Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Need a new surname

Here's a list of good last names:

Bin Laden

Hopefully you can find one in that list that you like.:thumb:
Didn't he say he wasn't using "Jordan" anymore.

How about something foreign like "Daisuke" (pronounced die/sue/kae)

. . .

First name I'm changing from Dominic to just Dom because everyone calls me Dom anyway. Current middle name I'm dropping (not gonna mention since I just don't like it and don't use it), current surname Jordan which I don't want as a surname as I don't want to associate with its origins. Although its a nice sounding name I may actually make THAT my middle name instead and create a new surname. I like the idea of something personal but I don't want it to sound cheesy, that's the problem really, finding the middle ground.

Currently I'm leaning towards Excelsior.

Wow, I'm bored. -_-
Iam, as in Iam Awesome.

or moza. im not being egotistical when I say that, ppl always call me that instead of my actual name and always say "its so catchy and original and sexy".

problem fixed.

Miles Edgeworth. BRILLIANT!

Iam, as in Iam Awesome.

or moza. im not being egotistical when I say that, ppl always call me that instead of my actual name and always say "its so catchy and original and sexy".

problem fixed.

Wow for some reason I thought you were dead. Haven't seen you in a while. but as to your statement, that raises the question: What ppl are you hanging out with?
I didn't die, was just banned.

my middle name is miles <3

I hang out with people who aren't hippies/criminals.

McBeth would be a cool name too, or anything with mc in it.
Ugh, why did my post get deleted. It had so many good names on it :(
Dom InacanRep sounds like a good name.