Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

N-E-W Texas Spring Batlle Roads 2012

^Tangential, but I'm pretty sure they played it out since they both need points. :tongue:

At any rate, sounds like a real drama fest. Glad that this was the day I chose to skip.

I was being very tounge in cheek in my opening line, since the only reason David made top cut was from two free game scoops. I'm sure Brad played his "A" Game.
Eh, tongue-in-cheek on the internet reads very poorly my friend - especially with "dense" guys like myself! :tongue:
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Perhaps. But for those that were at the tournament and hung around a while after the swiss rounds were over, they'll know exactly what I'm saying.
This is a battle road. The smallest tournament that Pokemon offers. All battle road drama is worthless.

You are what you eat.
Getting back on topic I will be attending the Lubbock Battle roads Wishing everyone the Luck to all of the people in the DFW area for the rest of BR weekend see you Guys on June 27th
GREAT day in Irving yesterday! Big thanks to Epik Cards & Games for hosting, to 3 amazing judges and to all the players (and parents of players) who came yesterday!

And the winner is:

1st: Antonio B
2nd: Dawson T
3rd: Emiliano R
4th: Justin M

1st: Ryan N
2nd: Ryan H
3rd: David M
4th: Brandon S

1st: Brit P
2nd: Austin B
3rd: Keit V
4th: Mike M

Mark you calendars now for next weekend. Saturday is Dallas or Lubbock, Sunday is Crowley. Don't forget the FUN side event (BIG BOY PANTS tournament - rules for deck construction posted on 5/21 by Mob2099) in Cowley. See y'all next weekend!!

If I were still a mod, you would have some time to think about these statements. Accusing someone of gamesmanship and collusion is serious Ron and if you have proof from the parties involved, you should take it to and use the customer line there. In the future, don't air your grievances here as it is inappropriate. I may have taken a self imposed break, but this is way past anything I have seen in a long time.

Good Luck everyone this weekend and Have Fun!!

If I were still a mod, you would have some time to think about these statements. Accusing someone of gamesmanship and collusion is serious Ron and if you have proof from the parties involved, you should take it to and use the customer line there. In the future, don't air your grievances here as it is inappropriate. I may have taken a self imposed break, but this is way past anything I have seen in a long time.

Good Luck everyone this weekend and Have Fun!!

But you're not a Mod, and you weren't even at the Tom Bean tournament. Why bring it to and make this a national issue? The subject has been dead on this thread for almost a week now, so I don't know why you're trying to stir another pot and involve more parties into this. As far as myself and everybody else on this thread is concerned, it's a dead topic. I had my say, and those that were at Tom Bean know what happened, and those that were involved know it was wrong. Topic Over.......

Move On
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I hear that there will be some guests (people who havent been seen in awhile) at a upcomming N_E_W BR. Is there any validity to these rumors?
DARN IT!! Those are tough to play against. Fortunately I haven't had the luxury of playing any of the lower numbered tables to play against one yet. LOL