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Kingdra/floatzel awesome water deck

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pokemon: 21

4 horsea
2 seadra
4 kingdra (prime)
2 floatzel gl
2 floatzel gl lv. X
2 uxie
1 azelf
2 whismur
1 loudred
1 exploud SV


3 bebe's
3 communication
2 pkmn collector
3 expert belt
3 Interviewer's question
2 premier ball
4 rare candy
1 luxury ball

15 :water:

this deck is pretty simple. It gets out kingdra prime as fast as it can, and uses floatzel to rescue it when it dies. Exploud is there so Luxray gl won't kill it in one hit, and the trainers get everything fast.
-1 premier ball
-3 Interviewer's
-5 Water Energy

+1 Bebe's
+3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
+2-3 Seeker
+Secondary attacker. (possibly a Palkia G X?... Idk, can snipe the fire type that is wrecking Kingdra's damage output)

Those are my suggestions.

This deck needs 1 water energy to attack. 15 isn't needed.
Therefore, Interviewer's is dumb, Cyrus's would allow an attack and getting another supporter.

You may need seekers for uxies and whatnot, also damaged Kingdras can be recycled...

Secondary attacker: I don't know who it should be, somebody with low attack costs and is water type because Kingdra only does 30 damage whenever a fire type is out on their side. I suggested Palkia because it can snipe for 80 and is water... You also don't have a massive bench. (Exploud, Kingdra, and Floatzel. But, if you played a palkia, you could seeker up one of them--kingdra--)
Er..the most obvious one would be the older kingdra? It can do a potential 80 for 1 energy and 20 to the bench, then a huge set up next turn. I'd recommend doing what ukeleleMilo has done, but also

-2 Kingdra Prime
+2 Kingdra LA
Oh, good. I don't have 4 kingdra primes, I was just hoping to some day get them. I have 2 kingdra LA which is the kind you were talking about.

also, why take out premier ball? it is the main thing to get dead floatzel lv. X back or get them from the deck. Also, should I add pokemon rescue for floatzel gl?
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I didn't say take them out. I said take 1 out. If you have 1 in the discard, the other is useless... read the text. It should just be replaced with a pokemon communication or bebe's or something... it becomes a dead card after 1 is played.
I didn't say take them out. I said take 1 out. If you have 1 in the discard, the other is useless... read the text. It should just be replaced with a pokemon communication or bebe's or something... it becomes a dead card after 1 is played.

Your thinking luxury ball
right now, I think this is the decklist:

4 horsea
2 seadra
2 kingdra prime
2 kingdra LA
2 floatzel gl
2 floatzel gl X
2 whismur
1 loudred
1 exploud SV
2 uxie LA
1 azelf LA

2 aaron's collection
3 cyrus's conspiracy
3 bebe's
3 pkmn communication
3 seeker
4 rare candy
3 expert belt
1 luxury ball
2 pkmn collector

10 :water:

+3 cards

let me know if I forgot anything and please add any good suggestions.
I never really felt like exploit was ever necessary, other than that, looks solid. Have you tested it much yet?
Depending how lucky you feel as a player, I'd consider putting in super scoop up for speed, to use continuous uxies.
It also helps in the same sense seeker can help, by healing a massively damaged kingdra.
Playing 1 mespritt may also be an option.
This deck also lacks a starter pokemon so Smeargle would look good, I'd recommend any of these:

+3 SSU

+2 Smeargle
+1 Unown Q

+1 Mespritt
+2 Smeargle
+1 Unown Q
-1 Water Energy

Hope this helps.
Depending how lucky you feel as a player, I'd consider putting in super scoop up for speed, to use continuous uxies.
It also helps in the same sense seeker can help, by healing a massively damaged kingdra.
Playing 1 mespritt may also be an option.
This deck also lacks a starter pokemon so Smeargle would look good, I'd recommend any of these:

+3 SSU

+2 Smeargle
+1 Unown Q

+1 Mespritt
+2 Smeargle
+1 Unown Q
-1 Water Energy

Hope this helps.

smeargle doesn't really help much unless my opponent has a lot of supporters. would jirachi (with detour) or sableye SF be better options for starters?

@chase4787: the whole reason exploud is there is to protect kingdra and floatzel from nast electric pokemon *cough* luxray gl *cough*. It is there as a support card and is not there to attack except in extreme circumstances.
I know why he's there. I just never felt, during the time he was hyped, it was worth adding another stage. 2. Any deck with Luxray is usually Sp meaning it's fast and even if you do get it set up, they can always bright look it active. Just my experience though, test it and see how it works for you.
Er..most decks use a lot of supporters, especially vilegar, and they can even have cyrus to get your energy you need.
If you want this to be speedy you want to be able to play 2 supporters on turn 1, which smeargle can do, then retreat for unown q. Smeargle is like a sableye without ending your turn, and jirachi requires itself to die pretty much. If you do play jirachi, also include twins.
okay, I understand. I will just have to come up with another mesprit and 2 smeargles, that's all. I already have 3 super scoop ups.

---------- Post added 03/29/2011 at 05:10 PM ----------

anyone know where to get mesprit and two smeargles? League is too far for me and I don't have time to search through the trade thread long enough to find someone who has them and who wants what I have.

---------- Post added 03/29/2011 at 09:46 PM ----------

If I take out exploud SV, what should I add?
I'd just focus on speed to counter luxray. It's super fast and pretty much the only electric type ever used. The only 3 scenarios I can see are:

a) You don't set up exploud fast enough and your king or sea dras get OHKO'd with Lucario before you can use the body
b) your Loudred get dragged up and taken out
c) your exploud gets dragged up and taken out or put in your way as a wall while Garchomp Drush's your bench

But if you're having good luck with it, go with it and maybe add some warp energy.
exploud always was the slowest part, but I don't know what else to add! Also, when you say speed, what do you mean? kingdra often gets out on the first turn when I play horsea, rare candy, kingdra, then water energy (and occasionally expert belt); but I don't know how to make it faster than some SP decks. I am pretty sure some people play magnezone as well...
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