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Japanese vs. English Anime

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I happen to prefer subs to dubs. I enjoy hearing the original voice actor "make" the character. I've watched a series, CCS, subed, then dubed. I really like the sub versus the dub. There are things lost in the translation. There are IMPORTANT story lines lost in the sanitization. I'm not saying dubs are bad, mkay? I just prefer the subs. My wife on the other hand, couldn't stand the "squeaky" voices at certain points. She likes to watch subs twice so that she catches all the action and all the dialouge as well. Blondie couldn't care less either way. She just likes a series for just that.
I usually watch Spanish-dubbed anime. They're well dubbed, and I've only found an anime series I prefer to watch subbed: Pokémon. Usually they translate anime directly from the Japanese version, but that's not the case with pokémon, so the double translation (J>E>S) results in changing the sense of most phrases, making them sound weird. And in the movies, the dubbing is even worse, because they don't use the same voice actors they hired to dub the series, and they change the voices from one movie to the other.
DaytonGymLeader said:
I've watched a series, CCS, subbed, then dubbed.
Please watch an actual dub before you make your opinions. CCS is the worst dub in the history of dubs. I'm being totally serious.
BPM said:
... You've misunderstood me a bit.

1- I'm just talking about termonolgy. I just feel that Japanese media doesn't need a specific term to separate it from the media from other parts of the world.

2- My opinion on the Japanese languge is just that: an opinion. I'm allowed to have my own sets of likes and dislikes, hm?

3- I got nothing against their culture. It's just their language I don't like. It just doesn't appeal to me at all.

I kinda feel like that post was a direct attack against me. Ouch.

Of course you are allowed your own opinion... but remember the double standard that is modern "tolerance": you are allowed your own opinion so long as you never voice it, and profess that "my" opinion (whoever the "my" is in this example) is the best. Though that is just me whining about non-related matters: I am not SD_Pokemon (really?:lol:) so I don't know the reason behind here response: she generally is a very nice and polite person so I would guess she sees something in your words we don't.

Well, I prefer subtitles in general, as other than the "foreign" (that is, non-Japanese voices ;) ), tend to match the characters best. Then there is the whole "everything changes because we gaijin can't possibly understand Japanese culture". Now, that being said, there are some shows that I can only stand because they have been "sanitized", because that does drop some deeper meanings. Why is that important for me? I have a world view that doesn't match the majority of Eastern culture, and only have matches much Western. As such, some concepts are, by default, impossible to comprehend, saddening, and sometimes even offensive (though often unintentionally). Oh, and I just think Japanese (and most languages) just sound "kewl". :p

One of the most popular animes right now (and one that "purists" I know hate) is also best dubbed: Dragon ball Z and its predecessor and successors are much better dubbed. This is both because of the significant time delay and culture shock.

Finally, let me address a point: if you are a slower reader, dubbed is best for you, unless you plan on watching the shows repeatedly so you know the storyline by heart. For the somewhat speedier readers, reading a line of dialogue takes a about as much time as listening (as opposed to just "hearing") what is said, and I sometimes have to pace myself as I will finish reading before the sentence is done being spoken. I am not a super reader, maybe just a hair above average. Having to read also tends to make the storyline clearer: I often watch English movies with English subtitles because of that fact.
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Otaku said:
I often watch English movies with English subtitles because of that fact.
So there are other people who do that! I tend to watch things with subtitles or closed captioning for much the same reasons, and everybody I know thinks I'm odd. :p
In my experience, the version you watch first is the one you will tend to enjoy more, as you have experienced it before. Notable exceptions are Yu-Gi-Oh! and Cowboy Bebop. The dubbers did an OK job with the translating, so much that the difference was negligible (at least among major characters) Heck, I think YGO sounds better in Japanese, and the show really loses some plot once Kids WB has had their deadly editing knife at it. Heck, half the good scenes are changed or edited out because Japanese standards on TV are much less strict than the American ones. This is another reason why Rioruni Kenshin was taken off primetime TV. It's a show about blood and bloodshed, and editing ALL the blood and heavy violence from that show really limits it down to unbearable junk. (Even the English dub was awful, Kenshin does NOT sound right anymore, same with Yahiko.)
I like how in YGO, "Marik" can suddenly enlongate his Millennium Rod, but in truth, Malik's pulling some sort of dagger from it or something.

Ryou's arm also got hurt when Bakura was in control and he slashed his own arm and licked off the blood while he was agreeing to help Malik. Fun show. Watch the first YGO series for even more fun.
I would rather watch the non-English ones. A prime example of the U.S. cencoring system is the cut episode of James' enlarged breasts. And the Safari zone episode. No-one had a clue what had happened until they did some research. Ash just magically recieved 1,000 Touros. They also edit parts of DBZ. Especially the episodes of Marron and Bulma in a swimsuit. The U.S. just can't grow up. I hate that.
akooberz said:
They also edit parts of DBZ. Especially the episodes of Marron and Bulma in a swimsuit. The U.S. just can't grow up. I hate that.

Yes, that is a prime example of maturity: cartoon women in revealing swimwear. :rolleyes: Sorry, but lately I am getting a bit tired of all my shows and video games feeling like hentai (hopefully I got that term right... probably not :lol:).
akooberz said:
They also edit parts of DBZ. Especially the episodes of Marron and Bulma in a swimsuit. The U.S. just can't grow up. I hate that.

Yes, scantilly clad cartoon women are just so "mature". :rolleyes: Am I the only one geting tired of all much of my anime and video games feeling like hentai?
Otaku said:
Am I the only one geting tired of all much of my anime and video games feeling like hentai?
Bah, compared to actual hentai, seeing women in swimsuits is pretty tame. It's nothing you won't see on American-made shows, at any rate.

Besides, for those of you who complain that the women are unrealistic, take a look at the guys. I'd be in hanyaan-mode all the time if there were that many bishounen around. :D
Marril said:
Bah, compared to actual hentai, seeing women in swimsuits is pretty tame. It's nothing you won't see on American-made shows, at any rate.

Besides, for those of you who complain that the women are unrealistic, take a look at the guys. I'd be in hanyaan-mode all the time if there were that many bishounen around. :D

True, but I get tired of American television too. The first Big Brother was good, but the rest have been =/.

Oh, and try YGO: every other male character (and nearly every significant one) is a "beautiful boy" :p When will hey learn moderation: Balrog(Vega) worked so well in Street Fighter because he was like the only bishonen... if they all were, then it would have been lame...
Bah, the only real bishounen in YGO are Ryou and Malik. And also, as a semi-rabid fangirl, IMO the more bishounen the better. :D

Some guys watch animé for the eye candy (the girls), so it's fair that some girls watch animé for the eye candy (the bishounen). :p
Marril said:
Bah, the only real bishounen in YGO are Ryou and Malik. And also, as a semi-rabid fangirl, IMO the more bishounen the better. :D

Some guys watch animé for the eye candy (the girls), so it's fair that some girls watch animé for the eye candy (the bishounen). :p

So because fanboys do something that can range from sad to pathetic to downright disturbing, fangirls should do it to? o_O
Otaku said:
So because fanboys do something that can range from sad to pathetic to downright disturbing, fangirls should do it to? o_O
Hey, we like it, especially when there're multiples bishounen in the same series. :D
Dubbed or subbed, I'll watch whatever I can get my hands on. Like stated before, you live on the good side of the Atlantic (well, most of you) when it comes to anime and manga,
In the Netherlands almost every anime (heck if I want to use anime, then fine, it's just a name for animation in general) is dubbed , either taken from the German or the American release. You can have a good one (German BSSM, US dub Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) or a bad one (CCS nay Cardcaptors).
I prefer to have my anime non-dubbed (which is why I am happy with our local distributors not wanting to put a dubtrack on their dvds), but sometimes you can't get it otherwise. I don't hate it, just the editiing part (if applied).
In all, I'd like to watch it as it was originally made. I'm going to study Russian next year for my Tolstoi and probably Japanese too, so until I've accquired the skills to understand those languages without subtitles, I will make do with them or a dubbed version.
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