Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

LM Cradily

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Well, Cradily's Devolution Wave is a really really nice attack. A lot of people have been taking pokemon from LM and making new decks out of them, like Machamp, Flygon, Gengar, and I tried Golem I know, but its tier 2 at best.. So anyway I wanted to try Cradily. I have heard people taking the Electrode ex approach, but I dunno bout that..so heres what I came up with..

Pokemon: 22
4x Root Fossil
4x Lilleep
4x Cradily
4x Jirachi
2x Lunatone
2x Solrock
2x Girafarig

Trainers: 25
4x Celio’s Network
3x Holon Transicer
1x Holon Mentor
1x Holon Scientist
1x Holon Lass
3x Steven’s Advice
2x Rocket’s Admin
2x Scott
1x Mr. Briney’s Compassion
4x Strange Cave
3x Desert Ruins

Energy: 13
4x React Energy
4x Grass Energy
3x Heal Energy
2x Rainbow Energy

My goal is to get a Cradily with a React as early as possible, thus the 7 stadiums. Strange Cave is amazing in this deck, it works soooo well with Scott, but Desert Ruins is also an amazing stadium so i needed to put that into.

So the ideal set up is like t1 Jirachi, t2 Jirachi with Benched Lileep, Lunatone, Solrock and Girafarig, t3 Cradily destroying the opponents set up. Ive done some test draws and its amazingly consistant and fast. I played one game v.s. lbs, and I completely owned it. But ya thats one game, ima test this at league on Wednesday and I'll report back results. Thanks =D


I tried the deck and he biggest problem I had with it was actually killing the pokemon once I wounded them enough, I could de-evolve them but it was the finish that was tough, plus ZRE PWNS you.

Gardevoir88 said:
drop the girafarig lunatone and solrock and add in instead 2 jirachi DX and a 2-2 magcargo DX line

Lol and do what, lose?

Girafarig is really really good, with Lunasol and Girafarig in play, ur opponent cant do very much, esp. if u get htem turn 2 ;x

Armaldo EX said:
drop 1 holon tranciever and put in 1 professor elm's training method
why would he do that? Im thinking that you need a Celebex in your deck to retreive some react energies.
I wonder if your Lunatone, Solrock and Girafarig are the ones from LM........ if yes, why don't you use Cursed Stone? With all those cards to block the opponent's Powers, it would be a nice idea to damage them as well..... some Energy Roots would be nice as well....
And I have a question: why Rocket's Admin here? It can give to your opponent those cards back in hand........

Well..... the changes....

-2 Desert Ruins
+2 Cursed Stone
-1 Briney's Compassion
-1 Root (if you use 4 Gyms.... 4 fossils are a bit too much, I guess......)
+2 Energy Root

Good Luck :thumb:
I too wanted to make a cradily deck it seems interesting at least. Your list looks like it needs some work though. Lets start with the pokemon. If your gonna run girafarig then you probably dont want to run Jirachi. You want to get girafarig out as soon as possible to deny there jirachis. So i would say instead use plusle as your starter. That way you can consistenly get your denial pokemon out on the field stopping there setup. Plus against some matchups hes a great attacker and gets those jirachis that can really hurt all your pokemon in your deck except cradily. You also probably dont need to run a 4-4-4 line of cradily id say a 3-2-3 line would be sufficient enough. Well get into why later. You also might want to add a 2-1-2 line of Dark amphy just to get some extra damage on the board that cradily cant do on his own. So for the pokemon section we got:

-4 Jirachi
-1 Root fossil
-2 Lileep
-1 Cradily

+4 Plusle
+2 Mareep
+1 Dark Flaffy
+2 Dark Amphy

Now for supporters. Celios network is a great card and should stay in. Your not running pidgeot so you cant really search for key cards so your gonna want a lot of draw supporters. Your running plusle so you dont really need mentors. Instead run another scientist. Also cut the lass its just not a very good card. Im not really a fan of scott either since its just a supporter that gets more supporters and essentially wastes a turn. Id rather just run another useful supporter and cut out the middle man. You dont really need it for stadium draw because i cant think of many stadiums that actually hurt this deck so getting couter stadiums out doesnt seem greatly important. Since im on the subject of stadiums strange cave just isnt that great of a stadium it might get one lileep out and then get discarded. Instead id rather just plop down a fossil and rare candy it straight into a cradilly. Also desert ruins doesnt seem synergetic in this deck since the whole idea is to de-evolve them so they dont have there big exs out anyway. Instead run cursed stone for the same reason you attack with plusle. I also think Energy root would be a great addition so Steelix ex and other pokemon cant one hit this guy as easily. So lets see how the list looks now.

-4 Strange Cave
-3 Desert Ruins
-1 Mr. Briney's Compassion
-2 Rockets Admin
-1 Holon Lass
-1 Holon Mentor
-2 Scott

+1 Holon Scientist
+4 Cursed Stone
+3 Energy Root
+3 Rare Candy

Ok energy is the last thing i dont think you were playing enough of it soo...

-2 Grass Energy

+2 Lightning Energy
+2 Rainbow Energy

Thats my suggestions. Try em out see what you like or just play what your using. =)
Gardevoir88 said:
drop the girafarig lunatone and solrock and add in instead 2 jirachi DX and a 2-2 magcargo DX line

im pretty sure its illegal to run 6 DX jirachis ;x

and to whoever said -something add in PETM, why would you need 4 celios and a PETM it cant get girafrig/luna/sol...anyways rroryh you are right is a hard match, unless you can devolve the trodex and marcargo at the same time , then they cannot blow up and get energys back and such.the only other way to beat it is to hopefully have 2 cradilys out so you can mudshot+desert ruins, then if they send out a zapdos or something linear attack the benched one to death.then come out with the next cradily and attack the active zapdos, and if you have desert ruins out, zapdos should be dead soon.

GJ colin ; D
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