Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

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New Member
Welcome to my trading thread! Make an offer!
Important notice: If you're currently trading with me, please head on down to the Trades in Progress section to make sure the status of our trade is correct! If it's not, please post or PM me ASAP!
1. I do not send overseas unless it's a really good deal.

2. I will rarely ask you to send first, but I will rarely send first. I think you can trust someone with twelve refs.

3. Do not make an absurd offer. I mostly value cards for their playability. Therefore, I will not trade my Claydol for your bent, promo Darkrai Lv.X.

4. Pretty much all D&P series rares and trainers that I have are listed here. It's probably not worth it to ask if I have something that's not listed.

5. Bold cards are cards that are typically rare holos.

6. I am willing to make trades for incoming cards, but keep in mind that I can't send them to you until I receive them from the other person.

7. I will CYL.

8. Some cards will not go cheap. If you want 'em, you better offer big!

9. On the other hand, EX series cards and older (except for 1st editions) will go cheap. No need to offer big.

10. I will send cards in a sleeve and toploader, no more than 2 cards to a sleeve. They will also be shipped in a reinforced or otherwise protective envelope. I expect the same measure of care when cards are being shipped to me, but a protective envelope is not required. Do not simply rubber band the cards together.

11. Most cards are mint or near mint. However, if you fail to inquire about the condition, I'll assume you don't care. I want only 90-100% mint cards, unless they are of exceptional value, like a RH Dragon TVR.

12. As for the trainers, most are from recent sets. Again, though, if you fail to ask, you may receive a Gym Challenge Warp Point in the mail.

13. My wants are in no particular order.

14. I'll try to update this list frequently.

15. I am typically online in the late afternoon or evening, so expect me to reply then.

16. Rarity matters! MENTION if you are trading me RH cards! It actually is important to me!

16. Have fun trading!

Lv.Xs, etc.

2x Uxie Lv.X (LA)
2x Garchomp Lv.X (MD)
1x Gliscor Lv.X (LA) (1x JPN)
1x Honchkrow Lv.X (SW)
1x Empoleon Lv.X (error) (DP)
1x Torterra Lv.X (DP)
1x Empoleon Lv.X (Tin)
1x Shiftry ex (PK) NEED TO TRADE
1x Flygon ex d (DF) NEED TO TRADE

Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky

2x Gengar
4x Haunter
4x Gastly

Legends Awakened

2x Gliscor (#5 holo)
4x Kingdra (1x JPN)
2x Yanmega (1x RH)
3x Froslass (1x JPN)
2x Spiritomb (1x RH)
1x Dragonite
2x Politoed
1x Regigigas (#37) (1x RH)
1x Lopunny
1x Mesprit
4x Armaldo
1x Deoxys (Defense Forme)
1x Deoxys (Speed Forme)
1x Ditto (1x RH)
1x Unown !
2x Lanturn :lightning: (1x RH)
2x Tentacruel
1x Lanturn :water: (1x RH)

Majestic Dawn

7x Phione (evo wish) (1x RH)
1x Palkia
2x Empoleon (1x RH)
3x Hippowdon
3x Torterra (1x RH)
3x Flareon (2x RH)
1x Vaporeon
1x Jolteon
1x Infernape (1x RH)
1x Unown P (1x RH)
2x Aerodactyl (1x RH)
1x Phione
Xx Chatot
2x Omastar
Xx Eevee (C.F.F.) (1x RH)
1x Minun

Great Encounters

4x Pachirisu (1x RH)
3x Sceptile (1x RH)
1x Swampert
5x Claydol (2x RH)
2x Lapras
1x Slowking (1x RH)
1x Exploud
2x Kingler (1x RH)
1x Unown H
4x Primeape
2x Hypno
1x Weezing
1x Altaria

Secret Wonders

2x Blastoise (1x RH)
1x Salamence (1x RH)
1x Magmortar
2x Banette
2x Furret
3x Mothim
2x Pidgeot
1x Plusle (1x RH)
1x Minun
1x Unown S
4x Sunflora (1x RH)
4x Sharpedo
1x Wormadam (1x RH)
4x Jynx (1x RH)
5x Xatu (1x RH)
4x Golduck
2x Dugtrio (1x RH)
3x Nidoking (1x RH)

Myterious Treasures

2x Garchomp
2x Alakazam
2x Ambipom (1x RH)
1x Celebi
5x Kricketune (2x RH)
1x Mr. Mime
2x Exeggutor (1x RH)
2x Ninetails (1x RH)
1x Walrein
2x Rampardos
1x Manectric
2x Ariados (1x Japan)
1x Toxicroak
1x Ursaring

Diamond & Pearl

1x Dusknoir
3x Mismagius (2x RH)
1x Empoleon
1x Roserade
1x Dialga
2x Beautifly
1x Floatzel
2x Noctowl (1x RH)
1x Steelix
2x Clefable
1x Lopunny
1x Purugly


1x Delcatty (PK) (energy draw) NEED TO TRADE
4x Nidoqueen (DF) (1x RH) NEED TO TRADE
3x Sableye (CG) NEED TO TRADE
and plenty of other pre-DP stuff. Just ask, it's going cheap!
2x Ampharos (POP7)
2x Latias (POP7)


Just ask, I've got most of 'em.

Many ex-series trainers such as Celio's and Castaway! Going cheap! NEED TO TRADE


Major Wants

Good trainers including, but not limited to, Roseanne's Research
Clair's Politoed (VS)
Misty's Politoed (5th Movie Half Deck)
Magnezone Lv.X
Azelf Lv.X
Mesprit Lv.X
Uxie Lv.X
Gliscor Lv.X
Froslass (LA)
Kingdra (LA)
Luxray (LA)
Claydol (GE)
Holo Matrix Energies from EX Emerald
Skyridge Crystal cards
1st Ed Neo Series holos
TVR (EX Dragon) (RH only! Will trade huge for!)

Refs (22 unique)

Snowball21 x2
Azure Kite
Evil Psyduck
TriAttackHax x2
Smackdown Gaming
Lil' Bandit
PorygonX x2

Trades in progress

Pokefan84 - Sending today, waiting to receive


1x Dark Porygon2 (NDs)
1x Dark Feraligatr (NDs)
1x Rockets Scyther (GH)
1x Rockets Hitmonchan (GH)
1x Raikou (1st ed) (NR)
1x Slowking (1st ed) (NR)
1x Togetic (NG)
1x Kingdra (NG)
1x Ampharos (NR)
1x Brock's Ninetails (GC)
1x Sabrina's Alakazam (GC)
1x Ursaring (1st ed) (ND)


1x Glaceon Lv.X (MD)
1x Garchomp Lv.X (MD)

slayer_chaos - Received, waiting for notification of his receiving


2x Claydol (GE)


2x Gengar (IFDS)
4x Haunter (IFDS)
4x Gastly (IFDS)
1x Luxray (LA)
1x Spiritomb (LA)
1x Lumineon (IFDS)

Kamui988 - He/she received, I'm still waiting to receive


3x Roseanne's Research (SW)
3x Bebe's Search (SW)
2x Night Maintenance (MT)


8x Emerald Matrix Energies (1x Fighting, 2x Psychic, 5x Grass)

Smackdown Gaming - He received, I'm still waiting to receive

4x Blissey (MT)
2x Togekiss (GE)
1x Empoleon (MD)
and something else, I forget what LOL

1x T.S.D. (MT)

codyrocks1995 - Sent, waiting to receive. He's on the bad trader list, chances of receiving slim

60x Easley Dragon sleeves
42x Legendary Bird sleeves

1x Cresselia Lv.X (GE)
1x Gardevoir Lv.X (SW)
1x Empoleon (MD)
1x Phione (MD) (evo wish)

That's it! Enjoy trading!
Last edited:
the felicity's was listed as RH in our pm's, but not here?
and would you do glaceon x for your azelf x!?
cause we could add that to our trade.
im very interested in your
Rhyperior Lv.X
Azelf Lv.X
Mesprit Lv.X
Garchomp Lv.X
Cresselia Lv.X
Flygon ex d
Roseanne's Research
Rare Candy
please cml.
xchasex: Sorry, I can't trade Azelf Lv.X for Glaceon Lv.X ATM. As far as the Felicity's, I made a mistake on the thread. It is RH.

empoleonperson: 3x Felicity's for 2x Roseanne's?
drugenalmighty: Interested in your 2x T.S.D., Call Energies, and Origins Promo Shellos. Shellos and the Call Energies are lesser wants, BTW. Make an offer.

Muscovy Lv.X: Not ATM, sorry.
I could do Rhyperior Lv.X for T.S.D. straight up. Since T.S.D. is slowly declining in price, I'd say it's a fair deal. T.S.D. is mint, right?
I like:

1x Azelf Lv.X (LA)
1x Mesprit Lv.X (LA)
1x T.S.D (MT)
1x Uxie - LA
2x Call Energy (x2 RH)
3x Claydol (1x RH)
3x Cynthia's Feelings
5x T.G.W. (1 RH)
2x Technical Machine TS-1
2x Technical Machine TS-2

I have:

Uxie Lv.X x1
The Holo LA cards on my list
Darkrai Lv.X (GE)
Magmortar Lv.X (MT)
Glaceon Lv.X (MD)
Garchomp Lv.X (MD)
Garchomp (MT) - 1 RH and 2 Reg holo
Togekiss (GE) - i have 1 RH and 6 Reg Holo
Phione (MD) (evo wish) - i have 1 Reg Holo
Torterra (MD) - 1 rh and 2 non holo
Pachirisu (GE) - 2 Reg Holo and 1 RH and 4 JPN

Make an offer please cuz idk what you value the cards at and i will counter if i need to
yes it is is mint and im cool with rhyperior but i would like to get a somthing more than just it if u want me to i could throw in call energies.


2x Cynthia's Feelings
2x TGW
1x Uxie (LA)


Uxie Lv.X


I need Azelf Lv.X more than anything else as its for my lil bro's deck

How about:


Azelf Lv.X x1
TSD x1
Uxie x1 - LA
Claydol x3 - x1 RH
Wager x5 - x1 RH
Tech Machine 1 x2
Tech Machine 2 x2


Uxie Lv.X x1
Glaceon Lv.X x1
Darkrai Lv.X x1 - GE
Togekiss x4 - Reg Holo
Pachirisu x5 - x4 JPN and x1 RH
Torterra x3 - x1 RH and x2 non holo
Phione x1 - Evo Wish

darkrai lv.x
darkrai md
electivire lv.x
electivire dp
honchkrow lv.x
3 honch mt

1x Azelf Lv.X (LA)
1x Mesprit Lv.X (LA)
1x Uxie
OLD SCHOOL PLAYER: Not ATM, sorry. I actually value Yanmega fairly highly. You're free to offer again, though!

nnaann: No, I already have three Cresselia Lv.Xs. I value Garchomp Lv.X higher.

drugenalmighty: I could throw in Flygon ex d if you could throw in 2x Call Energy

poke_master2008: Don't feel like doing so much of an uber-trade right now, and I can't so much trade Azelf Lv.X. If I did so, I wouldn't need Uxie Lv.X. Here's my counteroffer:


1x T.S.D.
2x Cynthia's Feelings
1x Claydol
3x TGW
1x Technical Machine TS-1


Uxie Lv.X


dragonfire: Nope, sorry.
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