Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

MSE Various Card Collection


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Metagross Lv. X 150 HP [M]

Poké-Body : ElectroMagnetType
If Metagross is your Active Pokémon, each of Pokémon in play are now treated as [M] type Pokémon.

[M][M][C][C] Metal Shot 80
Discard 2 energy attached to Metagross. Put 2 damage counter to each of your opponent's Pokémon that don't have the same Basic Energy card as their type attached to them.

W - [R] x2
R - [P] -20
RC - [C][C][C]
Not everyone makes actual images of the cards, in fact most people make text cards (like the one above) the text cards are nice because they take considerably less time and are easy editable, that being said, making actual image cards with blanks (if done well) look amazing, but as I said they take allot more time.

Great Luxray 150 HP [L]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Luxio

Poké-POWER : Underground Electron
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, switch the Defending Pokémon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and discard a card from the top of your deck. If tails, switch Luxray with 1 of your Active or Benched Pokémon and discard the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck. You can't use this power if Luxray is effected by a Special Condition.

[L] Shock Spread
Put 1 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokémon.

[L][L][C][C] Extreme Charge
This attack does 100 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon that have more than 100 HP. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack.

W - [F] x2
R - [M] -20
RC - [-]
...your opponent's Pokémon that has more than 100 HP...

Underground Electron is underbroken, it's flippy and you have to discard either way for a rather mundane effect, that being said it may be an attempt to make up for Extreme Charge's brokenness, sniping for 100 damage is crazy (even when limited to pokémon with more then 100 HP.) and no discard just to top it off (with Arceus you can snipe for 80, but you have to send all energy to the lost zone.)
...your opponent's Pokémon that has more than 100 HP...

Underground Electron is underbroken, it's flippy and you have to discard either way for a rather mundane effect, that being said it may be an attempt to make up for Extreme Charge's brokenness, sniping for 100 damage is crazy (even when limited to pokémon with more then 100 HP.) and no discard just to top it off (with Arceus you can snipe for 80, but you have to send all energy to the lost zone.)

Extreme Charge is more like Extreme Attack..but only limited to certain pokemon

Flygon have other attack to use where else..Luxray only got 2 ...

.About the power...It's now to underbroken,.,.,

Heads you dsicard your deck and switch the defending,,

tail you discard your opponent's deck and switch luxray
ah, I misread the Power, I thought that you discarded 2 on tails, and you also need to take into consideration that Flygon is a Lv. X, Great Pokémon shouldn't be on equal footing with them
ah, I misread the Power, I thought that you discarded 2 on tails, and you also need to take into consideration that Flygon is a Lv. X, Great Pokémon shouldn't be on equal footing with them

thats why Luxray can only choose either to spread or use the second attack...imgaine Luxray fighting with a deck that uses only 80-100 HP pokemon

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Celebi LEGEND 90 HP [P]

Poké-POWER : Psychotic Leaf
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard a [G] or [P] energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon. If you discard a [G] energy, any damage done to Celebi LEGEND will be reduced by 30 during your opponent's next turn. If you discard a [P] energy, any damage done by Celebi LEGEND is increase by 30. Either way, ignore all effect of attack (excluding damage) done to Celebi LEGEND during your opponent's next turn, You can't use this power if Celebi LEGEND is effected by a Special Condition.

[G][P][C] Reborn Link 60-
Search your discard pile for up to 5 energy card and put them in your hand. This attack does 60 damage minus 10 damage for each 2 energy card returned in this way.

W - [R] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C]
Last edited:
Weavile ex 120 HP [D]
Stage 1 - Evolve from Sneasel/Sneasel ex

Poké-BODY : Darkness Emision
Any damage done to Weavile ex is reduced by 10 for each [D] Pokémon in play (both your's and your opponent's).

[.] Swipe Up
Discard a card from your opponent's hand. If you discard a Pokémon card, put damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like equal to the HP of that Pokémon. If a Pokémon is Knocked ut in this way, your opponent's draw a Prize Card.

[W][D] Boosting Pain 80
If Weavile ex attack during your next turn, put 4 damage counters on the Defending Pokémo after your turn ends. You can't use Boosting Pain during your next turn (Benching Weavile ex doesn't ends this effect).

W - [R][F] x2
R - [P] -30
RC - [C]

Pokémon ex Rule.
a couple issues

1, a Pokémon can't evolve from multiple Pokémon (ie Scizor EX only evolved from Scyther EX)

2. EX era cards don't have energy-less attacks

3. Swipe up needs to be re-worded as it stands if you discard a pokémon with 50HP you put 50 damage counters on your opponent's pokémon.

for Celebi, Damage is an effect of an attack
a couple issues

1, a Pokémon can't evolve from multiple Pokémon (ie Scizor EX only evolved from Scyther EX)

2. EX era cards don't have energy-less attacks

3. Swipe up needs to be re-worded as it stands if you discard a pokémon with 50HP you put 50 damage counters on your opponent's pokémon.

for Celebi, Damage is an effect of an attack

1 - See Scizor ex and Blissey ex

2 - Al though it's ex era ..I'm trying to bring it to the DP era

3 - How about you help me there

Edit - Damage isnt count as an effect of attack .. Cause damage aren't prevent by Unown G
*headesk* Sorry I looked at Rocket's Scizor EX

I don't know how to phrase the attack or I would have

and guard:
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Unown G is on your Bench, you may discard all cards attached to Unown G and attach Unown G as a Pokémon Tool card. As long as Unown G is attached to a Pokémon, prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to that Pokémon.

You need to state if you are excluding Damage
Shining Metagross Lv. 79 100 HP [P]

[L][P][P][M] Magnetic Iron Forcefield

Put 5 damage counters on all Pokémon in play. You may discard up to 6 cards from the bottom of your deck. Remove 3 damage counters from any of your Pokémon for each card discarded in this way.

W - [R] x2
R - [P] -20
RC - [C][C][C]
Eevee * 70 HP [C]

Poké-BODY - WhiteRay
As long as Eevee * is your Benched Pokémon, your opponent can't search his or her deck for any card.

[C][C] Cuteness Smash 50
Discard an energy attachedto Eevee *.

W - [F] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C]