Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Legends Awakened Prerelease News!

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And? Why does every tournament have to be a strict test of skill? Why can't their be a fun tournament?
it is but darthpikas just jealous that he has no skills of "who can pull the best card" :p jk, so u cant use any prerelese cards for worlds right?
it is but darthpikas just jealous that he has no skills of "who can pull the best card" :p jk, so u cant use any prerelese cards for worlds right?


No. The set has to be out, and it comes out the week after worlds.

I've yet to get a Lv.X at prerelease..hopefully it'll be different this time.
A useful Supporter card as a prerelease promo? EXCELLENT move! :D

It looks like a great card. Bill and a Plus Power all in the same card. Notice that the 2 vs 2 language has returned. It seems like it was missing from the previous couple of sets.
I think there is a decent amount of skill involved in the prereleases, not just in gameplay, but the in-the-spot deckbuilding, which I believe is very important to how well you do. It's true that the people who get several copies of the best cards would probably win, but if they couldn't build a good deck, they still couldn't win.
I think there is a decent amount of skill involved in the prereleases, not just in gameplay, but the in-the-spot deckbuilding, which I believe is very important to how well you do. It's true that the people who get several copies of the best cards would probably win, but if they couldn't build a good deck, they still couldn't win.

Since Buck's Training is the prerelease promo, this means that no one is going to play it :lol:
sigh. i think i will probably only go to one since i dont have a ride for the other. :p tim u going to any other than fairfax?
Partly, but mostly its a test of "who can pull the best cards?" contest.

I would say it's 45% skill and 55% what you get. I was judging a GE prerelease and I saw someone pull a Darkrai Lv.X and 2 regular Darkrai. I thought "Ok, this guy is going to win this". Then he came up to get his energy and asked for 30 energy.:frown: I think he only ended up with one win.
...................................................................;;;;;...........................................;;;;;;;;;;; thats disapointing but nooobs do that so they can learn and get more experiance. YES i might be able to go to 2!
it is but darthpikas just jealous that he has no skills of "who can pull the best card" :p jk, so u cant use any prerelese cards for worlds right?

Correct, Legends Awakened will be illegal for worlds.

I remember when you used to get boxes if you won. I won the FRLG prerelease, and it was the last one where the winner got a box.
and there also used to be cheating, and the necessity for set lists to be filled out, and deck swaps (...try explaining to an 8 y/o why they don't get to keep that shiny "whatever" card they opened in their packs =/ ) when there was a box for the winner...

sorry, i don't miss those days at all.

and there also used to be cheating, and the necessity for set lists to be filled out, and deck swaps (...try explaining to an 8 y/o why they don't get to keep that shiny "whatever" card they opened in their packs =/ ) when there was a box for the winner...

sorry, i don't miss those days at all.


deck swaps and set lists i'm confused :frown: if someone could explain how that used to work would be appricated as our league didn't do a pre release tourny until dragon frontiers and prize distribution was really fair not top heavy like that sounds like
in the 'good old days' of a box for first place at prereleases, we had to take steps to prevent cheating because of the prize at stake.

thus, the deck swap: players would open their packs and then register their pulls on a printed set list. they would have to tally how many of each card they had and make sure the list added up to 54 ( 6 packs x 9 cards/pack). THEN the cards and list were bundled and left on the table, and the players cleared from the room.

after the room was cleared, players were re-seated randomly and the cards and list at the seat was what they used to build their deck, and was what they kept...NOT what they opened.

as i said, explaining to an 8 y/o and their parents just why they didn't get to keep all those nice shiny cards they opened was not much fun for the judges/organizers. especially when the reason we had to do so was to prevent cheating...

again, i don't miss this a bit and i'm sure other judges/TOs don't either.

Who has actually done/used the "Deck Swap"?
PokeMom, for someone who claims to not like it, you sure do push it as an option a lot.

I don't see why anything has to be explined to the 8-year-old. The 8-year-old, or the parents, would have dropped from the event before any shiny cards were swapped.
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