Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

BW-on Manazone switch deck

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New Member
Well what i do with this deck is i keep attacking with magnazone and maganzone's attack does eighty damage then i bring up a benched pokemon then my opponent does the same thing. Float stone and skyarrow bridge help me retreat the new active pokemon. But if i bring up snorlax they wont be able to retreat because of its ability unless if they have pokemon catcher or switch. And if a pokemon has damage on it i can use max potion on it to heal it....this may not be good for magnazone. If i bring up latios ex or sigilth they may not be able to damage one of them. I also can use one more supporter card a turn because maganzones ability. So i thought of useing N in one turn then hopefully get ghetsis then use that....this idea could really do bad things to my opponents hand possibly. They can knock out my magnazone but i may be able to set up another one....i may want to get a gold potion for magnazone in this deck or get rock guard to attach to one of my pokemon. Here is my deck list.

Pokemon 13

3-1-3 magnazone gyro ball plasma storm
1 snorlax plasma storm
1 deoxyes ex pf
1 sigilyth dx
1 latios pf
1 zapdos ps
1 rotom ps

Suppoters stadiums and trainers 35

2 collress machine
3 skyarrow bridge
3 float stone
1 level ball
2 pokemon communication
1 ultra ball
1 computer search
3 ghetsis
3 juniper
4 N
3 max potion
3 skyla
3 rare candy
2 pokemon catcher
1 super road

Energy 12

4 plasma energy
8 electrick
Don't waste time with deoxys. He's just catcher bait on this list. I think u should also max out the magnezone line. Cause as soon as the magnemites hit the field they are gonna be targets. Don't use pokemon comm. Use heavyball and plasma ball since those will hell u the most. Neither latias or latios are gonna help you so don't waste time with them. Siggy can stall tor time in a dire situation so he can help. I think you should maybe run more snorlax too. Have it like a quad snorlax with magnezone and zap ex or something like that. Keeping snorlax active and retreating to attack with magnezone then back to snorlax. And have zapdos ex as another attacker in there.

Maybe run a mewtwo or some other strong basic attacker because having a deck just weak to fighting in this format is pretty much gg. You should also max out skyla since I can help u the most. IMO.

So there are a few suggestions. Lol GL
Well the only problem with snorlax is that it needs float stone attached to it.....im not sure about one more magnazone. Maybe one more magnamite would be nice. Well plasma ball would be good i might take out one pokemon communication would be good. Zapdos can be more of a buffer card like you send it up they attack and you use max potion....and you can attack with zapdos.....most fighting pokemon in the format are weak to leaf and water.
Wow i was proud of this deck it did real good....snorlax was annoying to them....i have taken out rotom and colress machine and computer search for dousing rod and two rocky helmet.....This deck can easily deck its self out.
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