Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Ken Sugimori?


New Member
What happened to this guy? Is he just living it up in some mansion watching the money roll in? Any information on him would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I was wondering if any of the Illustrators were American? I mean, I know that the names are far from "looking" American, but is it possible for them to even hire someone who isn't Japanese? How do they hire artists for this?


Edit: What I mean is his lack of Participation in the TCG art (except supporters).
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you can go on thinking that until fourth generation comes out, then you'll see he's still working...
Maybe you're forgetting he's not just a card artist, but he's the guy that draws the original "anime-style" images of the Pokemon.
since then... what has he been doing? I know he isn't just sitting back doing nothing, that was a joke... Anybody have any information other than "He's Working"?
I remember reading an interview where he said he was far too busy on the Anime right now than to be working on the TCG. Also, since D/P are coming out soon, you can imagine he is one busy guy.
I have to say, I'm not really a fan of the guy's tcg work. It always seems like a half hearted photoshop effort. But that's just me.
I know only two non japanese who have gotten to illustrate a pokemon card. First is Christopher Rush (known as a magic the gathering card illustrator). He did the pic on promo #12. The Mewtwo promo. The second is Craig Turvey. He won an illustrating competition and got his pic in a Snorlax promo #49.

Please if anyone knows any more I'd like to know also.

And Sugimori made one of the best (IMO) Mew illustrations ever made. #47 aka lilly pad Mew. It's just the cutest Mew ever ^^
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Psycho_Lugia_X said:
I have to say, I'm not really a fan of the guy's tcg work. It always seems like a half hearted photoshop effort. But that's just me.
It's true that Sugimori-san's artwork isn't the most impressive out there, IMO by far Kagemaru Hinemo, Mitsuhiro Arita and Atsuko Nishida's artwork is more impressive. However, you can't neglect the fact that he helps design the Pokémon in the first place.
I don't mean this with any disrespect, but I used to dispise Mitsuhiro Arita-san's work on the bas-Fossil Sets. The pictures seemed very blurry and undefined, with little or 'atmosphere' (which Arita'san's newer display prominently). This could be attributed to the overall lesser quailty of the basic cards back then. All his RS-on work is now consistently my favorite. I'm not sure if Arita-san progressed as an artist or was allowed more time to spend on each illustration.
bass_forte said:
It's true that Sugimori-san's artwork isn't the most impressive out there, IMO by far Kagemaru Hinemo, Mitsuhiro Arita and Atsuko Nishida's artwork is more impressive. However, you can't neglect the fact that he helps design the Pokémon in the first place.

Oh, yeah, he is pretty well done as far as all that design stuff goes, but I'm just talking TCG here.

As for Arita, that guy is the MAN in Pokémon TCG art. He's the Kev Walker of PTCG.

There's another guy (girl?) who is a very strong second in my book...just can't remember the artist's name.

As for that art by Chris Rush, could you link us up? I'd love to see it. No, I'm not a fan of Rush, but I'd like to see what he conjured up.

Man...imagine if Kev Walker worked for Nintendo!! Man, that would move boosters.
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I just remember Sugimori being my favorite artist when the game started up. Sure, his illustrations aren't the best, but I just couldn't imagine the Pokemon world without him!

Now, the last pokemon anime that I have seen was the first movie (I know, sad.), and I wanted to know how involved Sugimori is in the anime. I guess that's what he's been so busy with?
Actually, i think the anime is drawn my the artist who does pokemon* in the TCG. Makaza Fukuda or something along those lines. Look as the EM Pikachu drawn by him-exactly like the one from the cartoon