Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Newer Hurricane

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New Member
People are saying claydol is good but this is the better play.

Pokemon: 21
4-4-4 Feraligatr
2-2 Porygon2
2 Pachurisu
1 Plusle
1 Mawile
1 Unown G

4 Scott
4 Celios
4 Roseannes
4 PoV
2 Copycat
2 Crystal Beach
2 Night Maintenance

16 Water

The strat is to get up gatr to ohko/2hko stuff. Only 2 pachi is not a big deal. Just roseannes or celios to get it out. You basiclly want to bench a porygon, 2 totdiles, and a plusle and build off from there. Stagger the time you evolve totodiles because the power is KEY and using them all at once or when energy are not needed, this could cause some problems in the future. Burn supporters w/ porygon2 very fast and possibly get a garunteed 4 water in your hand(2 roseannes). Plusle will keep energies out of you discard pile and if played right, by the end of the game there should be about 1 energy in your discard pile. Mawile is an additional starter and is used against gardigallade to flip over your opponents prizes. Unown g is to either stop sonic blade or an opponents setup/disruption by stopping their attack.(absol w/ baleful win, furret w/ keen eye.)Crystal beach is to disrupt and get any BF out of the way.

I have tested against gardigallade and the matchup is at least 60-40 in hurricanes favor. All that has to be done is flip their prizes early w/ mawile and hopefully have an unown g attatched to force their windstorm. Follow with crystal beach or an unown again for disruption. Soon you'll have a beach stay in play.
I have played this matchup 5 times. Hurricane has four wins, one loss which was to a t2 gallade+DRE.

This deck is uber good.
I like it. You just need to make a few changes.

-2 Scott (4 is to many, NEVER have more than 2)
+2 Castaway (very helpful to get out basic energy’s)

Doesn't Mawile flip your own prizes?:confused:
I don't play any tools so I think 4 scott is good.

Mawile can either flip your own or your opponents.
Nice idea. I tried it a few weeks before, it does work decently, Claydol just works better.
Only 2-2 porygon 2? And 4-4-4 Gatr? 2 Pacharisu? Might want to straighten out your pokemon line.
There is not enough space to waste 4 spaces for pachurisu. 2-2 is fine for porygon. Same as gatr.

I don't think you tested mawile, unown g or crystal beach though. Makes worlds of a difference.
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Unown g is to either stop sonic blade or an opponents setup/disruption by stopping their attack.(absol w/ baleful win, furret w/ keen eye.)

almost missed this... unown G prevents effects done to the pokemon that it is attached to. It does not stop all effects of the attack, certainly doesn't stop Absol or Furret.

nice deck, I'll test it and compare it with the claydol version. Both mawile and unown g are good counters for gallade though.
There is not enough space to waste 4 spaces for pachurisu. 2-2 is fine for porygon. Same as gatr.

I don't think you tested mawile, unown g or crystal beach though. Makes worlds of a difference.

The lack of space was my point. Even using two supporters per turn, you won't gather enough cards to make for a powerful attack, unless you get really lucky. Using 3 supporters you can, but you only have 12 supporters for that purpose in this deck, meaning that you will run out of them in 4 turns if you do that. And with only a 2-2 line, you run a 40% chance of prizing one of them and leaving yourself without enough draw power. And even if you only use 1 Porygon 2, you will still run out of draw/search for energy cards in 6 turns (don't try to tell me 1 steven's is going to set you up, you and I both know better). As I said, nice idea, but it doesn't work as well as Claydol

I use 1 mawile in my Hurricane as well, its nice for emergencies. Crystal Beach could work well, particularly since you have 4 scott in here. Unown g is useless in this deck.
I consistantly get the ko every turn for the first 2 gallades/gardy and usually 2hko the others later on in the game. Running out of supporters late game can cause a problem but if your opponent has an average size hand, copycat can suffice. Remember playing the croconaws at the right time is key, late game is where the power can be very important and the plusle gets you two energies(garunteed 40). Alot of energies may not be necessary, just use breaking tail. It may not sound feasible but evrything falls into place. Sparta, mawile is used as an alternate starter against gardigallade not emergengy but I don't think I understand what you mean by that. If running out of search is what you are worried about, drop a scott and pachi for 2 PETM. I am done explaining myself here.
I consistantly get the ko every turn for the first 2 gallades/gardy and usually 2hko the others later on in the game. Running out of supporters late game can cause a problem but if your opponent has an average size hand, copycat can suffice. Remember playing the croconaws at the right time is key, late game is where the power can be very important and the plusle gets you two energies(garunteed 40). Alot of energies may not be necessary, just use breaking tail. It may not sound feasible but evrything falls into place. Sparta, mawile is used as an alternate starter against gardigallade not emergengy but I don't think I understand what you mean by that. If running out of search is what you are worried about, drop a scott and pachi for 2 PETM. I am done explaining myself here.

Saving Croc for late game means you don't have Gatr's to fight with. Saving Crocs is foolish at best.
Constant ko every turn against a deck that shuts off your powers and uses those supporters you discard so carelessly? Yeah, ok, keep telling yourself that.
After 6 times of using porygon, you're done. You aren't goint to get a KO every turn vs G&G (state what every you want, the fact is that you are not going to get 7 energy cards every turn unless ur a bloody donkey), and unlike Claydol, you have no ability to continure drawing and setting up once you are out of supporters.

Drop the TSD for another Plusle, having that guy out is really crucial, since one of your pokemon bieng knocked out means that you get a +40 on your next attack, possibly causing your opponent to pause, wondering how much death you can reign upon them when you go night night.
The plusle almost seems like it would be easy Bring Down bait. With no way for Feraligatr to spread damage, with every basic in G&G having 60HP or above (unless you are using the old ralts), it would be a free prize whenever they wanted it.

i guess you could attach the unown g to it, which would make it immune to bring down, but they could always windstorm that too.
But if they bring down Plusle then they are leaving their own Gardi level X wide open to any counterattack you might make. Hopefully a good Gatr build would be able to OHKO her back though of course the state of play could make that difficult or even impossible.
Scott + Porygon2 is the engine by which the deck works, so no. If you Scott for the turn, you get 3 supporters, possibly all 3 of which you can use that turn. If you Castaway, you only get 1 supporter.

The problem with Porygon2 is that it's really fast but runs out of steam in about 3-5 turns. Once you run out of supporters to for you. The only way to prevent that is to run Volbeat/Illumise, which is a waste of space just to keep your engine running, and is Bring Down bait. Not to mention it helps out Telepass a lot.
Why not try gardivoir freligator, bring down helps and you can use 2 supporters everyturn to get lots of energy in your hand
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