the finals/awards ceremony. Is there a schedule up for the events on Sunday yet?
Would you play Pluspower as written (apply the +10 after weakness)?

What day will you start taking names for prereg? I don't get in until the afternoon of the 7th, but I'm considering participating in this.
PlusPower will play as it did during the base set days. I'll begin taking names as soon as people find me. I'll also let my friends take names down to speed up the process. If you can't find me, but manage to find Matt Moss or Alex Brosseau, feel free to give them $5 and they'll give you the details.