Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Majestic Dawn Virginia Prereleases!

I realize it wasn't a pun. It was a grammatical pun. And do you have something against me, or are you just refusing to quit? You guys who know him better than me, is he always this stubborn?
Sorry, I have a thing against people nitpicking grammar on the internet. Correct grammar is fine to push, but when it is nitpicked it bothers me when someone acts as a corrector (it is rude to correct someone else's grammar*) and then makes a mistake in his/her own post. I've been waiting to catch totoro in the act, but I've yet to detect any errors in his posts :biggrin:mad:totoro

*if you feel the error is so bad that it messes up the post's meaning or that the writer may be oblivious to his/her mistake, you could point it out in a way that does not come off as mocking the person (see your post) or send a PM. A simple "by the way, I think you mean .... not ..." will suffice. Correcting the writer can be in his/her benefit (it is good to know the difference between affect and effect, afterall), but don't make it sound like you're better than the writer while doing so.
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Hi guys! I'm from Oregon! *waves*

Anyway, on behalf of everyone in the NW area, congratulations on out-spamming us. This thread has a whole extra page than ours.

. . . we'll beat your BR thread, though. : D
Hi guys! I'm from Oregon! *waves*

Anyway, on behalf of everyone in the NW area, congratulations on out-spamming us. This thread has a whole extra page than ours.

. . . we'll beat your BR thread, though. : D


Sorry, I have a thing against people nitpicking grammar on the internet. Correct grammar is fine to push, but when it is nitpicked it bothers me when someone acts as a corrector (it is rude to correct someone else's grammar*) and then makes a mistake in his/her own post. I've been waiting to catch totoro in the act, but I've yet to detect any errors in his posts :biggrin:mad:totoro

*if you feel the error is so bad that it messes up the post's meaning or that the writer may be oblivious to his/her mistake, you could point it out in a way that does not come off as mocking the person (see your post) or send a PM. A simple "by the way, I think you mean .... not ..." will suffice. Correcting the writer can be in his/her benefit (it is good to know the difference between affect and effect, afterall), but don't make it sound like you're better than the writer while doing so.

I'll accept your apparently "grudged against bad spellers" post if your willing to stop arguing over trivial matters.
kids stop fighting! wait ur not kids... well anyways stop fighting. settle this by a 1 on 1 match the next time you meet. go azure kite! i mean....... uh..... good luck to both of you.
kids stop fighting! wait ur not kids... well anyways stop fighting. settle this by a 1 on 1 match the next time you meet. go azure kite! i mean....... uh..... good luck to both of you.

one of them is a kid and one is an adult. anyway on topic what about the pics?
i was asking when Mr.T was going to post them but then he said after all the BRs are over.

Makes sence. Especially since 5 BR's or whatever large number it is in 1 month is no easy task. TFP, are you taking sides? We need an epic battle, Timothy vs Timothy! Or not....
oh really? i though this was a prerelese thread guess not.... of course. cant wait till prereleses. if i go to worlds, funfun.
:lol: LOL..... no offence tim, hope u dont read this stuff :lol:

Oh he reads it, he's just SO filled with rage that if he posted, he wouldn't be able to refrain from flaming and trolling resulting in a temporary ban. Like my Mom says, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
All of you just stop. I think TFP meant Timothy M. was a child, not Timothy F., and Azure Kite, you can bash ShadowCard when you actually do something to help other people. Now, it's just immature.

Okay first of all, we(or atleast I) were just messing around. From my short time knowing Foley, I see people like to pick on him. Having my own reasons, why not join in on the fun?

Second, WHAT DO YOU MEAN when I actually do something to help others? Besides the fact that I don't understand you entirely, you cannot say I cannot bash him because I have done nothing to help people. I could consider that an insult, since you in no way know what I do to help people.

Of course now I'm probably getting the wrong idea. But this thread is over and done, so theres no need to be posting on it anymore.