Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

new League NYC

....Forgive me if I sound pessimestic here...Why did you elect for a store on Neck Road when that particular location has a busted Subway station? Correct me if i'm wrong but wouldnt I need to go all the way to Brighton Beach on the Q and then turn around? On another note, I have had some friends who've gone there before and have told me stories of this place. From what i've been told, The owner smokes in the store, he lets his 2 cats roam freely there, and the store's customer service is horrible.

Now, as far as the potential League Fee for this store. I give him credit with his flexibility, though the thing that is strange here is that they are using an idea Kings Games initially had. King's Games wanted to run league and charge us each $5 to use the gameroom, However, paying said fee would garner us a Booster Pack from them. Also, the fact that Neck Road is so close to Kings Highway means that Neck Road league in particular will never be more then just a League as Kings Games has already claimed the Official Tournaments for that area. It also doesnt help that Neck Road's store has a small game room.

Now...considering everything above, the $2-$5 entry fee doesnt balance out the many reasons this store wouldnt work as a league. It isnt accessible (busted stations and sheer distance), allegedly the owner smokes in the store, which is horrible for juniors and seniors, and the game room is small. To me, this sounds like the Brooklyn variant of Heights of Gaming, only Worse.
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the thing is that I AM ORGANIZING IT. Therefore, it will all be good. lol.

But seriously, if you guys dont like the store, dont come.
I personally love going there. There are kids in the back playing Board Games and Video Games all the time!!! With the store owner playing the board games too. sometimes even Candy Land!!
I am sure the neighborhood kiddies will enjoy the League.

I think we ought to work on Boaster Supreme's League OR the earlier plan for you Manhattanites, is to ask Jim Hanley's Universe around34th street to host League Play on Monday Nights (they already have Games Night on that day)

Really, it is for my convenience. It is in walking distance for me. No MTA fee. =)
My friends and family will be able to go to my Bklyn League.
That already is around 7 ppl. Then I am sure neighborhood kiddies will want the Free Promos too.
I told Pokemon OP that we can sit 10 ppl. They are fine with that.
In the entire season (six to eight weeks?), I only expect 20 ppl max (total, not at any one time)

They had a League in the store way back when Base Set came out. Pre-releases and tournaments were held here too, way back! However, since e-Reader and EXs were not popular, the store stopped ordering Pokemon Cards and canceled the League. But now, since Pokemon popularity is back, we can expect a lot of fun. A LOT OF FUN!

For me, this would be comparable to my Fun at Jim Hanley's Universe on Staten Island.
THAT League is FUN, but alas, too far away... a regular 4 ppl show up. up to a max of 14 ppl sometimes. And I am slowly teaching all the Yugioh players how to play Pokemon, thus increasing the pool of players.
They seem to enjoy it.
Even though they can only sit around 10 ppl at a time, we rotate/wait for our turn there.
It works there, and I don’t see why not here!?

The subway station is not too bad. Just transfer. It’s just a normal NYC commuting fact of life. (see my webpage)

You are right. It will only be a League. But we can hold non-sanctioned tournaments for fun! And who will provide the money for prizes? I probably will. Occasionally. ;)

OK. Be positive! =D
It sounds great to me. Whether someone smokes or not is their business, and it won't stop me from attending the league.

I don't find it terrible that it's just a league. It's not like I can afford more than 1 Prerelease anyway!
no one goes to the roc red shark hardly works and how will u meet new platers this is another thing to think

about guys think of how much money u spent on this game and we dont have a official league and u guys

cant add another 3 bucks weekly ive known people who throw down serious cash 4 this game and all the

store is asking 4 is 3 bucks u guys r acting like if it was 10$

Excuse me, but Red Shark works quite well. Are you still using an older version? I beta test Red Shark With Mike I (creator of Red Shark), and it's our duty to release a near perfect version of Red Shark for its release date (just check the thank you page on Red Shark).

Anyway, and like people mentioned, a league that charges for "free" play just doesn't sit well with the majority of Pokemon gamers. Understandably the vendor may need an extra source of revenue, but the Pokemon gamers of New York are much more knowledgeable of their game and know where to play for free, hence why Neutral Ground and Kings games went under.

Play free or go under!
well, an update

We will be playing on SATURDAYS!! from 1 til whenever. (maybe 4?)
and It wont start til I get the supplies.
But definitely saturdays are fine. :) approved!

and just buy a pack (1 for $4, 3 for $10) or something.
we are moving along...
we haven't had a stable league since 02? to 06? when the Pokemon center was still up and it was under Rockefeller center.. Most of the Consistent players that go to tournaments still play at rock.. NG *Neutral Grounds * was a ok spot.. but not a lot of new players came out of it.. just like 3-4 masters that Consistently play with some of the people that go to rock.. I travel for tournaments, NJ, MA, PA, CA, MO, OH, FL, Etc.. so me personally i don't mind traveling for tournaments.... League on the other hand.. its basically has to be in one spot everyone can agree on.. Kings games i had high hopes for them for a while till they charged people and ended my brother and me running league there and they wanting to run it them selfs ..... it sucks when the majority of the players live in the Bronx and Manhattan.. so traveling for Me about 2 hours to kings games is ehh.. Some players live in Brooklyn but obviously Whats best for everyone is if it was in Manhattan. Equal commuting for everyone. I can honestly say.. NY only has Masters players.. We have NO junior players.. and when we did have them they aged up.. to seniors last year/season. and we only have like 2 seniors players.. but one aged up to masters this year =[ *Aziz </3* but averaging out we have been having the past 2-3 weeks at rock.. 15-20 players that show up. so Clean you should show up on Sunday.. give that a chance.. I need to talk to Shwimmer or someone higher to talk about a league in NYC.. maybe Nintendo world can Post up League Posters to advertise a Pokemon league underneath Nintendo world.. *i doubt it tho but its worth a shot.* I'm 100% certain we will have a consistent 25-40 people per week, maybe more.. if that happened. I guess for now Everyone just Show up at Rock and wait till something Comes through.. *This new places on 41st seems interesting.. hopefully it will last..*

I wish I could come consistently, but my parents really don't trust you guys:nonono:. I would if I could, though.
The league website looks great! I will do my best to be there on October 10th (Oct. 3rd is Battle Roads)!

Will there still be Uxies avaliable? :)
I was going to go, but then my mom wouldn't let me because I just recovered from a cold. But I am going next week.
Im just curious, does anyone want it on ANY OTHER day besides saturday?
Just so we cam accommodate other people. There are no express trains during the weekends.
But then there's school for most people during the weekdays.

Take your pick. Pick a weekday. just to see.
I still havent received anything in the mail yet.
well, I was thinking in addition to, not instead of, Saturdays.
like a substitute or make up case I cant make it on certain holidays or weekends

Also, is anyone interested in non-sanctioned tournaments, where prizes(booster packs) go to the top 2? (but those who participate will have to pay 1-2 dollars for prize support only, no profit made by me) =P

lalala, I cant wait to start. Supplies should be coming in a day or two.
Perhaps Wednesdays? I get out at 2:30 so could be there around 4:00. How about just tournaments on Wednesdays?

If I'm already paying, I guess I wouldn't mind paying an extra dollar for a tournament with prizes. I can't wait!
First Day of League Play

Come down to Brooklyn on WEDNESDAY, September 30!
From 3 PM to 6 PM (or maybe even 7PM)

I will be having a special EARLY League Play, for people to just hang out before Battle Roads!
The same rules apply, you need to make a minimum purchase, as usual.
Maybe you really need an Uxie for your deck!!

I will bring the promo Uxie/Snorlax cards.
You can earn one by playing 6-8 rounds.
If you don't already have one, please register online,
or you can wait til I get the correct registration forms...
Also, bring your own deck, trades, etc.

If you wish, also bring a (Base Set to Gym Leaders) OLD deck, to play around with.
I will definitely bring one! Albeit a terribly weak one.

This can be the perfect opportunity for you guys to practice
the Modified format for Battle Roads the following Saturday.
I will bring my Modified deck too. =)

Any questions?

How is your League going, boastersupreme?
And how is Rock going for everyone else?